
  • 网络song and yuan dynasties
  1. 论宋元时期的文章学

    On the Learning of Essay Writing in Song and Yuan Dynasties

  2. 宋元时期江苏私学述论

    Study on the Private Education of Jiangsu in Song and Yuan Dynasties

  3. 宋元时期中国民间的色彩民俗

    On the Color Folk during Sone and Yuan Dynasty in China

  4. 宋元时期的常熟文学

    Changshu Literature in the Period of the Song and Yuan Dynasties

  5. 宋元时期陕南地区农业开发研究

    Research on Agriculture Development in South Shaanxi during Song and Yuan Dynasties

  6. 宋元时期广东与海外的丝绸贸易

    Guangdong 's Foreign Trade in Silk during the Song and Yuan Periods

  7. 宋元时期的家庭教育

    The home schooling in the dynasties of Song and Yuan

  8. 宋元时期食品中明矾的应用

    The Application of Alum to Food in the Song and Yuan Dynasties

  9. 固态法蒸馏酒技术完善于宋元时期。

    The solid state liquor produced in the Tang Dynasty .

  10. 宋元时期有关货币本质问题的认识及其深化

    The Understanding of the Nature of Currency in the Song and Yuan Dynasties

  11. 宋元时期山东区域文化的地位和影响

    The Status and Influence of Shandong Regional Culture in Song and Yuan Dynasties

  12. 宋元时期中国与朝鲜半岛的瓷器交流

    Porcelain Exchange between China and the Korea Peninsula in Song and Yuan Dynasties

  13. 包佃产生于汉代,广泛发展于宋元时期。

    The Tenancy system originated in Han Dynasty and spread widely in Song Dynasty .

  14. 在宋元时期是近代汉语语音发展的重要时期。

    The Song dynasty and Yuan dynasty witnessed noticeable development of modern Chinese phonetics .

  15. 略论宋元时期石湾陶瓷艺术的发展

    On the Development of Shiwan 's Ceramic Art During the Song and Yuan Dynasties

  16. 传统的嬗变&对宋元时期山水画的再认识

    Evolvement of the Tradition , Re-recognition of the Landscape of the Song and Yuan Dynasties

  17. 戏曲在宋元时期已经形成,到明清时期形成发展高峰。

    Opera came into being during Song-Yuan period and got its peak during Ming-Qing period .

  18. 它始于宋元时期,盛于乾隆、嘉庆年间;

    It was originated from Song and Yuan Dynasties and flourished in Qianlong and Jiaqing Periods .

  19. 宋元时期,社会音乐文化逐步下移。

    In the Song and Yuan Dynasties , the social status of music culture suffered a degradation .

  20. 宋元时期,古代水能利用进入全盛阶段。

    During the Song and Yuan Periods , the utilization of water energy entered its golden age .

  21. 五代宋元时期古都长安商业的兴衰演变

    Commercial Prosper and Decline of Ancient Capital Chang'an in The Five Dynasties Period and Song Yuan Dynasties

  22. 魏晋至宋元时期中国山水画思想观念研究

    Study of Ideas and Opinions in Chinese Landscape Painting from Wei , Jin to Song , Yuan Dynasties

  23. 从宋元时期用韵材料看吴语中的-n、-η韵尾相押

    A Study of - n and - η Rhymes in Wu Dialect during the Song and Yuan Dynasties

  24. 从汉代至宋元时期,道教逐步建立了一套完善的养生方法和思想理论体系。

    Up to Song & Yuan dynasty , Taolism built a series of ways and theories on preserve health .

  25. 宋元时期,书院的发展受官府以及官学的影响比较小,而南阳地区以其独特地形,使其相对远离政治中心。

    In the dynasties of Song and Yuan , the development of academy was influented a little by the government .

  26. 第四章:宋元时期儒道禅对画家审美趣味的影响。

    Chapter IV : The effect of Confucianism to the artists ' aesthetic taste during the Song and Yuan Dynasties .

  27. 中国的封建主义在之后的五代十国和宋元时期越发处于优势地位。

    Chinese feudalism experienced the later period of its ascendancy during the Five Dynasties , the Song and the Yuan .

  28. 此外,笔者还对各类广告形式在宋元时期的发展状况做了分析和总结。

    Moreover , I have analyzed and summarized the development of all kinds of advertisement during Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty .

  29. 海南道教最早出现于唐代,勃兴于宋元时期。

    In Hainan , Taoism made its first appearance in the Tang dynasty and thrived in the Song and Yuan dynasties .

  30. 皮影自宋元时期传入唐山,15世纪形成了较完整的艺术形式。

    Shadow Play was introduced into Tangshan since Song and Yuan dynasty and formed the relatively complete art form in the15th century .