
  • 网络kWh;kilowatt hours;kilowatt-hours;Kilowatt-hour;twh
  1. 它的动力系统出自特斯拉的设计,包括容量为28千瓦时的电池组和电池管理系统。

    The drive parts are Tesla 's devising , including a 28 kwh lithium battery pack and power-management system .

  2. 每千瓦时电能的生产都会排放一定量的CO2。

    The electricity production process will typically result in a certain amount of CO2 emission per KWH generated .

  3. 研究现代蒸汽技术的加拿大工程师哈里·瓦伦丁(HarryValentine)说,一个宽2米、长10米的特殊水箱可以储存750千瓦时的高压蒸汽,足够拉动一列两节车厢的火车行驶一个小时左右。

    According to Harry Valentine , a Canadian engineer who is researching modern steam technology , a special tank measuring 2 by 10 metres could store over 750 kilowatt hours of energy as high-pressure steam , enough to pull a 2-car train for an hour or so .

  4. 这种太阳能取暖器可以放置在任何窗台上,可以很容易使15x15x10英尺的房间升温最少10度,相当于8千比特释放的热量或2.5千瓦时的能量。

    This solar heater can be placed from the sill of any window to get sun and will quite easily raise the temperature of a 15 x 15 x 10 ft. room , by a minimum of 10 degrees . Which is about 8 thousand bits used of heat or roughly 2.5 kilowatts of energy every hour .

  5. 据估算,实现这个目标的风电价格约为每千瓦时6美分。

    This would cost about six US cents per kilowatt hour .

  6. 据报道,每千瓦时需花费1800美元。

    They are reported to have cost $ 1800 per kilowatt .

  7. 用电量控制在6.15万亿千瓦时左右。

    Electricity consumption is expected to be kept below 6.15 trillion kilowatt hours .

  8. 用户不能用人体感官直接察觉千瓦时的用电量。

    The customer cannot directly detect a kilowatt-hour with any of his physical senses .

  9. 称为千瓦时表(电度表)的表计就用来计量这种供给用户的无形电能。

    Devices called kilowatt-hour meters are used to measure this intangible electrical energy delivered to customers .

  10. 该插件逃逸可上升到每小时40英里和40英里的10千瓦时锂离子电池组。

    The plug-in Escape can go up to40 miles per hour and40 miles on its10 kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery pack .

  11. 为一千瓦时电,就是四百万焦耳,我只花区区10美分。

    For one kilowatt-hour of electricity , which is four million joules , I pay only a lousy ten cents .

  12. 在一个项目的最开始十年,对产品的信用额度将近每千瓦时两分。

    The credit is almost two cents per kilowatt hour for the first ten years of production for a project .

  13. 2010年12月22日中国电力企业联合会日前表示,到2020年,中国全社会用电量可达8.2万亿千瓦时。

    2010-12-22 The China Electricity Council ( CEC ) projected Tuesday the country 's electricity consumption will increase to8.2 trillion kWh by2020 .

  14. 登普斯特说,太阳树能够产生足够的电力(以千瓦时为单位)来驱动宝马的电动汽车。

    This solar tree , Dempster says , produces enough electricity ( in kilowatt-hours ) to power one of BMW 's electric vehicles .

  15. 在本示例中,我们将单位设为千瓦时/小时,这样我们就可以输入我们电量值了。

    In this case , we set the units to be kilowatt-hours per hour , so we can put in our power value as-is .

  16. 电度表电度表记录系统中某一点的总电力输出,通常以千瓦时为记录单位。

    Watt-Hour Meter A watt-hour meter records the total power output at a specific point in a system . Typical recording increment is in kW-hours .

  17. 与其他小型发电选项(如太阳能、风能和生物沼气)相比,水电通常是每千瓦时最廉价的选项。

    Compared with other small-scale electricity generating options , such as solar , wind and biogas , hydropower is usually the cheapest option per kilowatt-hour .

  18. 而排放硫、汞和煤灰的煤炭,其每千瓦时产能所造成的死亡人数仍将远远高于核能。

    Coal , with its emissions of sulphur , mercury and soot , will continue to kill far more people per kilowatt hour than nuclear does .

  19. 一公顷的带电栽培温室大棚每天需要用电大约15千瓦时,大约是美国一个普通家庭每天用电量的一半。

    One hectare of electrified greenhouse requires about 15 kilowatt-hours of electricity per day , which is about half the power usage of an average American family .

  20. 即使在福山核灾难发生之前,一家大学估计,核电的成本为每千瓦时12日元,高于火电和水电成本。

    Even before the Fukushima catastrophe , one university estimated the true cost of nuclear power at Y12 / kWh , higher than both thermal and hydro .

  21. ×15美分/千瓦时=1.14美元/年截至2014年,有记录的最大降雨量发生在1947年,美国密苏里州的霍尔特在42分钟内降雨量高达30厘米。

    The rainiest hour on record as of 2014 occurred in 1947 in Holt , Missouri , where about 30 centimeters of rain fell in 42 minutes .

  22. 尽管光伏技术每千瓦时的电价还贵一些,但太阳能板可以在小型个体体系中运用。因此,也仅需要更少的资本投资。

    Although it is more expensive per kilowatt-hour , solar panels can be deployed in small , modular systems , and thus require much less capital investment .

  23. 美国能源信息管理局估测2012年美国建筑、街道及高速公路的照明使用约2740亿千瓦时。

    The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2012 , lighting for buildings , streets and highways in the U.S. used about 274 billion kilowatt hours .

  24. 预计每年将产生超过620亿千瓦时的电力,这将减少超过5100万吨的二氧化碳排放。

    It 's expected to generate more than 62 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year , which would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by over 51 million tonnes .

  25. 周轩说:目前,混合动力的售价是每千瓦时500-600美元,但合理的价格应该是200美元。

    Right now [ hybrid ] batteries are selling for $ 500 to $ 600 per kilowatt hour , but they should be $ 200 , Zhou says .

  26. 杜克能源可再生公司的新部门将生产接近25万台太阳能面板,每年可产生123百万千瓦时电力。

    Duke Energy Renewables ' new units will have nearly a quarter of a million solar panels , and generate 123 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year .

  27. 全年城乡居民生活用电53亿千瓦时,比上年增长11%;

    In the year , urban and rural households consumed 5.3 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity for living , an increase of 11 percent from that in the previous year ;

  28. 得到更高的经济收益,相比国内的按照每千瓦时发电量给予补贴的形式对发电企业更有吸引力。

    Get higher economic gains , compared to the country in accordance with the amount of subsidies per kWh of electricity in the form of power generation companies more attractive .

  29. 暗地里,他能给他的表亲提供经济援助称为千瓦时表(电度表)的表计就用来计量这种供给用户的无形电能。

    In the black himself , he could offer financial assistance to his cousin . Devices called kilowatt-hour meters are used to measure this intangible electrical energy delivered to customers .

  30. 电能的应用结果(照明、取暖、电动机作功输出)能以千瓦时量测,用户以此为依据交付电费。

    The result of the kilowatt-hour of service ( light , heat , work output from a motor ) can be detected and for this he is willing to pay .