  • fire;firearms;ammunition;internal heat
  • fiery;flaming;urgent;pressing
  • get angry;lose one's temper
  • 燃烧,物质燃烧时所发出的光和焰:~力。~烛。~源。~焰。烟~。~中取栗(喻为别人冒险出力,而自己吃亏上当,毫无所获)。

  • 紧急:~速。十万~急。

  • 指枪炮弹药等:~药。~炮。

  • 发怒,怒气:~暴。~性。

  • 中医指发炎、红肿、烦躁等的病因:肝~。毒~攻心。

  • 形容红色的:~红。~腿。

  • 古代军队组织,一火十个人。

  • 姓。


(物体燃烧时所发的光和焰) fire:

  • 生火

    make a fire;

  • 微火

    small fire;

  • 文火

    slow [soft] fire;

  • 这屋里有火。

    There's a fire in the room.

  • 玩火者必自焚。

    He who plays with fire gets burned.


(枪炮弹药) firearms; ammunition:

  • 交火

    exchange shots;

  • 停火

    cease fire;

  • 他们向敌人开火。

    They opened fire on the enemy.


{中医} (六淫之一, 指引起发炎、红肿、烦躁等症状的病因) internal heat (one of the six causes of disease):

  • 败火

    relieve inflammation or internal heat


(暴躁; 愤怒) anger; temper:

  • 冒火

    burn with anger; get angry;

  • 心头火起

    flare up in anger;

  • 你怎么这么大的火儿?

    Why are you in such a temper?


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 火济

    Huo Ji


(红色) fiery; flaming:

  • 火红

    red as fire; flaming


(紧急) urgent; pressing:

  • 火速回电。

    Cable reply immediately.


(发怒) get angry; lose one's temper:

  • 他火儿了。

    He flared up.

  • 有一次他火了, 和我们吵了起来。

    Once he lost his temper and quarreled with us.

  1. 救火车到达之前火就熄灭了。

    The fire had burnt out before the fire engines arrived .

  2. 她疯了似地跑来跑去,试图把火扑灭。

    She was rushing around madly trying to put out the fire .

  3. 说话要小心,他这个人一惹就火儿。

    Be careful what you say ─ he 's easily provoked .

  4. 我考驾照时车子熄了三次火。

    I stalled the car three times during my driving test .

  5. 一听说过错在他,他马上火儿了。

    He prickled at the suggestion that it had been his fault .

  6. 用了两小时才把火扑灭。

    It took two hours to put out the fire .

  7. 他试图用毯子把火扑灭。

    He tried to smother the flames with a blanket .

  8. 他冒着生命危险从火中救出他的女儿。

    He risked his life to save his daughter from the fire .

  9. 你得重新点燃长明火。

    You may need to reignite the pilot light .

  10. 别站得离火那么近——你的外衣都快烤焦了!

    Don 't stand so near the fire ─ your coat is scorching !

  11. 我喜欢秋天的火红色和金黄色。

    I love the reds and golds of autumn .

  12. 我们把靴子放在火旁烘干。

    We dried our boots off by the fire .

  13. 她站得离火太近,有危险。

    She was standing dangerously close to the fire .

  14. 用中火煮15分钟。

    Cook over a medium heat for 15 minutes .

  15. 那些纸页在火中起皱卷曲变成了灰烬。

    The pages crinkled and curled and turned to ashes in the fire .

  16. 烤炉的火如果吹灭了会自动再点燃。

    The oven burners reignite automatically if blown out .

  17. 火中的木头噼啪作响,爆出火花。

    The logs on the fire crackled and spat .

  18. 火借助西风迅速蔓延全城。

    Fanned by a westerly wind , the fire spread rapidly through the city .

  19. 他把那张纸扔进火里,纸飘进了烟道。

    He threw the paper onto the fire and it flew up the chimney .

  20. 她起来拨了拨火。

    She got up and poked the fire .

  21. 你看是谁点的火?

    Who do you think started the fire ?

  22. 我拼命朝火上喷水。

    I desperately squirted water on the flames .

  23. 我往火里再加了些煤。

    I put more coal on the fire .

  24. 火不断从房顶蹿上来。

    Flames were shooting up through the roof .

  25. 大多数动物怕火。

    Most animals are afraid of fire .

  26. 她把那封信揉成一团扔进了火里。

    She crumpled the letter up into a ball and threw it on the fire .

  27. 她的双眼迸发出暴怒之火。

    Her eyes blazed with fury .

  28. 火旺了起来。

    The fire flared into life .

  29. 你有火儿吗?

    Have you got a light ?

  30. 你有火儿吗?

    Do you have a light ?