
chuán shǒu
  • bow;stem;prow;backbone
船首 [chuán shǒu]
  • [bow] 船的两侧向内弯曲到船头处为止的部位

  • 船首灯

船首[chuán shǒu]
  1. 5月15日前后,新船的龙骨已经搁在造船所了;不久,船首材和船尾材也已用榫头分别接在龙骨的两头,几乎直立起来。

    About the15th of May the keel of the new vessel lay along the dockyard , and soon the stem and stern-post , mortised at each of its extremities , rose almost perpendicularly .

  2. 海水在船首下面泛起浪花。

    The sea water foams under the bow .

  3. 令人感到神秘独特的是这个“船首房”(TheBowRoom),发布会上被称为是一个“只接受预订的神秘粉色绿洲”。

    More elusive and exclusive is The Bow Room , a " hidden reservations-only pink oasis , " as described the press release .

  4. Ro-Ro船首门砰击载荷设计值的确定

    Determination of Design Slamming Loads on Bow Doors for Ro-Ro Ships

  5. 本文主要根据上海交通大学水池近几年船模试验研究的结果,初步总结了CB约为0.8的丰满船船首形状对静水阻力的影响。

    Based on the research results through model tests in the Shanghai Jiao-tung University during past several years , the influence of bow shape on the calm water resistance of full ship forms with block coefficients around 0.8 is investigated .

  6. 测量结果表明,船首波与傅汝德数Fr及船首形状关系极大。

    As is indicated from the measuring data , the bow waves depend strongly on the Froude number and configuration of the bow .

  7. 最终,一艘带有镀金船首的游艇朝向滑铁卢桥(waterloobridge)驶来:当天的皇家游艇thespiritofchartwell。

    Eventually , a river cruiser with a gilded bow headed towards our perch on Waterloo Bridge : the spirit of Chartwell , Royal barge for the day .

  8. 讨论了雷达触发信号、船首信号的电平变换电路及视频信号的A/D变换电路,并重点讨论了实现雷达信号数字采集接口设计中CPLD逻辑设计和DSP软件设计。

    The level convert circuit of triggering pulse signal and ship heading signal , and radar video signal A / D convert circuit are also discussed . The CPLD logical design and DSP software design is presented .

  9. 帕尔默说,泰坦尼克II号区别于泰坦尼克最大的地方就是在水位线下焊接了(不是铆接)球形艏门以提高燃料的工作效率,扩张船舵和船首推进器的尺寸,使其更便于操作控制。

    The most obvious changes from the original Titanic would be below the water line , including welding rather than rivets , a bulbous bow for greater fuel efficiency and enlarged rudder and bow thrusters for increased maneuverability , Palmer said .

  10. Minorsky公式和Paik的修正公式可以估算船体碰撞吸能,然而,他们未考虑到船首瘦削程度以及船侧纵桁、强横框架等强构件对碰撞损伤的影响,本文对其进行了修正。

    However , they do not consider the effect of bow curvature , side girder and transverse frame on collision damage , and the paper revises them .

  11. 嵌入式软件是在KEIL集成环境下用C语言及汇编语言编写并调试的,主要包括了嵌入式软件的总体框架,视频信号数据通过GPIF接口控制传输程序,触发信号、方位信号及船首信号的产生程序。

    The microcontroller embedded programming is base on the KEIL and use C and assembly language for programming , The software developed includes the modules of the software framework , the GPIF transfer part and trigger , bearing , and heading mark generation program .

  12. 对于卷曲预应力钢,在展开一段钢丝或钢绞线之后,除非在相应的欧洲技术认可有规定,否则其最大船首高度必须符合EN10138规定。

    P For coiled prestressing tendons , after uncoiling a length of wire or strand the maximum bow height shall comply with EN10138 unless given in an appropriate European Technical Approval .

  13. ARPA符号包括包括固定距标圈、活动距标圈、电子方位线、警戒圈、船首线、PI线、已录取目标的矢量线以及历史航迹(或PAD)、试操船符号等。

    ARPA marks consist of fixed range marker , variable range marker , electronic bearing line , guard zone , heading-line , parallel index ( 4 navigation lines ), vector lines ( or PAD ) and past track information of tracked target ships , marks of trial manoeuvres , ect .

  14. 船首斜桁张索固定板GB/T2531-1981热交换器固定板用黄铜板

    Bowsprit shroud plate Copper sheets for fixing boards in heat exchangers

  15. 船首区域的缆桩数目?

    What is the number of bitts in the bow area ?

  16. 船首高度的概率统计研究

    A Study of Minimum Ship 's Bow Height by Probabilitic Method

  17. 船首底部砰击强度的可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of Slamming Strength of the Bottom Near the Bow

  18. 船首有几个传感器已经失灵了。

    I 'm already detecting several failed sensors on the bow .

  19. 船长命令在船首船尾都挂旗

    The captain ordered two flag to be placed fore and aft

  20. 配有两个汽笛,一个船首,一个船尾。

    Two whistles are fitted , one forward and one aft.

  21. 他站在船首看着大海。

    He stands on the prow looking at the sea .

  22. 国际载重线公约修正案船首高度公式研究

    Development of Bow Height Formula for Amendments of LL Convention

  23. 船首下沉,船尾就翅起。

    So now as the bow goes down , the stern rises up

  24. 散货船船首总段整体吊装强度有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on Strength of Bulk Carrier Bow Block in Integral Assembly

  25. 有两至三根桅杆的离船首最近的桅杆。

    The mast nearest the bow in vessels with two or more masts .

  26. 我们看到船首有灯光闪烁。

    We saw the wink at the ships bow .

  27. 船首斜桁张索固定板固定管板式热交换器

    Bowsprit shroud plate fixed tube sheet type heat exchanger

  28. 她的体力正在慢慢衰竭。船首外漂遇浪冲击力

    She is slowly wearing away . bow flare impact

  29. 被沉积物包裹着的船首显现在潜艇上的强烈灯光下。

    The sediment-encrusted bow emerges in high-intensity lights trained on it by submersibles .

  30. 可靠性理论在船首底板砰击强度分析中的应用

    Reliability of ship bottom plates under slamming impact pressures