
  • 网络VTs;vessel traffic service;vessel traffic management system;vtms
  1. 采用系统工程的方法对船舶交通管理系统(VTS)进行综合评价。

    This paper discusses the adoption of a system engineering method of evaluating VTS system plans .

  2. 系统工程学在船舶交通管理系统研究中的应用

    Application of system engineering in VTS development

  3. 船舶交通管理系统(VTS,VesselTrafficservices)是一种旨在改善船舶交通安全、效率,保护海上环境的服务系统。

    VTS ( Vessel Traffic Services ) system is aimed at improving vessel traffic safety , efficiency and protecting seas environment .

  4. 随着我国航运事业的快速发展,港口船舶交通管理系统(VESSELTRAFFICSERVICE,VTS)获得了广泛的应用。

    With the rapid development of the shipping industry in our country , VTS ( Vessel Traffic Service ) system has been widely applied in the ports .

  5. 船舶交通管理系统雷达双重自适应门限CFAR检测器设计与分析

    Double-adaptive-threshold CFAR detector for VTS radar signal processor

  6. 本文对我国近二十年船舶交通管理系统(VTS)的建设进行系统的工程后评价,较全面地介绍了我国VTS工程建设的基本情况。

    The systematical project post evaluation of VTSs established in recent 20 years in China is described in this paper .

  7. 智能船舶交通管理系统(I-VTS,IntelligentVesselTrafficService)是在当代科学技术充分发展进步的背景下产生的,旨在将先进的计算机技术、通信技术等应用于船舶交通管理中。

    I-VTS ( Intelligent Vessel Traffic Service ) come into being with the background of fully development of modem science and technology . It aims at applying the advanced computer technology and communication technology in the management of vessel traffic .

  8. 本课题源于宜昌海事局宜昌船舶交通管理系统工程枝城大桥站和巴东站项目中的CCTV监控技术。

    The issue is from CCTV monitoring technology that is a part of the project obout Zhicheng Bridge Station and Badong station of Yichang Vessel Traffic Management Systems Engineering of Yichang Maritime Bureau .

  9. 船舶交通管理系统(VTS)是由主管机关实施的,用于提高船舶交通安全和效率及保护环境的服务。

    Vessel traffic management system & a service implemented by a Competent Authority , designed to improve the safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment .

  10. 船舶交通管理系统(VTS)是由一个法定机关执行的,旨在改善船舶交通的安全和效率并且保护环境的一种服务。

    Vessel Traffic Services ( VTS ) is a service implemented by a Competent Authority , designed to improve safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment .

  11. 雷达信号采集系统,作为VTS(船舶交通管理系统)的子模块,是VTS系统的核心单元,更是集成化VTS系统的核心技术。

    Radar signal acquisition system , as the VTS ( Vessel Traffic Management System ) sub-module is the core unit of VTS system , it is the core technology of VTS system .

  12. 今年5月我国已在长江口和珠江口组建了AIS网络,主要用于船舶交通管理系统,在其他方面的拓展应用还很少。

    The AIS network was built on the Changjiang and zhujiang in our country in the May this year , mainly applying in ship traffic management system , but there is little application in other fields .

  13. 但是船舶交通管理系统(VTS)和雷达(APRA)无法直接识别目标的问题日益突出,船舶自动识别系统应运而生。

    However , Vessel Traffic Service ( VTS ) and APRA can not recognize the target directly which becomes an increasingly serious problem for us .

  14. 近年来,船舶交通管理系统(VTS)中雷达、船舶自动识别系统(AIS)、电子海图信息显示系统(ECDIS)等智能化的监控设备在内河海事监管中得到积极应用。

    In recent years , vessel traffic management system ( VTS ) radar , automatic identification system ( AIS ), electronic chart display information system ( ECDIS ) and other intelligent monitoring equipment have been used in inland river is maritime supervision .

  15. 因此,我国的VTS系统迫切的需要得到新的突破,新的发展。如今,专家系统、地理信息系统、人工智能等智能控制技术的广泛应用,使构建智能化船舶交通管理系统变得可能。

    Therefore , VTS system needs new development and new break urgently in China . Nowadays , wide using of intellectual control technology such as expert system , geography information system , artificial intelligence , construction of intellectual ship traffic management system is possible .

  16. 随着航运业的不断发展,我国有越来越多的港口相继建立了船舶交通管理系统(简称VTS),其主要作用是在其水域内保障船舶航行安全,提高船舶航行效率,避免环境遭受污染。

    With the development of the shipping industry , our country has established more and more vessel traffic service ( VTS ) in ports . Its function are : ensuring safety of navigation of vessels , improving the efficiency of vessel navigation and prohibiting the circumstances being polluted .

  17. 船舶交通管理系统(VTS)自在世界各国投入运行以来,明显的提高了交通安全和交通效率,保护沿岸环境,取得了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    The building and running of the Vessel Traffic System ( VTS ) in the countries all over the world have been improved the safety of water traffic and efficiency , and have protected the environment of water area , which has taken great benefits to public and economy .

  18. 这是第一代船舶交通管理系统。

    This is the first generation of vessel traffic management system .

  19. 船舶交通管理系统中的分布式数据库管理

    Distributed database management system applied in the vessel traffic service system

  20. 世界已有150多个不同规模的船舶交通管理系统。

    The world has more than 150 different sizes of vessel traffic management system .

  21. 船舶交通管理系统模拟器雷达信号源的设计

    Radar moving target generator designed for VTS simulator

  22. 厦门港船舶交通管理系统的初探

    A VTS for the Harbour of Xiamen

  23. 港口船舶交通管理系统等级定量划分方法的探讨

    A Method for Quantitative Determination of the Levels of Vessel Traffic Management System in Harbour

  24. 船舶交通管理系统数据交换格式

    SYSTEM Vessel Traffic Service Data Exchange Format

  25. 船舶交通管理系统的费用&效益分析

    Cost-Benefit Analysis of Vessel Traffic Service

  26. 港口是交通运输的枢纽,在我国社会主义建设事业中具有非常重要的作用,随着水上交通的发展,在我国的一些港口建立船舶交通管理系统是势在必行。

    Habour , the hub of transportation , plays a very important role in the socialist construction of China .

  27. 使用事故相对减少次数的概念,使得我国港口船舶交通管理系统数据部分的数学模型具有可行性和客观性。

    VTS data processing model based on the concept of relative reduction of number of accidents is feasible and objective .

  28. 对我国港口船舶交通管理系统提出建设后评测和分析的方案,规范并统一评测标准。

    This paper proposes an estimate and analysis method , and gives a consistent estimate standard and sets up a VTS estimate frame .

  29. 本文讨论了船舶交通管理系统微波信息传输子系统中对雷达窄脉冲视频信号进行频带压缩处理的必要性和可能性。

    The necessity and possibility of compressing radar narrow pulse video signal bandwidths in a microwave information transfer sub-system of VTMS is discussed in this article .

  30. 船舶交通管理系统应至少包括信息服务,并可包括其它服务,如助航服务、交通组织服务和联合行动服务。

    VTS should comprise at least an information service and may also include others , such as a navigational assistance service or a traffic organization service , allied service .