
  • 网络anshan;Anshan City
  1. 基于GIS的鞍山市水土流失敏感性评价

    Sensitivity assessment of soil and water loss in Anshan based on GIS

  2. 基于GIS技术的鞍山市震害预测

    Earthquake disaster forecast of Anshan City Based on GIS technology

  3. 鞍山市数字高程模型(DEM)的建立

    Digital Elevation Models ( DEM ) Establishment in Anshan City

  4. 鞍山市10年AFP监测系统分析及评价

    Evaluation on the AFP Supervision System in Anshan City within 10 Years

  5. 基于TM遥感影像图的鞍山市千山植被变化研究

    Study on Changes of Vegetation in Qianshan of Anshan City Based on TM Remote Sensing Images

  6. 这条轧钢生产线是鞍钢集团(AngangSteel)在鞍山市拥有的庞大厂区的一部分。鞍钢是中国第二大钢铁企业。

    The steel-rolling line is part of a sprawling complex in Anshan owned by Angang Steel , China 's second-biggest steel company .

  7. 根据鞍山市旅游业发展实际,从方便用户出发,构建了基于GIS技术的鞍山市旅游地理信息系统。

    According to the current situation of Anshan 's tourism , starting off from convenience of users , Anshan tourism geographic information system was developed based on GIS .

  8. 结果表明:鞍山市SO2污染贡献中,来自供暖锅炉为44.76%;

    The results showed that SO_2 pollution contribution which came from heating boilers was ( 44.76 % ) .

  9. 低架源吨排放量污染贡献为中架源、高架源的5.67倍、33.14倍。因此,鞍山市SO2污染治理重点应为供暖锅炉、鞍钢一发电、鞍钢烧结厂。

    So the major projects of SO_2 pollution controlling were heating boilers , Angang power plant , Angang agglomeration plant .

  10. 鞍山市的空气质量在线监测系统的建设中,采用GPRS无线传输方式,统一了全市环境在线监测的通讯环境。

    GPRS radiosonde transmission system was adopted in air quality control system in AnShan city in order to administrate on-line air quality monitoring facilities in united way .

  11. 探讨了简捷、快速地估算机动车尾气污染物排放系数的方法,并计算了鞍山市机动车尾气中CO的排放系数。

    The simple and quick method for emission factor estimating of vehicle emission pollutants was discussed in the paper , and the emission factor of CO of mobile emissions in Anshan City was calculated .

  12. 运用协整理论对辽宁省鞍山市固定资产投资总额、建筑安装投资总额和GDP之间关系进行研究。

    The relation between the total investment in fixed assets , the total investment in construction and installation and GDP of Liaoning province Anshan is studied by using co-integration , and establishes a dynamic equilibrium model .

  13. 鞍山市土地规划MIS(管理信息系统)系统的实现,为城市土地规划和合理控制城市发展规模提供了科学的依据。

    With the achievement of Anshan City land planning MIS ( Management Information System ) system , we can provide a scientific basis for urban land planning and reasonable control the scale of urban development .

  14. 本文结合前人研究的成果和鞍山市的现状提出了利用鞍山现有大比例尺线划图DLG生成DEM的方法,并开展大比例尺DEM可行性的研究。

    In this paper linking existed result and Anshan city present situation the author puts forward to utilizing big scale line draw map form DEM method and study feasibility of big scale DEM .

  15. 本文通过对鞍山市中年人消费观念的调查,运用SPSS因子分析方法,总结了他们的消费类型,时商家、企业以及销售商具有参考价值。

    This essay got across the investigation of consume idea of middle-aged person in Anshan city , and applied the method of SPSS factor analysis to summarize their consume type . It has reference worth for merchant , enterprise and marketman .

  16. 本文着重研究了数字高程模型生成方法的质量控制,主要研究了原始数据误差处理,模型精度评定与质量检查,通过对鞍山市DLG的数据特点进行分析进而判断真假误差并对真误差进行剔除。

    Second , the author study emphatically quality control of EDM method producing , original date error process , model accurate evaluate and quality check . According to Anshan DLG feature the author analyze and judge true and false error and clear up true error .

  17. 利用1951~2004年计54a鞍山市逐年春夏季降水资料,采用线性趋势估计法、小波分析方法等统计学方法,分析了鞍山市半个世纪以来春夏季降水的变化特征。

    Based on spring and summer rainfalls data in Anshan from 1951 to 2004 , the characteristics of spring and summer rainfalls were analyzed with linear trend estimation method and wavelet analysis method .

  18. 在中间业务市场细分及定位的基础上,制定出建行鞍山市分行中间业务产品营销的4Ps战略,并针对银行产品为服务产品的特性,制定了包括服务模式差异化及服务质量管理策略。

    It also conduct positioning and choose the appropriate 4PS marketing strategy on the basis of market segmentation . Considering commercial bank 's characteristics of being a service industry , service marketing strategy which include tactics of service difference and service quality management are set up at the same time .

  19. 鞍山市锻造制品厂原2座钢球锻造加热炉,烧焦炭,风机能力过大,加之没有排烟烟囱,使炉子四处冒火,吨钢能耗高达200kg焦炭。

    Two reheating furnaces in Anshan Forging Product Works previously used coke as fuel , equipped with fans having more than needed capacity , did not have exhaust chimney and sent out smoke all around with energy consumption per ton steel up to 200 kg coke .

  20. 鞍山市成年人体质现状调研

    The Research on Physical Fitness Condition for Adult in Anshan City

  21. 鞍山市农药污染状况及防治途径

    Polluted State and Prevented Approach of Pesticide Pollution in Anshan City

  22. 鞍山市排水地下管网地理信息系统设计

    Design of wastewater discharge system of Anshan city based on GIS

  23. 遥感解译监测鞍山市森林资源现状

    Monitored Forest Resource Actuality of Anshan City by Remote Sense Technique

  24. 鞍山市SO2源排放污染贡献分析

    Analysis on Emission Pollution of SO 2 Source in Anshan City

  25. 试论鞍山市水资源的优化配置

    Discussion on the optimization distribution of water resources in Anshan City

  26. 鞍山市环境空气颗粒物中重金属元素分布特征

    Anshan City Ambient Air Particles in the Distribution of Heavy Metals

  27. 鞍山市水资源可持续开发利用对策探讨

    Countermeasures Discussion of Sustainable Development of Water Resource in Anshan City

  28. 鞍山市学龄前儿童血铅及脂质过氧化水平检测

    Blood lead and lipid peroxidation levels of preschool children in Anshan city

  29. 鞍山市ADMS-城市空气扩散模型的建立与验证

    Development of The model of ADMS for Urban Atmospheric Diffusion

  30. 鞍山市城区群众体育消费的调查与研究

    The Investigation and Research on Mass Sports Consumption in Anshan