
yàn huǒ
  • fireworks;rocket;pyrotechnic display
焰火 [yàn huǒ]
  • [pyrotechnic display;fireworks] 〈方〉∶见烟火

焰火[yàn huǒ]
  1. 美轮美奂的焰火表演照亮了夜空。

    A stunning display of fireworks lit up the sky .

  2. 晚会以五彩斑斓的焰火表演结束。

    The evening ended with a dramatic display of fireworks .

  3. 这个晚上最让人高兴的就是精彩的焰火表演。

    The most pleasurable experience of the evening was the wonderful fireworks display

  4. 焰火将点亮夜空。

    The night skies will be aglow with fireworks .

  5. 庆祝活动包括盛大的焰火表演。

    The festivities included a huge display of fireworks .

  6. 观看焰火表演的那天晚上,我们找了一个非常好的位置。

    On the night of the fireworks we had a really good spot .

  7. 12点的钟声刚敲响,焰火便在夜空中绽放。

    On the stroke of 12 , fireworks suddenly exploded into the night .

  8. 柏林市民喝香槟、放焰火、鸣车笛。

    Berlin people drank champagne , set off fireworks and tooted their car horns .

  9. 国庆日当天,我丈夫和我们的一些朋友开车进城去看焰火表演。

    On the Fourth of July , my husband and our friends drove into the city to see the fireworks .

  10. 9月5日,也就是庆祝活动的最后,会有大型焰火表演照亮布罗德兰附近的夜空。

    On September 5 , at the end of the festival , a massive display of fireworks will light up the sky around Broadlands .

  11. 今年过年,全城都将放焰火。

    The whole city will celebrate the New Year with fireworks .

  12. 探照灯和焰火使得天空的颜色千变万化。

    The search lights and the fireworks made the sky a kaleidoscope of colour .

  13. 头顶上的夏日夜空纵横着急疾而过的焰火

    Overhead hung a summer sky furrowed with the rash of rockets .

  14. 第四十一条违反本法的规定,擅自举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯火等群众性活动,具有火灾危险的,公安消防机构应当责令当场改正;

    Article 41 Those who , in violation , fireworks evening party , lantern party with risk of fire disaster , shall be ordered to make corrections by public security fire control institutions ;

  15. 焰火由《星球大战:没完没了的第N集:起什么副标题还重要吗,第一部》赞助。

    Fireworks sponsored by Star Wars : Episode Ad Nauseam : Does It Really Matter What We Subtitle These Anymore , Part 1 .

  16. 当中国导演刁亦男开始拍摄他的第三部作品——《白日焰火》(BlackCoal,ThinIce)时,他的目标是拍出一部讲述普通人故事的侦探悬疑片。

    When Chinese director Diao Yinan began shooting his third feature film , his goal was to make a detective story involving ordinary people .

  17. 今天我们讲解焰火(fireworks)这个词。

    Today we tell about the word fireworks .

  18. 最后利用OpenGL技术实现有背景位图的焰火动态模拟。

    Finally , the dynamic fireworks simulation on the background bitmap realized with the OpenGL technology is given .

  19. 中国电影《白日焰火》(BlackCoal,ThinIce)在柏林国际电影节(BerlinInternationalFilmFestival)获颁最佳影片奖,这是中国电影在寻求在国际建立声名过程中最新一项斩获。

    The Chinese film ' Black Coal , Thin Ice ' won best picture at the Berlin International Film Festival over the weekend , the latest win for China as it seeks global prominence in film .

  20. 当这个略显平淡的全明星周末曲终人散的时候,NBA又给我们带来了一道炫目的焰火表演。

    After a quiet , relatively tame All-Star Weekend , the NBA provided fireworks immediately after its showcase game in the form of a blockbuster trade .

  21. 《白日焰火》接下来还将参赛全球其他重大电影节,其中包括本周末的翠贝卡电影节(TribecaFilmFestival)、本月晚些时候的意大利远东电影节(FarEastFilmFestival)以及6月份的悉尼电影节(SydneyFilmFestival)。

    It is now hitting major festivals around the world , including the Tribeca Film Festival this weekend , the Far East Film Festival in Italy later this month , and the Sydney Film Festival in June .

  22. 焰火照亮的夜空之下,600多名身着鲜红服装的鼓手填满了水立方和鸟巢之间的广场。这是上周在北京举行的亚太经合组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation)峰会欢迎各国领导人的仪式。

    Under a sky ablaze with fireworks , more than 600 drummers decked out in brilliant red filled the square between the Water Cube and Bird 's Nest stadiums in Beijing last week to welcome leaders to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting .

  23. 《华尔街日报》:你说拍摄《白日焰火》的灵感来自霍桑(NathanielHawthorne)的一部讲述丈夫离家出走20年的短篇小说《威克菲尔德》(Wakefield)。

    You have said that Nathaniel Hawthorne 's short story ' Wakefield , ' about a husband who vanishes from his home for 20 years , inspired ' Black Coal , Thin Ice . '

  24. 3年多以前,上海庆祝了史上最著名的垃圾食品之一——奥利奥(Oreo)问世100周年纪念日——外滩上燃放了焰火,摩天大楼上投射了几层楼高的奥利奥霓虹灯广告。

    Three scant years ago , Shanghai celebrated the 100th birthday of one of history 's most famous junk foods - the Oreo biscuit - with fireworks on the Bund and multi-storey neon adverts projected on to skyscrapers .

  25. 15岁的达芙妮·比朗德(DaphneBurandé)当时在海滩附近的一间酒吧里观赏焰火,她说:“我们正在愉快地参加庆祝活动,突然看见到处的人都在跑,一些桌子在恐慌之中被掀翻。”

    Daphne Burand é , 15 , who was at a bar near the beach to watch the fireworks , said : " We were enjoying the celebrations when we suddenly saw people running everywhere and tables being pushed down by the movement of panic . "

  26. 一名自称为米歇尔(Michel)的男子在位于盎格鲁街前面的VoilierPlage餐厅工作,他表示在晚上大约10点半左右,一辆大型白色卡车开进了聚集在海滩附近观看国庆焰火的人群,看起来杀死了几十人。

    A man who gave his name as Michel , working at the Voilier Plage restaurant in front of the Promenade des Anglais , said that around 10:30 pm a large white truck drove into a crowd that had gathered near the beach to watch Bastille Day fireworks , apparently killing dozens of people .

  27. 基于粒子系统方法的焰火及树木模拟

    Fireworks and trees modeling based on the approach of particle system

  28. 我的焰火,我的蝴蝶。

    My fireworks . I sorry . I hope to redeem .

  29. 这座城堡在焰火的亮光照射下显得格外壮丽。

    The castle looked magnificent beneath the glitter of the fireworks .

  30. 吉林市在元宵节那天举行了焰火晚会。

    The city provides a firework display for the Lantern Festival .