
huǒ jù shǒu
  • Torchbearer;torch bearer
  1. 我想在此感谢你们让我成为一名荆州的火炬手。

    I want to thank you for allowing me to be a Torch Bearer for JingZhou City .

  2. 这份声明还表示,CCTV为这次错误感到非常抱歉,同时也为这次错误给三位火炬手带来的不良影响向她们致歉。

    The statement added that CCTV was sorry for the mistake and that it had apologized for any inconvenience caused to the three torchbearers .

  3. 奥运火炬手金晶受邀再次访问法国。

    The Olympic torchbearer Jinjing was invited to visit France again .

  4. 将通过激烈的竞争选出约一百名火炬手。

    About 100 torch bearers will be selected after intensive competition .

  5. 由最后一个火炬手把奥运火炬传递到奥林匹克运动场

    The last runner carries the torch into the Olympic stadium

  6. 最年轻的火炬手与母亲成对。

    The youngest torchbearer and her mom make a team .

  7. 公众可对奥运火炬手提名。

    The public can nominate people for the role .

  8. 我认为搞个老外火炬手实在是为了噱头。

    I believe the whole thing of foreign torchbearers is just for show .

  9. 上午11点不到一点,最后一棒火炬手举着火炬跑进入了广场。

    A bit before11am , the final runner entered the square carrying the torch .

  10. 不过,也有人认为,8名外国人火炬手太多了。

    Others , however , think that even eight torch-carrying foreigners are too many .

  11. 还有一些火炬手保证将出售所得用于慈善事业。

    Other torchbearers have pledged to donate the proceeds from the sale to charity .

  12. 总记会有140名火炬手参加。

    A total of140 runners will take part .

  13. 这辆一路伴随着火炬手的花车,带有为本届火炬传递活动特别设计的标识。

    The vehicle that accompanies the torchbearers displays the official emblem developed for the relay .

  14. 我就想能亲身体验一次参与奥运会的感觉,比如当火炬手,到时候到现场观看比赛等等。

    I would like to personally experience a sense of participation in the Olympic Games .

  15. 奥运主火炬手是谁?

    Who are the main Olympic torch ?

  16. 我同情那些火炬手。

    The runners have my sympathy .

  17. 桑兰现在只能坐在轮椅上,她现在是2008北京奥运会的官方火炬手。

    Sang , who uses a wheelchair , is an official torchbearer for the 2008 Olympics .

  18. 当年,把他设计成后奥拉朱旺时代的火炬手,对火箭队来说是不是一个错误呢?

    Were the Rockets wrong in designating him the new carrier of the torch in the post-Olajuwon era ?

  19. 大约1万名火炬手将参加这次圣火接力传递,路线遍及日本47个都道府县。

    About 10000 runners are expected to take part , with the relay touching Japan 's 47 prefectures .

  20. 一名女性火炬手坐在轮椅中手持火炬时,火苗似乎并未在燃烧。

    At one point , the torch appeared unlit while being carried by a woman in a wheelchair .

  21. 博珍妮希望,自己担任奥运火炬手能吸引更多的人关注中国儿童。

    Bowen hopes that running with the Olympic torch next year will help draw attention to the children in China .

  22. 很高兴看到国际、国内的官方和民意都将最大的支持给了残疾人火炬手金晶。

    I 'm glad to see the government and people give the greatest aegis to the handicapped athlete who named Jingjin .

  23. 你有想过成为2010年广州亚运会的火炬手吗?你会怎样做来达成目标呢?

    Do you want to become a torchbearer in2010 Guangzhou Asia Games ? What will you do to achieve this goal ?

  24. 8000名火炬手将在整整一年后&2012年5月18日接过从希腊点燃的圣火。

    000 torchbearers will carry the flame after it arrives from Greece in exactly a year 's time on May18th , 2012 .

  25. 奥运圣火已从雅典出发,在一个个国家中传递,在一个个火炬手手中传递。

    Olympic flame from Athens , in a country in the transmission , in the hands of one of the torch pass .

  26. 奥林匹克火焰仍燃烧在希腊的奥林匹亚,然后由多名火炬手传递到运动会举办城市。

    The Olympic flame is still lit in Olympia and carried to the site of the games by a series of torchbearers .

  27. 当189名火炬手高举圣火在遭受地震袭击的四川境内传递时,人们欢欣鼓舞。

    Crowds roared with delight as 189 torchbearers began a three-day tour of the province devastated by a powerful earthquake in May .

  28. 我知道许多火炬手均来自外地,他们可能以前从来没有到过荆州。

    I know that many of the Torch Bearers are from outside the city and may have not ever been to JingZhou before .

  29. 你就像一名火炬手,必须把心中所有的信念与经验传递给更年轻的队友。

    You act as a torch-bearer and must pass on all the values and knowledge that you have learned on to the younger players .

  30. 火炬手的标准是:对中国文化和历史有热情的人,愿意沟通中国和世界的人。

    The criteria : aspiring torchbearers should'love Chinese culture and history'and'be devoted to communicate information of a real China to their native countries . '