
fú wù hánɡ yè
  • service trades
服务行业 [fú wù háng yè]
  • [service trades] 为人服务,使人生活上得到方便的各种行业

  1. 重点已经从制造业向服务行业转移。

    There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries .

  2. 主要的服务行业应该对它们的顾客负责。

    The major service industries should be accountable to their customers .

  3. 当地会创造出更多的就业机会,尤其是服务行业。

    More local employment will be created , particularly in service industries

  4. 警察、银行家和卖肉的全被一股脑儿地并在了服务行业里。

    Policemen , bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector

  5. 空中旅游公司承认其对度假服务行业竞争对手海外业主旅行社的控股企图以失败告终。

    Airtours conceded defeat in its attempt to take control of holiday industry rival Owners Abroad

  6. 政府将优先投资服务行业,而非工业和生产行业。

    The government is prioritising the service sector , rather than investing in industry and production .

  7. 服务行业蒸蒸日上。

    The service industry is flourishing day by day .

  8. 三家公司拥有庞大用户基础,基本面稳定,在全球电信服务行业中具有重要影响力。其ADR总体规模不大,即便摘牌,对公司发展和市场运行的直接影响相当有限。

    Given the three companies ' large user base , stable operation , significant influence on the global telecommunications service industry , as well as the small proportion of ADRs in their total shares , the act of delisting will have very limited impact on their market operation and development , according to the spokesperson .

  9. 当我还是小女孩的时候,妈妈就告诉我,如果你想知道一个人是不是真的友善,那就观察一下那个人如何对待售货员、服务员和其他无法为自己辩护的服务行业人士。

    When I was a little girl my mother told me that if you want to know whether a person is really nice , observe the way that person treats salesclerks , waiters , and other people in service professions who can 't defend themselves .

  10. 丹东市饮食服务行业人员HBV感染状况调查

    Survey of HBsAg infection in workers engaged in food and service industries in Dandong City

  11. 郑州市金水区饮食服务行业人群HBV感染状况的调查分析

    Analysis of HBV Infection Among People Who Are Engaged in Catering Trade in Jinshui District , Zhengzhou

  12. 2007年贡山县公共场所与饮食服务行业从业人员HBV感染检测分析

    Analysis of HBV Infection among Employees in Public Places and Catering Trade in Gongshan County in 2007

  13. 文章对我国加入WTO后中介服务行业形势进行了分析,讨论了其面临的挑战和机遇,提出了应对措施。

    This article analyzed the situation after we entered the WTO , discussed the challenge and opportunity , put forward the dealing measure .

  14. 我国自加入WTO至今,包括教育在内的服务行业五年过渡期已满。

    It has been five years since China enter into WTO and the transition-period will be over , including the education service industry .

  15. 中国对欧洲的出口强劲增长,直接带动了CE认证服务行业的发展。

    China 's strong growth in exports to Europe drives the development of the CE certification service industries directly .

  16. 建立人力资源服务行业的SIS

    Building the SIS of Human Resource Service Trade

  17. 1997~2000年深圳市饮食服务行业人员HBsAg监测情况分析

    Study on the HBsAg of the servers in the food and beverage field in Shenzhen city from 1997 to 2000

  18. 北京市顺义区2008年服务行业从业人员HBsAg和ALT检查结果分析

    Analysis on HBsAg and ALT Examination Results of Employees in Service Industries in Shunyi District of Beijing City in 2008

  19. 虽然半数GDP收入来自服务行业,但是将近2/3的人在从事农业耕作,稻谷是他们最重要的单一农产品。

    Although half of GDP is generated through the service sector , nearly two-thirds of Bangladeshis are employed in the agriculture sector , with rice as the single-most-important product .

  20. 韩国一直试图在服务行业寻求新的增长点,由此减少对三星电子(SamsungElectronics)和现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)等制造商的依赖。

    South Korea has been trying to find new growth engines in the service sector so it relies less on manufacturers like Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motor .

  21. 方法抽取服务行业从业人员体检血清1025份,进行HBV荧光定量PCR和ELISA结果以及表面抗原滴度检测结果的比对分析,以确认标准方法。

    Methods The serum samples from ~ 1 ? 025 HBsAg positive persons applying for service work were tested by FQ-PCR kits and compared with ELISA results and HBsAg titer test .

  22. 那份工作是科尔进入餐饮服务行业的介绍信,同时也是她迈向Cinnamon总裁宝座的第一步。

    It was her introduction to the food service industry and also the first step toward becoming the head honcho at Cinnabon .

  23. 在香港,ISO9000认证已获得广泛采纳,并已伸延至服务行业,藉以提高公司形象。

    In Hong Kong , the ISO 9000 certification has been widely adopted and extended to service industries for the sole purpose of enhancing corporate image .

  24. 方法:采用Maslach倦怠量表-服务行业版(MBI-HSS)对171名心理咨询师进行了调查。

    Methods : 171 psychological counselors were tested by MBI-HSS .

  25. 彭博董事长彼得格劳尔(PeterGrauer)认为,金融服务行业今年将削减20%的信息支出。

    Peter Grauer , Bloomberg 's chairman , believes the financial services industry will cut its information spending by 20 per cent this year .

  26. 然后结合医疗卫生服务行业的特点,基于ACSI模型并利用PLS建模方法构建了医院顾客满意度指数模型。

    Then according to the characteristics of the health services career , based on the ACSI model and PLS model method to build the Hospital Customer Satisfaction Degree Index Model .

  27. 虽然最开始是针对产品零售商的供应商(代理商)而制定的,在近年,brc的食品技术标准则被广泛应用于食品工业的其他部门如制作食品成分的企业和食品服务行业。

    Although originally developed primarily for the supply of retailer branded products , in recent years the BRC food technical standard has been widely used across a number of other sectors of the food industry such as food service and ingredients manufacture .

  28. 电子商务在服务行业中占据重要地位。

    E-commerce has an important role in the contemporary service industry .

  29. 设计咨询行业属于知识、技术密集型服务行业。

    And design consulting industry is a knowledge-and technology-intensive service industries .

  30. 弘扬信息交流传统再续服务行业新篇

    Carry forward tradition of information communion continue new chapter of service industry