
  • 网络Accelerated expansion of the universe;accelerating university;accelerating universe
  1. 大约在同一时间,另一个研究小组也得出相同的结论。美国《科学》杂志将宇宙加速膨胀这一研究成果推选为“1998年年度重大科学发现”。

    A second group came up with the same result at about the same time , and the journal Science named the accelerating universe discovery of the year for1998 .

  2. 在第二章介绍了暗能量宇宙学,其中包括宇宙学的几个基本事实,暗能量的基本特征,宇宙加速膨胀的天文观测结果,暗能量的三个候选者以及宇宙的命运。

    The second chapter indicates the dark energy cosmology including the property of dark energy , current astronomical observations of accelerating universe , several candidates of dark energy et al .

  3. Einstein引力理论在大尺度上的修正是解释目前宇宙加速膨胀的一类颇受关注的方案,它不需要引入奇怪的暗能量。

    The modification of Einstein gravity theory at large scale is a kind of attractive version of the accelerated expansion of the universe at present , without the assumption of mysterious " dark energy " .

  4. 这些额外维度或许提供了另一种解释宇宙加速膨胀的方式。

    This construct offers another approach to explaining cosmic acceleration .

  5. 宇宙加速膨胀的一个玩具模型和修正的引力理论

    A Toy Model for Accelerated Expansion of the Universe and the Modified Gravity

  6. 利用得到的两个限制条件,分析了宇宙加速膨胀的条件。

    By the two constraint conditions , the conditions of accelerating expansion are analyzed .

  7. 本学位论文对关于宇宙加速膨胀的一系列问题进行了数值研究。

    This thesis introduces the numerical studies on a series of issues about the cosmic acceleration .

  8. 这些观测进一步确认了宇宙加速膨胀,并极大地提高了暗能量的观测精度。

    These observations further confirmed the cosmic acceleration , and greatly improved the precision of the DE measurement .

  9. 远古的超新星也提供了驱使宇宙加速膨胀之暗能量的相关新线索。

    THE ANCIENT SUPERNOVAE also provided new clues about dark energy , the underlying cause of the cosmic speedup .

  10. 我们现在正在讨论的宇宙加速膨胀问题是当代物理学和天文学所探讨的非常重要的话题之一。

    For the study of contemporary physics and cosmology and so on , the universe accelerated expansion is one of the best important issues .

  11. 1998年发现宇宙加速膨胀以后,暗能量已经成为现代宇宙学模型中重要组成部分和宇宙学研究中的热门课题。

    Abstract : Since that the accelerated expansion of universe was discovered in 1998 , dark energy had became an important part and hot topic in the researching of modern cosmology .

  12. 最后,我们讨论了如何在物质与几何间存在非最小耦合的f(R)引力中实现当前宇宙的加速膨胀。

    Finally , we discuss how to realize late-time cosmic accelerated expansion inf ( R ) gravity with non-minimal coupling between geometry and matter .

  13. 它们不仅能够更好的解释宇宙的加速膨胀,而且能够退化到Einstein理论下的形式。

    Not only are they better able to accelerate the expansion of the universe , but also returned to the form of Einstein theory .

  14. 从而说明在线性和非线性扰动中MCG作为暗能量都能够很好的解释宇宙的加速膨胀。

    Therefor the model of modified Chaplygin gas as dark energy could explain the accelerating universe well in linear and non-linear perturbations .

  15. 近年来大量的天文观测表明宇宙正在加速膨胀,这说明了具有负压强的暗能量成为了宇宙的主导成分。

    In recent years , numerous measurements all suggest that the universe is currently accelerating and is dominated by a component with negative pressure , which is named as dark energy .

  16. 暗能量不仅主宰当前宇宙的加速膨胀及其演化命运而且暗能量的扰动在模型的观测限制中扮演重要的角色。

    Not only does dark energy decide the present accelerated expansion and evolutive fate of Universe , but also dark energy perturbations play a crucial role in the observational constraints on models .

  17. 天文观测表明,我们的宇宙正在加速膨胀,为了对此做出解释,人们猜测宇宙中存在着一种未知的物质,称为暗能量。

    Based on the astronomy observations , it is clear that our universe is under accelerating expansion . To explain the accelerating expansion , peo-ple assumes that there is another component in the universe called " dark energy " .

  18. 为了解释当今宇宙的加速膨胀,一些物理学家认为现有的引力理论在宇宙尺度上可能不成立,为此他们修正了爱因斯坦引力理论。

    In order to explain the present cosmic accelerating expansion some physicists think that the observed acceleration is a signal of breakdown of our understanding of the laws of gravitation and propose to modify the Einstein 's gravity theory .

  19. 最近的天文观测表明,宇宙是在加速膨胀,而不是原来认为的减速膨胀。

    Recent astronomical observations indicate that expansion of our universe is speeding up , rather than slowing down .

  20. 近年来的大量天文观测表明,我们的宇宙正在经历加速膨胀,为此,暗能量已经成为现代宇宙学研究的最活跃领域之一。

    Recently , dark energy has been one of most active fields in modern cosmology since a lot of cosmological observations indicate that our universe is undergoing an accelerated expansion .

  21. 但若宇宙一直都在加速膨胀,那麽这些结构早在形成前就已经被拉散。

    But if the expansion of the universe had always been accelerating , it would have pulled apart the structures before they could be assembled .

  22. 暗能量最简单的候选者是宇宙常数,它虽然很好的解释了今天的宇宙加速膨胀但同时也存在一些需要解决的理论问题。

    The simplest candidate of dark energy is the cosmological constant , which can explain the present cosmic accelerating expansion but at the same time it also leaves some theoretical problems unresolved .

  23. 物理学中的世纪难题:高能宇宙线的起源之谜远古的超新星也提供了驱使宇宙加速膨胀之暗能量的相关新线索。

    Unsolved Physics Puzzle in the Last Century : What Is Sources of High Energy Cosmic Rays THE ANCIENT SUPERNOVAE also provided new clues about dark energy , the underlying cause of the cosmic speedup .