
  • 网络US Defence Secretary;United States Secretary of Defense;Secretary of defense;SECDEF
  1. 或许,美国国防部长罗伯特•盖茨(RobertGates)本人不会为此感到担忧。

    Robert Gates , US defence secretary , may not be personally worried .

  2. 2007年,中国军方黑客曾渗透进五角大楼(pentagon)内供美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)使用的电脑网络。

    In 2007 , Chinese military hackers penetrated the Pentagon computer network serving Robert Gates , the US defence secretary .

  3. 不过,正如美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)所言,外国政府仍必须与美国合作。

    However , as defence secretary Robert Gates has pointed out , foreign governments still have to work with the US .

  4. 今年6月,时任美国国防部长的罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)承诺,美国将向亚太区派遣更多军舰。

    In June , Robert Gates , then US Secretary of defence , pledged Washington would send more ships to the region .

  5. 但与此同时,美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)却毫无耐性,宣称普天间迁址问题毫无商量余地,并要求迅速实施。

    In the meantime , Robert Gates , US defence secretary , has been anything but patient , branding the Futenma relocation non-negotiable and demanding its swift implementation .

  6. 今年6月,中国军方侵入了美国国防部长罗伯特•盖茨(RobertGates)政策顾问使用的一个非保密网络,这使五角大楼不寒而栗。

    The Chinese military sent a shiver down the Pentagon 's spine in June by hacking into an unclassified network used by policy advisers to Robert Gates , defence secretary .

  7. 五角大楼承认,当时关闭了部分为美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)办公室服务的计算机系统,但拒绝表示他们认为谁是此次攻击的幕后人物。

    The Pentagon acknowledged shutting down part of a computer system serving the office of Robert Gates , defence secretary , but declined to say who it believed was behind the attack .

  8. 但前美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)在今年离职前不久表示,他认为可能不得不削减该战机的“采购规模”。

    But Robert Gates , the former defence secretary , said just before leaving office this year that he thought " the size of the buy " might have to be cut .

  9. 美国国防部长利昂帕内塔(leonpanetta)在访问东京期间呼吁日中双方“冷静和克制”。

    Leon Panetta , US defence secretary , called for " calm and restraint " from both sides during a visit to Tokyo .

  10. 自去年6月黑客成功侵入美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)使用的非保密网络并窃取数据以来,五角大楼对网络领域与日俱增的威胁变得尤其敏感。

    The Pentagon has become especially sensitive to the growing threat from cyberspace since last June , when hackers successfully penetrated and stole data from the unclassified network serving Robert Gates , the US defence secretary .

  11. 奥巴马在白宫新闻发布会上对此事一笔带过,但美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(RobertGates)就没有这么圆滑了,在半公开的场合说出了美国官员私下一直在说的话。

    Mr Obama glossed over the affair at their White House press conference . Robert Gates , the US defence secretary , was less diplomatic , saying semi-publicly what US officials have been whispering in private .

  12. 尽管最近中美军事关系不断升温,在美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)本月早些时候访问北京期间,这一关系似乎稳定地走上了正轨,但仍发生了此次出人意料的事件。

    The unexpected move comes in spite of the recent warming of Sino-US military ties , which appeared firmly on track during a visit to Beijing by Robert Gates , US defence secretary , earlier this month .

  13. 查克•哈格尔(ChuckHagel)已辞去美国国防部长职务。疲于应付世界各地危机的美国国家安全领导班子经受了重大改组。

    Chuck Hagel has resigned as defence secretary in a major shake-up to a US national security team that has been beset by crises around the world .

  14. 最新的例子是美国国防部长阿什顿卡特(AshtonCarter)上周访问越南,承诺将帮助越南海军购买美国的巡逻艇。

    The latest example was the trip to Vietnam last week by Ashton Carter , US defence secretary , who pledged US patrol craft to the Vietnamese navy .

  15. 寻求关闭关塔那摩监狱的美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)上周向国会表示,“极其坦白的回答”是,有3个因素导致五角大楼“进退两难”。

    Robert Gates , the US defence secretary who has sought to close the prison , last week told Congress that the " brutally frank answer " was the Pentagon was " stuck " because of three factors .

  16. 美国国防部长DonaldH-Rumsfeld称,正与伊拉克军方展开直接对话,以期能够避免“全面武力和硝烟的战争”。

    Defense Secretary Donald H.Rumsfeld said direct talks were taking place with Iraqi forces and it was possible the " full force and fury of a war " could be averted .

