
  • 网络Secretary of State;US Secretary of State;United States Secretary of State;U.S. Secretary of State;Hillary Clinton
  1. 美国国务卿和俄罗斯外交部长进行了会晤,试图敲定这项难以达成的协议。

    The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord .

  2. 在讲话中,阿巴斯还对埃及、卡塔尔、及美国国务卿约翰•克里(JohnKerry)为促成停火所发挥的作用表示感谢。卡塔尔是哈马斯的主要外国支持者。

    He thanked Egypt , Qatar – Hamas ' main foreign patron – and John Kerry , the US Secretary of State , for their role in arranging the ceasefire .

  3. 我崇拜前美国国务卿乔治•P•舒瓦茨,他阐明了气候变化的现实,为务实的解决方案提供支持。

    I admire former Secretary of state George P. Shultz for speaking up about the reality of climate change and building support for pragmatic solutions .

  4. 美国国务卿约翰·克里(JohnKerry)称这些选举活动明显违反了明斯克停火协议。

    Secretary of State John Kerry called the elections a clear violation of the Minsk agreement .

  5. 2008年,康多莉扎赖斯(condoleezzarice)成为上世纪50年代以来首位访问利比亚的美国国务卿。

    In 2008 , Condoleezza Rice became the first US Secretary of state to visit Libya since the 1950s .

  6. 六十年前,时任美国国务卿的乔治•马歇尔(GeorgeMarshall)在哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)的毕业典礼上致辞。

    Six long decades ago George Marshall , the American secretary of state , delivered the commencement speech at Harvard University 's graduation ceremony .

  7. 当时他陪同时任美国国务卿的玛德琳·K·奥尔布赖特(MadeleineK.Albright)访问朝鲜平壤。

    when he accompanied then-Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright on a visit to Pyongyang .

  8. 而今年,他的夫人美国国务卿希拉里(hillary)对互联网自由发表的一个谈话,则悲观了许多。

    This year his wife Hillary , Secretary of state , gave a more downbeat speech on Internet freedom .

  9. 一年前,仍担任外交大臣的米利班德向美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)阐述了同样的论点。

    Mr Miliband made much the same case to Hillary Clinton a year ago while he was still serving as foreign secretary .

  10. 上月乌克兰危机爆发之后,白宫把积极游说拉夫罗夫的重任交给了美国国务卿克里(JohnKerry)。

    Since the crisis over Ukraine erupted last month , the White House gave Secretary of State John Kerry the task of aggressively engaging Mr. Lavrov .

  11. 前美国国务卿亨利基辛格(henrykissinger)提醒双方代表团,他们正面临着“历史性挑战”。

    Henry Kissinger , the former US Secretary of state , reminded the two delegations of the " historic challenge " facing both sides .

  12. 美国国务卿约翰克里(johnkerry)认为,通过谈判来终结叙利亚的血腥内战仍有一线希望。

    John Kerry , US Secretary of state , believes there may be a window of opportunity for a negotiated solution to the bloody civil war in Syria .

  13. 如果美国国务卿康多莉扎赖斯(condoleezzarice)和其他身负重托的顾问现在还没有建议布什接受这个提议,那将令人感到惊讶。

    It would be surprising if Condoleezza Rice , the US Secretary of state , and other trusted counsellors are not advising Mr Bush to accept this offer .

  14. 首先,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)以其充满魅力的访问,在很大程度上消除了日本人对她可能偏爱中国而忽视日本的担心。

    First Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of state , largely dispelled fears that she might neglect Japan in favour of China with a charm-infused visit .

  15. 随后美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)应该跟进这些电话,并着手准备将该事件提交至联合国安理会。

    Hillary Clinton , US secretary of state , should then follow up on these calls and set in motion convening the United Nations Security Council .

  16. 在基辅,美国国务卿约翰•克里(JohnKerry)警告,除非俄罗斯撤出夺取了克里米亚控制权的部队,否则美国将从政治、经济和外交上孤立俄罗斯。

    In Kiev , John Kerry warned that the US would isolate Russia politically , economically and diplomatically unless it withdrew the forces that have seized control of Crimea .

