
  • 网络american pie
  1. 我很想和美国派里的Stifler的妈妈一起工作!她太风趣了。

    I 'd love to work with Stifler 's mom in American Pie ! She is just so funny .

  2. 第二晚,这对双胞胎姐妹又参加了出演《美国派II》的电影明星贾森·比格斯的聚会。

    But the night after the first bash the twins were out again for American Pie II star Jason Biggs'party .

  3. 去年以来,中国向美国派去两个庞大的采购团。

    China has sent two large purchasing groups to the U.S. since last year .

  4. 没有这部电影,可能就没有《美国派》(AmericanPie)和《一夜大肚》(KnockedUp)这样低俗的性喜剧了,也不会产生这一代掌握敲击暂停键艺术的人——看见他们喜欢的镜头就按暂停。

    Without this movie , there would have been no raunchy sex comedies like American Pie or Knocked Up , nor a generation who mastered the art of hitting the pause button at strategic moments of their favorite scenes .

  5. 大家都在谈美国派援救远征军,你相信吗?

    You don 't believe in the American rescue expedition everyone 's talking about ?

  6. 新自由在美国派有间谍

    as he has imagination . New Freedom has sleeper agents here in the U.S.

  7. 总统承认美国派部队参战犯了一个愚蠢的错误。

    The president admitted that the US had committed a boner by sending in troops .

  8. 他们并不要求美国派远征军到国外去。

    There is no demand for sending an American Expeditionary Force outside our own borders .

  9. 我昨晚看了美国派。别人告诉我说这片子讲坑爹是什么意思的是美国的真实生活。

    I was watching American Pie last night . I was told the movie was about real American life .

  10. 曾经在《美国派》中裸露身体的女演员珊农·伊莉莎白不再希望在摄影机前宽衣解带了。

    Baring her body in American Pie exposed Shannon Elizabeth to the expectation that she 'd strip for the camera again .

  11. 我不知道美国派侦查飞机从中国南方深入大陆收集资料有什么错。

    I don 't see why its wrong forAmerica to sends spy planes over Southern China deep into Mainlandto Collect data .

  12. 同时,柯比上将表示,美国派往伊拉克的人员可以开始进行顾问工作。

    Meanwhile , Admiral Kirby says it 's a possibility that the current US assessment of Iraqi forces could turn into advisory mission .

  13. 美国派往朝鲜的特使史蒂文·博斯沃思正准备前往平壤进行为期三天的会谈。

    The US special representative to North Korea , Stephen Bosworth , is preparing to travel to Pyongyang for three days of talks .

  14. 在《美国派》这个名字中觉察不到丝毫的讽刺迹象,只是糊里糊涂地证实了美国年轻人对食物、酒或性的永恒追求。

    There isn 't a trace of detectable irony in the title American Pie , just a slap-happy affirmation of the eternal quest of US youth to glut its appetite for food , drink or sex .

  15. 不可避免地,人们把他当做美国派来的人。可是,这里是他的家乡。虽然在这家乡,为了安全起见,他不得不住在市长宅邸,但那里也几乎没什么工作人员。

    People inevitably saw him as the Americans ' man , but this was his home , even though he had to live in a safe room in the governor 's house , and had almost no staff .

  16. 上周,美国自由派人士汤姆帕尔默(tompalmer)来到伦敦,谴责“跨越世界的带动偷窃、堕落、操纵和社会控制等各种现象的火车头我们称之为福利国家”。

    Last week , Tom Palmer , the American libertarian , came to London to denounce the " world-straddling engine of theft , degradation , manipulation and social control we call the welfare state " .

  17. 2002年6月,美国保守派学者罗伯特•卡根(RobertKagan)发表了一篇现在很有名的文章,声称在当今重要的战略和国际问题上,美国人来自火星,欧洲人来自金星。

    In June 2002 Robert Kagan , the conservative US scholar , published a now famous article asserting that on major strategic and international questions today , Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus .

  18. 《1998年国际宗教自由法》(以下简称IRFA)是由美国保守派推动制订的一部具有域外效力的美国国内法。

    IRFA which was formulated by the promotion of American conservatives is an American law with extraterritorial effect .

  19. 在一个更具有竞争性的世界中,金钱似乎正在为偏见提供肥沃的土壤:就像FoxNews,一家美国保守派有线新闻电视台,比没有它言语犀利的两家CNN和MSNBC合起来赚得还要多。

    In a more competitive world the money seems to be in creating an echo chamber for people 's prejudices : thus Fox News , a conservative American cable-news channel , makes more profits than its less strident rivals , CNN and MSNBC , combined .

  20. 中国古典诗歌与美国意象派诗歌中意象的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Images in Imagist Poetry and Chinese Classical Poetry

  21. 美国意象派诗歌形成于二十世纪初。

    American imagist poetry is formed in the early twentieth century .

  22. 现在美国反动派的做法,也正是这样。

    Now the U.S. reactionaries are acting in exactly the same way .

  23. 本论文以美国意象派诗歌的创作思想作为研究对象。

    The object of study is the poetic ideas of American imagism .

  24. 美国意象派新诗借鉴中国文化之管窥

    The humble opinion about American Imagism influenced by Chinese culture

  25. 许多美国保守派人士远不会如此隐讳。

    Many American conservatives were considerably less coy .

  26. 因此,怀斯对美国改革派与美国犹太社区的影响是深远的。

    In this means , Wise influences the American Reform Jews and community deeply .

  27. 美国福音派社会意识的复醒

    The Reawakening of the American Evangelical Social Consciousness

  28. 道非道:美国垮掉派诗人与佛禅

    " The Trail is Not a Trail ": American Beat Poets and Zen Buddhism

  29. 世纪70年代在英国和美国先锋派运动是一支有强大破坏力的力量。

    In Britain and the USA in the1970s the underground was a powerful subversive force .

  30. 美国最近派4名前高官访问北京,以强调这一信息。

    The US recently sent four former senior officials to Beijing to underline this message .