  17. 果然如他所言,中国军方透露刚刚完成新式隐形战斗机歼20的首次试飞,这个消息给美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)访华蒙上了阴影。

    True to his words , the military disclosed that it had just conducted its first test flight of a new stealth fighter , the j-20 overshadowing a visit to Beijing by Robert Gates , the US defence secretary .

  18. 中国军方周一打开大门接待美国国防部长哈格尔(ChuckHagel),为这位美国最高防务官员提供了一次难得的参观中国新航空母舰的机会。

    China 's military opened its doors on Monday to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel , offering America 's top defense official a rare look at its new aircraft carrier .

  19. 新任美国国防部长帕内特(LeonPanetta)称,尽管国防部面临预算压力,他将确保美国的军队是世界上最强大的。

    The new American Defence Secretary Leon Panetta says he 'll make sure the United States military remains the " strongest " in the world , despite pressure on its budget .

  20. 美国国防部长哈格尔(ChuckHagel)在一份声明中说,这一里程碑的实现明确地向整个地区展示美日联盟能够应对复杂、困难的问题。

    ' Reaching this milestone is a clear demonstration to the region that the alliance is capable of handling complex , difficult problems , ' said Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in a statement .

  21. 美国国防部长RobertsGates最近展开的调查,令美国取消了部分未来战斗系统项目,这个庞大的军队现代化项目最主要的承包商就是BAE。

    The review recently undertaken by Robert Gates , America 's defence secretary , resulted in the cancellation of part of the Future Combat Systems programme , a big army-modernisation project for which BAE is a prominent contractor .

  22. 就在飓风桑迪来袭之前,美国国防部长莱昂帕内塔(LeonPanetta)访问纽约,并警告称黑客正在将目标对准化工设施和水、电网。

    Leon Panetta , defence secretary , visited New York a couple of months ago - just before Sandy hit - and warned that hackers are now targeting chemical infrastructure and water and electrical grids .

  23. 在河内举行的东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)国防部长会议上,中国国防部长梁光烈邀请美国国防部长罗伯特·盖茨访问中国。

    US Defense Secretary Invited to Visit China At the ASEAN Defense Ministers meeting in Hanoi , Chinese Minister of Defense Liang Guanglie invited his U.S. counterpart Defense Secretary Robert Gates to visit China , in what seems like an easing of military tensions in the region .

  24. 这里是VOA特别英语事实新闻。美国国防部长罗伯特·盖茨表示,历史将会评判伊拉克战争是不是公正的。

    United States Fighting Operations in Iraq Officially End This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English . American Defense Secretary Robert Gates says history will judge whether the war in Iraq was .

  25. 上周末,在中国发表声明几小时之后,美国国防部长查克?哈格尔(ChuckHagel)发表一份措辞强硬的声明,谴责中国做出“一种不利于稳定的企图,目的是改变地区现状”。

    Chuck Hagel , the US defence secretary , issued a strongly-worded statement within hours of the Chinese announcement at the weekend , accusing China of launching " a destabilising attempt to alter the status quo in the region . "

  26. 周末,美国国防部长查克哈格尔(ChuckHagel)呼吁印度发挥其作为地区大国的更大作用,并分别与日本和韩国、日本和澳大利亚举行盟国间的三方会晤。

    At the weekend , Chuck Hagel , US secretary of defence , called for India to play a bigger role as a regional power and held trilateral meetings with allies Japan and South Korea , as well as Japan and Australia .

  27. 哈蒙德今日将在华盛顿与美国国防部长利昂帕内塔(leonpanetta)举行首次会晤,届时他将发表讲话,称“保持全球贸易要道的自由、开放和畅通”符合所有国家的利益。

    As he prepares to hold his first meeting in Washington today with Leon Panetta , US defence secretary , Mr Hammond will say in a speech it is in the interests of all nations " that the arteries of Global trade are kept free , opening and running " .

  28. 曾在1973年到1975年担任美国国防部长的施莱辛格同意这种观点。

    Former Secretary of Defense [ 1973-75 ] James Schlesinger agrees .

  29. 首先,我们关注美国国防部长查克·哈格尔的辞职。

    First up , U.S.Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is resigning .

  30. 美国国防部长的办公室在什么建筑里?

    The U.S. Defense secretary 's office is located in what building ?