  17. 他甚至曾骄傲地把自己的电子邮件地址送给时任美国国务卿玛德琳奥尔布赖特(madeleinealbright)。

    He even proudly gave his e-mail address to Madeleine Albright , then US Secretary of state .

  18. 联合国和阿拉伯联盟谈判代表科菲·安南(KofiAnnan)周五在华盛顿会晤了美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿。

    United Nations and Arab League negotiator Kofi Annan met Friday in Washington with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton .

  19. 据NPR新闻的黛安娜·道格拉斯报道,今天,美国国务卿约翰·克里对俄罗斯发出了严厉的警告。

    As NPR 's Dianna Douglas reports , Secretary of State John Kerry issued a stern warning to Russia today .

  20. 我们的国力并没有减弱,但我们需要以不同的方式运用这些力量,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)上周表示。

    We are no less powerful , but we need to apply our power in different ways , said Hillary Clinton , secretary of state , last week .

  21. 上月,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)向出席亚洲安全会议的代表们表示,美国支持和平解决南中国海的领土争端问题。

    Last month , Hillary Clinton told delegates at an Asian Security gathering that the US supported the peaceful resolution of territorial disputes in the South China Sea .

  22. 中国很可能会将上述言论视为一种挑衅,因为它们呼应了美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)去年发表的激怒北京方面的话。

    China is likely to see the comments as a provocation as they echo remarks by Hillary Clinton , US secretary of state , last year that infuriated Beijing .

  23. 美国国务卿克里(JohnKerry)周四访问了韩国,试图安抚美国亚洲盟友的不安。朝鲜核项目和中国日趋强大的军事力量令这些国家忧心忡忡。

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited South Korea on Thursday , seeking to reassure anxious allies in the region worried about North Korea 's nuclear program and China 's growing military clout .

  24. 中国官方媒体对美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)进行了猛烈的抨击,此前希拉里警告非洲领导人在与那些企图攫取非洲资源的国家合作时要谨慎。

    Chinese state media have lashed out at Hillary Clinton , US secretary of state , after she warned African leaders about co-operation with countries who want to exploit the continent 's resources .

  25. 去年12月,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)在一封信件中警告称,如果欧盟不中止该计划,美国将“采取相应的行动”。

    In December , Hillary Clinton , the Secretary of state , warned in a letter that the US would " take appropriate action " if the EU did not suspend the scheme .

  26. 与此同时,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)表示,在最近几次由领土问题和军演引起的外交争端中,中国一直在对亚洲其它国家和美国进行“试探”。

    Meanwhile , Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of state , said China had been " testing " other nations in Asia and the US during recent diplomatic disputes over territory and military exercises .

  27. 正如时任美国国务卿的科林鲍威尔(colinpowell)曾经警告萨卡什维利的,美国不会为了南高加索的一个分离地区而同俄罗斯开战。

    As then Secretary of State Colin Powell had warned him , the United States would not go to war with Russia over a breakaway province in the southern Caucasus .

  28. 去年7月,中国对美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)的话作出愤怒反应,当时希拉里坚称,南海对美国具有战略重要性,并提出美国愿意扮演调停角色。

    China reacted angrily last July when Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of state , insisted that the South China Sea was of strategic importance to the US and offered to act as a mediator .

  29. 中国很可能支持新制裁措施,但这些新措施可能远非美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)曾提到过的极严厉的制裁。

    The Chinese may well agree to new measures . But these are likely to fall far short of the crippling sanctions that Hillary Clinton , the US Secretary of State , once called for .

  30. 这位美国国务卿记起了迪安艾奇逊(deanacheson)的名言:“吸引他人支持的能力与支配他人的能力同等重要”。

    The Secretary of state recalled the words of Dean Acheson : " the ability to evoke support from other " is " quite as important as the capacity to compel " .