
huǒ jiàn fā shè
  • rocket launching
火箭发射[huǒ jiàn fā shè]
  1. 复合材料火箭发射管有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis for the Composite Rocket Launching Case

  2. 该文探讨了火箭发射系统的动力学控制问题。

    This paper discusses the problem of dynamics control for rocket launching systems .

  3. 这枚火箭发射于1980年3月。

    The rocket was launched in March 1980 .

  4. 我们的轰炸机摧毁了移动火箭发射台。

    Our bombers have knocked out the mobile launchers

  5. 我昨天看了火箭发射。

    I saw the launch of the rocket yesterday .

  6. 宇宙火箭发射后进入轨道。

    The space rocket was launched and went into orbit .

  7. 基于GIS的火箭发射应急处理系统数据库的构建与应用

    The Database Design and Application of the Socket Launch Emergency System According to GIS

  8. 火箭发射(及坠毁)时惊心动魄的轰然巨响背后,隐藏着巨大的成本,而这正是SpaceX公司的可循环火箭技术不仅将影响航空业,还将影响通讯和卫星成像等其它行业的原因所在。

    But lost in the whiz-bang awesomeness of rocket launches ( and crashes ) is the way SpaceX 's reusable rocket technology could impact industries beyond those associated with space , such as telecommunications and imaging .

  9. 能够在电视上观看发射情况的观众可以看到奥德赛从德尔塔II火箭发射升空的远景。火箭的第二级上安装了两台报像机。

    Viewers who were able to watch the launch on television could see the lift-off from the perspective of Odyssey 's Delta II rocket , which had two video cameras attached to its2nd stage .

  10. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)总统昨日严厉警告朝鲜不要执行最早会在今天进行的“挑衅性”火箭发射。

    President Barack Obama yesterday gave a stern warning to North Korea , telling it not to carry out a " provocative " rocket launch due for as early as today .

  11. 周二凌晨5时58分酒泉卫星发射中心,神舟八号搭载长征二号F型火箭发射升空,进入预定轨道。

    The spacecraft was successfully sent into the designated orbit after the blastoff at 5:58 am at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern desert area , carried by an upgraded Long March-2F rocket .

  12. 针对火箭发射分布式仿真系统实用、高效的数据通讯的需要,选择了HLA和串行通讯相结合作为信息交互方式。

    Aiming at requirements of practicality and efficiency of communication alternation in distributed simulation system for rocket launch , the HLA and serial communication protocols were selected as the main fashion .

  13. 在1950年后期,第123制造厂开始了它自己的大口径多管火箭发射装置(MRL)发展。

    In the late1950s , No.123 Manufacturing Plant began its own large caliber multiple rocket launcher ( MRL ) development .

  14. 该卫星携带的德尔塔IV火箭发射已定于星期五,但在最后一分钟时,由于天气卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的条件在美国佛罗里达州擦洗。

    The launch of the Delta IV rocket carrying the satellite had been scheduled for Friday , but was scrubbed at the last minute due to weather conditions at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida .

  15. 就算双方正在打官司,SpaceX还是通过了美国空军的认证,从而有资格用自己的猎鹰9号火箭发射军用航天器。

    Even as it was suing the Air Force , SpaceX still managed to receive USAF certification to launch military hardware aboard it Falcon 9 rocket .

  16. SpaceX公司的龙2型(Dragon2)太空舱将使用该公司的猎鹰9号(Falcon9)火箭发射,相比于已经用来运载货物到空间站的太空舱,这个更新型号的外形更加美观。

    SpaceX 's Dragon 2 capsule , a sleeker , updated version of the capsule already carrying cargo to the space station , will ride on top of the company 's Falcon 9 rocket .

  17. TY-4火箭发射装置导流器热结构计算分析

    Analysis on thermal structure of guider for TY-4 rocket launcher

  18. 官方表示,Noor卫星通过名为“信使”的卫星运载火箭发射,但拒绝透露更多细节。

    Officials say the Noor satellite was through a " Messenger " satellite carrier , but declined to further specify details .

  19. XR-05型人工防雹、增雨火箭发射控制器工作原理及故障排除

    XR-05 artificial sleet-proof , increases the rain rocket launch control set principle of work and the trouble shooting

  20. 艾伦氠斯科(ElonMusk)旗下的SpaceX一直关注于在火箭发射后在地球上回收火箭推进器的技术,希望能够通过火箭再利用令该公司降低成本。

    Elon Musk 's SpaceX has been focused on mastering the art of returning booster rockets on Earth after a launch , in the hope this will enable the company to lower costs by re-using these rockets .

  21. 但是也许明年1月这种情况会有所改变,一家名为SpaceX的空间探索科技公司计划将火箭发射到太空,而后使火箭第一级进行精准着陆。

    But that might change as soon as January of next year , when Space Exploration Technologies , also known as SpaceX , plans to launch a rocket into space , then bring the rocket 's first stage back for a precision landing .

  22. 日本月球探测计划(SELENE)定于2004年夏季利用HIIa火箭发射一组共3颗绕月人造卫星。他们是主卫星、跟踪中继卫星和空间VLBI电波源。

    Japanese lunar exploration mission , SELENE , has been planned to be launched into space by using H II-a rocket in the Summer of 2004 . This mission is composed of 3 subsatellites , a main lunar orbiter , a relay satellite and a free flying VLBI radio source .

  23. 在此次事故发生之前,还有另外两枚运载火箭发射失败。

    This episode follows the failures of two other cargo rockets .

  24. 本报告为火箭发射装置设计提供了参考。

    The paper offers a reference for designing the rocket launcher .

  25. 火箭发射水面浮具飞行状态计算研究

    Research on Flight State Calculation for Rocket Launched Marine Buoyant Apparatus

  26. 我们在电视上观看到火箭发射的倒计时情景了。

    We watched the countdown of the space shuttle on tv .

  27. 空射火箭发射环境及测试方法分析

    Analysis of Launching Environments and Test Methods of Air-launched Rocket

  28. 火箭发射分布式仿真系统中信息交互方式设计

    Design of Communication Alternation in Distributed System for Rocket Launch

  29. 现在随时都有火箭发射。

    Space rockets are being sent up all the time .

  30. 这些国家的火箭发射场常常被用来发射商用卫星。

    Sites in those countries are regularly used for launching commercial satellites .