
dì wù
  • surface features;culture feature;man-made surface features of a region
地物 [dì wù]
  • [surface features;man-made surface features of a region] 地表面的固定性物体(包括自然形成和人工建造的)。例如,居民点、道路、江河、树林、建筑物等。不同的地物对军队战斗行动有着不同的影响

地物[dì wù]
  1. 文章在研究了虚拟场景中地形、地物、以及二者之间匹配技术的基础上建模并实现三维虚拟场景的仿真。

    Based on the study of the terrain , surface features , as well as the matching between the two , this paper realizes modeling and simulation of the 3-D virtual scene system .

  2. 由于成像过程中,受遥感器空间分辨率的限制以及复杂地物的影响,高光谱图像中存在着包含多种地物的混合像元,阻碍了遥感技术向地物定量化研究的深入发展。

    But affected by the limitation of remote sensor spatial resolution and the complex surface features in imaging process , there are mixed pixels with a variety of surface features in hyperspectral images . It hinders the depth development of quantificational remote sensing .

  3. SPOT数据反演地物辐射亮度和反射率的基础研究

    Study on Inversion of Radiance and Reflectivity with SPOT Data

  4. 长对角线法实现GIS中矢量地图面状地物汉字注记的自动配置

    Automatic Placement of GIS Vector Map Annotation in Area Feature by Long-Diagonal

  5. SAR图像弱反射地物边缘提取方法

    Method of Edge Extraction of Small Reflection Object in SAR Image

  6. 高分辨率SAR图像地物分类算法研究

    An Algorithm of Extended Terrain Classification in High Resolution SAR Images

  7. SAR辐射定标中的地物杂波抑制方法

    Clutter Rejection Method in SAR Radiometric Calibration

  8. 研究了SAR数据的地物和目标分类。

    Classification of Ground scene and target for SAR image is studied in the thesis .

  9. 提出了一种基于改进后的BP人工神经网络的地物影像的多波段光谱识别新方法。

    A new method for multi-wave band spectrum recognition of landmark images is suggested using improved BP network .

  10. TM卫片上带状地物面积误差研究

    The Study on Errors of Area for Belt-Spot using TM satellite Film

  11. 一种基于光谱知识库的TM影像地物识别方法

    A New Algorithm of Object Recognition Based on Spectral Library for TM Images

  12. 在Catalog工作模式下实现目标地物特征类的定制。

    At the Catalog mode , we customize the target object feature class .

  13. GIS支持下地物BRDF卫星遥感研究

    Satellite Remote Sensing Study of Ground Surface Feature BRDF under GIS Holding

  14. 合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,SAR)图像分割的目的是从复杂的地物场景中提取和识别特定的目标。

    The aim of Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) images segmentation is extracting and detecting specific targets from complex ground scene .

  15. 3S集成野外地物几何空间信息实时获取

    3S Integrated Real-time Access to Geometric Features and Space Information in Field

  16. 将遥感技术与GIS技术相结合,建立一种用于人造地物目标管理的地理信息系统。

    A geographic information system for managing artificial geographical objects based on integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques is presented in this paper .

  17. 利用MODIS图像反演海岸与海岛的地物光谱反射率

    Retrieval of the Reflectance Along Coast Zone and Island with MODIS Image

  18. 基于CAD的等高线遇地物自动断开新方法研究

    A Study of the New Method for Automatic Breaking-off the AutoCAD - based Contour at the Point Where A Ground Object is in the Way

  19. 基于MODIS的LAI时间序列谱的地物分类方法研究

    The study of land type classification technology based on time-series Lai of MODIS

  20. MODIS数据在测量地物辐射亮度和反射率特性中的应用

    Application of MODIS Data to Determine the Reflectivity and Emissivity of Ground Object

  21. 通过对地物偏振二向性反射比测量装置原理和结构的分析,阐述了用C语言开发的地物偏振二向性反射性测量装置的工作过程。

    By analyzing the principle and structure of the object , this paper introduce the whole process of developing the measuring device of bi - directional polarization reflection value with C language .

  22. 对地形的查询建立在DEM数据结构基础上,而对地物的查询主要是采用ADO技术连接地物的属性数据实现查询。

    The queries about terrain were based on DEM , but the queries objects were realized by ADO .

  23. 然而,利用SPOT数据进行地物辐射亮度和反射率的测量也有其高空间分辨率的优势,可以更精细地分辨各类地物的细节,降低混合像元对于定标分析的影响,提高定量遥感分析的准确度。

    However , using SPOT high spatial resolution data can distinguish the ground objects efficiently in detail and improve the accuracy of radiometric calibration and quantification of remote sensing .

  24. SAR图像和光学遥感图像所反映的地物信息差别很大,影像融合技术能综合二者信息,发挥出更大优势。

    SAR image carries information quite different from optical image ; Image fusion can combine the two types of information together , making them more useful .

  25. 大面积数字化成图DTM建立与地物编辑的方法研究

    The DTM Establishing and Geo-objects Editing Method Research in Large Area Digital Mapping

  26. 对于宗地周界无明显地貌或固定地物的情况,经常需要依据手持GPS采集宗地拐点坐标进行宗地界线的确定。

    As for the area without obvious geographical character and fixed features , it is quite often to determine regional boundaries according to the collected turning coordinates from handheld GPS .

  27. 基于Min-Max算子的遥感影像线状地物提取

    Linear Object Extraction of Remote Sensing Image Based on Min-Max Operator

  28. 由于SAR系统具有不同于光学传感器的成像机理,因而可以提供全新的数据获取手段和不同的地物信息。

    Because of the different imaging pattern and imaging mechanism compared with optical sensor , SAR system could provide brand-new means to acquire data and different object information .

  29. 通过实验,可知Hopfield神经网络在学习样本少时,也能够输出分辨率相对较高的地物目标信息。

    When there are only few learning samples , Hopfield Nerve Net can also output object information with higher resolution .

  30. 本文提出了用于地物分类的ZS区域生长法,并据以对东洞庭湖卫星照片(简称卫片)进行了地物分类实验研究。

    ZS region growing method is proposed for surface feature classification .