
  • 网络James Soong;James Chu-yu Soong;James Soong Chu-yu;James C.Y. Soong
  1. 政党仅只植根于宋楚瑜的个人魅力;

    The party is only being built on personal magic power in James Soong ;

  2. 连战和宋楚瑜访问大陆期间,他们对大陆的巨大变化感到惊叹。

    During their the mainland , Lien Chan and James Soong the great changes here .

  3. 宋楚瑜:让我来回答你的问题。

    Soong : My I try to answer your question .

  4. 宋楚瑜答:我可以先回答吗?

    Soong : May I answer the question first ?

  5. 宋楚瑜:你有查证过才引用这个数字吗?

    Soong : Did you take that figure as such because you have verified that number ?

  6. 宋楚瑜答:顺便一提,我希望我可以补充说,我没有跟汤部长见面或联络。

    Soong : By the way , I wish to want to add that I didn 't meet or contact with Gen.

  7. 若宋楚瑜再次败选,那么他可能无心继续参与2008年的台湾地方领导人选举,并就此逐渐淡出台湾政坛,从而使建立在宋楚瑜个人魁力基础上的亲民党有逐渐泡沫化的可能。

    If James Soong fails again , he may be not take part in again 2008 leader election and gradually fade out the Taiwanese political arena , make PFP on the foundation of personal magic power disappear .