
qiān mǐ
  • kilometre;kilometer
千米 [qiān mǐ]
  • [kilometer] 长度单位,等于1000米。亦称公里(符号km)

千米[qiān mǐ]
  1. 平方千米阵项目(简称SKA)将建在西澳大利亚州。

    The Square Kilometre Array project will be built in the state of Western Australia .

  2. 流出这1立方千米的岩石

    that could flow out of a cubic kilometre of rock .

  3. 1981年,新型的日产汽车平均每升汽油能跑13千米。

    New Japanese cars averaged 13 km to the litre in 1981

  4. 这个岛周长3.5千米。

    The island is 3.5 km in circumference .

  5. 建议该处存在有稠密的侵入的岩浆体,延伸到20千米左右的深度,该区附近有低速的P波速度。

    This region is surrounded by lower P wave velocities .

  6. 查德雷说他总共跑了15英里(24千米),但从5.7英里(9千米)处打开GPS开始跟踪,拼出了求婚字样。

    He explained he had run about 15 miles ( 24km ) in total , but had the GPS tracking turned on to spell out the lettering over 5.7 miles ( 9km ) .

  7. 三个在澳大利亚度假的日本人被困住,因为他们的GPS告诉他们可以从主岛一路开至小岛,不过GPS导航显然没有提及中间15千米的水域和泥土。

    Three Japanese tourists holidaying in Australia came unstuck when their satnav told them they could drive from the mainland to an island failing to mention the 15 kilometres of water and mud in between .

  8. 佩戴式科技公司Touch近期依靠先进技术研发设计了一套别出心裁的戒指,能够使其佩戴者即使相隔上百或上千米也能感觉到另一半似乎近在咫尺。

    Wearable-tech company Touch has recently unveiled a revolutionary set of rings that rely on advanced technology to make wearers feel closer to each other even when they are hundreds or thousands of miles away .

  9. 距离福岛第一核电站25千米处的Minimisoma村官员SadayasuAb表示,这是该地区面临的第四大灾难。

    Sadayasu Ab , an official in Minimisoma , a village that sits 25 kilometers from the plant , says this s a fourth disaster for the region .

  10. 大约有500万人口居住在这座核电站80千米范围之内,MaureenHeddington就是其中之一。

    Almost five million people live within 80 kilometers of the plant , including Maureen Heddington .

  11. NASA表示,奋进号发射的时候,国际空间站正在罗马尼亚西部340千米的高空,以每秒8千米的速度运行。

    At the time of Endeavour 's launch , NASA says the International Space Station was traveling at a speed of about eight kilometers-per-second , 340 kilometers above western Romania .

  12. 东部数百千米处,经过一天的冲突后,冲突的双方都声称自己控制了石油港口拉斯拉努夫(RasLanuf)。

    Hundreds of kilometres to the east , there are conflicting claims about who now controls the oil port of Ras Lanuf after a day of clashes .

  13. DE-1卫星对千米波辐射和极光嘶声的部分观测结果及分析

    Auroral Kilometric Radiation and Auroral Hiss : DE-1 Observation Results

  14. 用SPJ-300改进型钻机施工超千米水井

    Drilling Deeper than 1000 meters Water Well with Modified SPJ-300 Drilling Rig

  15. 一队4架MiG-31就可以控制800-900千米的空中空间。

    A group of fourMiG-31 is able to control an air space of 800-900 km .

  16. 政府在非洲联盟的维和任务AMISOM派遣的4000人军队协助下,控制了该城市几百平方千米的地区。

    The government controls a few square kilometers of the city , aided by a force of about 4000 troops from the AU peacekeeping mission AMISOM .

  17. 这架取名为GENH-4的直升飞机,有两只转动方向相反的螺旋桨,最高时速为五十千米(31英里)。

    The helicopter , named GEN H-4 , has a set of two rotors turning in opposite directions and can fly at a maximum speed of50 kilometres ( 31 miles ) per hour .

  18. 仅就带宽而言,千米波辐射可以从50kHz到大于400kHz,但峰值强度处于200kHz左右。

    The frequency range of AKR is from 50 kHz to 400 kHz or more , but the peak intensity is around 200 kHz .

  19. 这条长260千米的英荷线(BritNed)将使得这两个国家之间实现电力交易,而且提高这两个国家的可靠性和电力供应。

    The260-kilometer BritNed link will allow energy trading between the two countries and increase the reliability of electricity supplies to both .

  20. 1953年,第一种使用可贮存推进剂(硝酸和碳氢燃料)的战术导弹R-11被研制出来,射程270千米。

    In1953 the first tactical missile using a storable propellant ( nitric acid and carbon-hydrogen fuel ), the R-11 , was created with a range of270 km .

  21. 长程超短基线定位系统要求实现对水下4千米海深的5个目标,如AUV、UUV等进行定位、跟踪和数据传输,最佳定位精度达到千分之五斜距。

    Long Range Ultra Short Baseline orientation system is required to achieve five underwater targets positioning , tracking and data communicating , for example AUV and UUV etc , and its best positioning precision of incline distance is less than 5 ‰ .

  22. 为少有游览完整个明朝(1368-1644)长城的人来说,NorwegianRobertLoken知道千里之行始于足下,而且这是一段6千米的长途路程。

    As one of the first few persons to walk the entire Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) Great Wall , Norwegian Robert Loken knows that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step but in his case it was a sojourn of 6000 km .

  23. 对DE-1卫星等离子体波的部分观测数据进行了处理,本文主要给出关于千米波辐射及极光嘶声的观测结果及分析。

    Data of plasma waves observed by DE-1 are analyzed for some time periods . In this paper , some results , mainly about AKR and auroral hiss , are given .

  24. 在近20×106a内有数百万立方千米的高温岩浆喷出地表,喷发速率约为0-03km3/a,对全球气候环境变化和生物灭绝产生巨大影响。

    In a period of nearly 20 × 10 6 a , millions of cubic kilometers of high_temperature magmas were erupted to the surface , which exerted notable impact on the global climatic environment and the extinction of living beings .

  25. 2003年2月24日至12月1日先后在伽师和昭苏县境内发生了MS6.8与MS6.0两次地震,新疆乌什台距两次地震震中200多千米,震前钻孔应变仪均记录到异常。

    On Feb 24 ~ ( th ), and Dec.1st 2003 two earthquakes of M_S 6.8 and 6.0 occured in Jiashi and ( Zhaosu ), Xinjiang region . Located about 200 kilometers from both the epicenters , the borehole strain anomalies at Wushi station had been recorded .

  26. 千米沥青碳纤维收丝系统的控制与试验研究

    The System Control and Experimental Study of Kilometer Asphalt Carbon Fiber

  27. 光速大约是每秒三十万千米。

    Light travels at about three hundred thousand kilometers a second .

  28. 他步行20多千米到隔壁的城镇去读书。

    He walked twenty kilometers to school in a neighboring town .

  29. 千米立井深孔爆破技术及工艺

    The Dynamiting Technique in the Deep Hole of Kilometer Vertical Well

  30. 千米钻机施工技术中固孔工艺的改进

    Improvement of Fixed Hole Craft in Construction Technology of Kilometer Rig