
yí tài tai
  • concubine
姨太太 [yí tài tài]
  • [concubine] 旧时称妾。亦对孩子的姨妈的尊称

姨太太[yí tài tai]
  1. 姨太太厉声说,突然回过脸来对着冯云卿,凶恶地瞪出了一双小眼睛。

    Snapped the concubine , jerking her head sharply round and glaring at Feng yun-ching , her beady eyes ablaze with fury .

  2. 金妈工作完毕,就到后厢房去整理姨太太的衣服。还是先搁一下,把这桩事情料理完毕之后再说吧。

    Chin Mah had finished doing the concubine 's hair and had gone into the next room to lay out her clothes . Better hold it up until we get this business straightened out .

  3. 金妈,赶快给姨太太梳头。

    Chin mah , hurry up and do your mistress 's hair .

  4. 人家买姨太太的要整货。

    Men want virgins as concubines .

  5. 丫头收房做姨太太,是很普通--至少在以前很普通的事;

    For a maid to become a concubine is quite common-at least it used to be so .

  6. 这开会不是欢迎,倒像新姨太太的见礼。

    The party for Li turned out to be more like the new concubine 's First Meeting ceremony than a reception .

  7. 南京政府所有的头面人物也都来这里看病,有时还带走个护士做姨太太。

    All the Big Shots of the Nanking government also came here to have medical treatment , and sometimes took away a nurse to become a new wife .

  8. 这吸引了李小龙的白人学生、过于好斗的史蒂夫(比利·马格努森[BillyMagnussen]饰),此人碰巧爱上了一名年轻亚裔移民女子,而一名女老板正在引诱这名女子走上做姨太太的道路。

    This attracts one of Lee 's white students , the overly aggressive Steve ( Billy Magnussen ) , who happens to be in love with a young Asian immigrant who 's being groomed for a concubine 's life by a female boss .