
  • 网络Volcanic glass
  1. 天然酸性火山玻璃的折射率与岩石化学成分的关系

    The Relation Between the Refraction and Rock-Chemical Components for Natural Acidic Volcanic Glass

  2. 山东半岛黄土堆积中的火山玻璃

    Volcanic glass discovered in Loess in Shandong Peninsula

  3. 一块黑色的火山玻璃。

    Piece of black , volcanic glass .

  4. 南海火山玻璃的分布特征、化学成分及源区探讨

    Distribution , chemical characteristics and source area of volcanic glass in the South China Sea

  5. 火山玻璃的拉曼光谱研究

    The Raman Spectrum Study on volcanic glass

  6. 长白山天池火山玻璃和长石微观特征研究

    Micro features of the volcanic glass and feldspar from the Tianchi volcano in the Changbaishan Mountains

  7. 酸性火山玻璃的脱玻化作用

    The devitrification of acid volcanic glass

  8. 东海岛屿风尘地层中火山玻璃的发现及环境意义

    Discovery and environmental significance of volcanic glass in eolian dust layers in the East China Sea Islands

  9. 湖北省某地有丰富的珍珠岩资源,其中黄绿色珍珠岩含火山玻璃高达80%左右。

    There are abundant perlite resources in Hubei province , among them , yellow-green perlite takes up80 % .

  10. 用火山玻璃、玄武闪石、蒙脱石等示踪火山和热液活动。

    Volcanic glass , oxyhornblende , montmorillonite and so on can be used to indicate volcanic activity and hydrothermal activity .

  11. 火山玻璃粘土矿化产生附加导电性也可以使岩石电阻率降低。

    Whatever , the additive electro conductibility generated by clay mineralization of volcanic glass can also make the rock resistivity reduce .

  12. 火山玻璃及地幔包体中的稀有气体是地内信息的有效示踪剂,对其研究对追溯岩浆起源、探讨地幔特征与结构等具有重要意义。

    The noble gas in the igneous glass and mantle xenoliths is an effective tracer for the earth information , and the research in this field has been developed very fast recently .

  13. 但是近期的研究发现,阿波罗计划从月球上带回来的火山玻璃含有与地球岩浆一样多的水分。

    But recent studies have found that samples of volcanic glass , brought back from the moon on the Apollo missions , contain as much water as magma found here on Earth .

  14. 研究了南海火山玻璃的分布特征、化学成分及源区,结果表明,表层沉积物中的火山玻璃含量基本呈南北向分布,由北部、西部、南部大陆架分别向中部、东部深海盆逐渐增加;

    Volcanic glasses are widely distributed in sediment of the South China Sea . The volcanic glasses from surface sediment show a north-south distribution pattern , and their contents increase gradually from northern , western , southern continental shelf to middle and eastern deep-sea basin , respectively .

  15. 即使我真的找到了,也不见得认得出来,因为我可能没有看到那块黑色的火山岩玻璃,或更可能的情况是,安迪把那块玻璃放进口袋里带走了。

    And if I did find the right one , I might never know it because I might overlook that black piece of volcanic glass , or , much more likely , Andy put it into his pocket and took it with him .

  16. 火山岩中玻璃基质或细粒基质在淬火条件下形成,其熔体结构受淬火温压和熔体成分所控制。在已知熔体成分的条件下,淬火温压可根据熔体结构来确定。

    The glass or fine-grained matrix in volcanic rocks formed under quenching conditions , structure of melts in the matrix is controlled by quenching temperature , pressure and compositions of melts , At the given compositions of melts .

  17. 禁航是因为涡轮发动机产生高温,火山灰会熔化玻璃和削弱发动机。

    The flight ban was imposed because in the high temperatures of an engine turbine , ash can turn to molten glass and cripple the engine .

  18. 细粒碎屑与火山碎屑混杂,其中的火山玻璃蚀变为沸石和(或)蒙脱石,也出现有含硼酸盐的沉积物(Jarandol盆地)。

    Fine-grained clastics mixed with pyroclastics in which volcanic glass was altered into zeolites and / or smectite and the borate-containing deposits ( Jarandol basin ) occur too .

  19. 火山岩包括黑曜岩火山玻璃。

    Volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian .