
fú wù yè
  • service;tertiary industry
服务业[fú wù yè]
  1. 该市的服务业发展滞后。

    The city 's service industry is lagging behind .

  2. 乡镇企业有商贸、采煤、炼焦、采石、饮食服务业

    Township enterprises in trade , in commerce , mining , coking , quarrying , food service industry .

  3. 他以前从事临时服务业。

    He hired himself out to whoever needed his services .

  4. 美国在金融业与服务业方面无可匹敌。

    The United States was tops in finance and services

  5. 最近的这次经济扩张背后的主要推动力量之一是服务业的增长。

    One of the driving forces behind this recent expansion is the growth of services .

  6. 采矿业增长了9.1%,制造业增长了9.4%,服务业增长了4.3%。

    Mining rose by 9.1 % , manufacturing by 9.4 % and services by 4.3 % .

  7. 服务业的进一步谈判将于2012年开启。

    Further negotiations on services will commence in 2012 .

  8. 看他们如何对待前台、服务员、客服人员以及任何服务业者,这能充分说明他们的性格以及他们是否能理性地解决问题。

    How they treat receptionists , waiters , call-center employees and anyone in a service profession . It speaks volumes about their character and their ability to deal with problems in a rational way .

  9. 为更好发挥北京在中国服务业开放中的引领作用,我们将支持北京打造国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区,加大先行先试力度,探索更多可复制可推广经验;

    To better leverage Beijing 's role in spearheading the opening-up of China 's services sector , we will support the municipality in developing a national integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the services sector . It will enable Beijing to take bigger , bolder steps as a trailblazer and gain more experience that would be replicable and scalable .

  10. 加入WTO与发展广西服务业

    China 's WTO Entry and the Develpment of Guangxi 's Services

  11. WTO规则与民族地区教育服务业的发展和保护

    The WTO Regulations and Development and Protection of Educational Service in Ethnic Regions

  12. 浅议WTO环境下我国信息服务业的发展

    On the development of information service in WTO

  13. 影响我国服务业FDI的环境因素灰色关联分析

    GRA of Environmental Factors of FDI in Chinese Service Trades

  14. 近年来,服务业FDI逐渐超过制造业FDI成为中国引资新的亮点。

    In recent years , FDI in service industry has gradually exceeded manufacturing FDI in attracting foreign capital .

  15. 而这一现象也得到学术界的关注,目前学术界对于服务业FDI的相关领域的研究越来越重视。

    The academe also focused on this phenomenon . They paid more attention on researching the fields about services FDI .

  16. 具体提出了BTOB业务对传统企业的整合,.services对传统服务业的整合,网络对传统媒体的整合等。

    More details are also given on the integrations of B to B businesses and traditional industries ," . services " and traditional service industries , interned and traditional media industries .

  17. 物流业是中国加入WTO以后所受影响最大的领域之一,主要包括公路、水运行业,分销服务业。

    After entering WTO , Logistics industry is one of the greatest affected area in China , such as road transportation , water car - riage , retail service etc.

  18. 现代服务业占GDP比重更是远低于全国平均水平,与发达地区的差距更大。

    The proportion of modern service sector in GDP is far smaller than the national average level and the gap to the developed areas is even much deeper .

  19. 笔者提出了三个致使GATS具有多边投资协议属性的理由:第一,服务业国际投资与服务贸易之间具有紧密而不可分割的关系。

    The first one is that international investment in service has a close relationship with trade in service .

  20. 本文主要利用20年的数据,在建立向量自回归模型以及格兰杰因果关系检验模型的基础上,对FDI与中国服务业发展的协整关系和因果关系进行了检验。

    Based on the data of nearly 20 years , the author establishes the Vector Auto-regression Model and Granger Causality Analysis Model in this paper to test the cointegration and granger causality between FDI and the growth of China 's service industry .

  21. 方法应用ELISA方法在1995~1999年对53434名饮食服务业从业人员进行了血清HBsAg、抗HBc、HBeAg和抗HBe检测。

    Methods Serum HBsAg , anti HBc , HBeAg and anti HBe were detected by ELISA in 53434 persons from catering and service trades during the past 5 years ( 1995 1999 ) .

  22. 介绍ISO9000标准、ISO9000认证及其对服务业的适用性,分析图书馆服务质量管理中面临的特殊性问题,指出ISO9000认证是保证图书馆服务质量的有效途径。

    This paper discusses ISO 9000 serials standards , ISO 9000 certification and their applicability to service industry , analyzes the characteristics of service quality management of libraries and proposes that achieving ISO 9000 certification is an effective way to ensure service quality of libraries .

  23. 有形产品创新中的A-U模型已成为描述制造业技术创新演变规律的一般模型,而对服务业的创新演变规律学者们至今没有形成统一的认识,也不存在一个获得普遍认可的理论模型。

    " A-U " model has become a dominant model to describe the nature of technology innovation , while researchers have not come to agreement on the nature of service innovation .

  24. 旅游服务业,媒体策划,以及计算机信息系统。

    Hospitality Industry , Media Planning , and Computer Information Systems .

  25. 北京现代服务业的界定与发展研究

    Delimitation and Definition of Beijing Modern Service and Its Development Research

  26. 影响服务业国际竞争力的因素分析

    Analysis on Factors to Influence the International Competitiveness of Service Industry

  27. 论生产服务业发展中的政府角色

    Discussing the Role of Government in the Development of Producing Services

  28. 2001年全国制造业、服务业企业质量管理现状抽样调查报告

    Report for 2001 Nationwide Survey on QM Statement of China Enterprises

  29. 对我国畜牧信息服务业运行机制的研究

    Discussion about operation mechanism of information service for domestic animal industry

  30. 沈阳市体育服务业发展对策的研究

    Countermeasure Research on the Development of Sports Service of Shenyang City