
  • 网络Medea;media
  1. 从美狄亚、刘兰芝看中外弃妇形象

    On Image of Deserted Wife Through Analyzing Medea and Liu Lan-zhi

  2. 古希腊妇女心灵的悲剧&《美狄亚》

    Medea , a Soul Tragedy of Ancient Greek Women ;

  3. 《美狄亚》的复仇形态类型属于爱情遇挫式复仇。

    The vengeance formation in Medea belongs to that of love setback .

  4. 等等,美狄亚的场景里可没什么棒球棍。

    Wait . there 's no Baseball-Bat scene in medea .

  5. 他们把它乘坐的那一美狄亚在非常严密的安全措施。

    They put it aboard the HMS Medea under very tight security .

  6. 欧里庇德斯在写美狄亚时也想要理解。

    Euripedes tried to understand it when he wrote medea .

  7. 两朵不谢的恶之花&美狄亚与卡门爱情悲剧比较

    A comparison of love tragedy between Madia and Carmen

  8. 盟誓与复仇:《美狄亚》的一个解读

    The Oaths and Vengeance : An Interpretation of Medea

  9. 《美狄亚》的复仇形态分析

    An Analysis of the Vengeance Formation in Medea

  10. 美狄亚原型的现代演绎

    A Modern Presentation of the Prototype of Medea

  11. 《美狄亚》抗争主题论

    On the Theme of the Resistance in Medea

  12. 社会环境的影响及美狄亚作为个体的特殊性是美狄亚复仇心理形成的基本要素。

    The effect of social environment and the special character of Medea cause the vindictiveness .

  13. 她所演绎的遭人背叛的美狄亚表现;

    her performance as the betrayed Medea .

  14. 美狄亚与秦香莲形象比较《美狄亚》的伦理主题

    Self-smashing of the Shackles-A Comparative Study between Media and Qin Xianglian The Ethic Theme of Medea

  15. 她不同于悲剧中的美狄亚没有采取任何激烈的报复行动。

    Unlike the Medes of the tragedy she does not indulge in any extravagant acts of revenge .

  16. 惊世骇俗的反抗者&从古希腊三大悲剧的比较中看《美狄亚》的创作思想

    Horrifying Revolt & - The idea for creating from the comparison of the three great Greek tragedies

  17. 本文试运用文学伦理学批评方法分析古希腊悲剧家欧里庇得斯的戏剧《美狄亚》和唐代诗人元稹的传奇《莺莺传》。

    This paper use the method of literary ethical criticism to analyse Euripides'Medea and Yuan Zhen'Biography of Yingying .

  18. 正如我旺先前所说的那样,她就是一个北欧式的美狄亚,将自己和阿特利的孩子全部杀死了。

    Like , as we have already said , a Norse Medea , she slew her own and Atli 's children .

  19. 但在剧院里扮演“美狄亚”或者“海达.盖伯乐”,演员便进入到一个已被很多次演绎过的神话的领域。

    While in the theatre with Medea or Hedda Gabler , one enters into mythical realms , already performed many times over .

  20. (希腊神话)美狄亚的丈夫,寻找金羊毛的阿尔戈英雄的领导。

    ( Greek mythology ) the husband of Medea and leader of the Argonauts who sailed in quest of the Golden Fleece .

  21. 美狄亚和爱碧是欧里庇得斯的《美狄亚》和奥尼尔的《榆树下的欲望》中的女主人公。

    Media and Aibiey are the female characters in the books of Euripidess 《 Media 》 and O Neal s 《 Lust under the elm tree 》 .

  22. 美狄亚和赵五娘是古希腊悲剧家欧里庇得斯的悲剧《美狄亚》和高则诚改编的中国古典悲剧《琵琶记》中演绎的两位弃妇形象。

    Medea and Zhao Wuniang are two abandoned women respectively in ancient Greek tragedian Euripides'tragedy Medea and classical Chinese tragedy The Story of the Pipa adapted by Gao Zecheng .

  23. 美狄亚,国王埃厄忒斯的女儿,被厄洛斯的神箭射中,和伊阿宋一起寻觅金羊毛,最后成为这位英雄的妻子。

    Medea , daughter of king Aeetes , was wounded by Eros'arrows , took Jason 's part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero 's wife .