
  • 网络service profit chain;the Service Profit Chain Model
  1. 第二章论述网点转型的理论支持,主要阐述网点转型理论,服务利润链模型等理论。

    The second chapter discusses the theoretical support network transformation , mainly on the branch transformation theory , theories of service profit chain model .

  2. 本文的创新之处在于建立了高等教育服务利润链模型;建立了感知教育服务质量模型;

    The main results of the article are established the model of service profit chain and establish the model of apperception education service quality .

  3. 借鉴服务利润链模型,结合我国卫生事业的公益性质,提出医院服务效益链。

    Based on the service-chain model , the paper proposes a new model of the hospital service-benefit chain .

  4. 依据服务利润链模型,员工是饭店最重要的无形资产,忠诚的顾客由员工创造。

    According to the model of service-profit chain , employees are the most important intangible assets in hotel , and they create the loyalty customers .

  5. 然后对赫斯克特(James.L.Heskett)等学者提出的服务利润链概念模型和Parasuranman等学者提出的服务质量差距模型(GAP模型)进行了概述,为实证分析提供了充足的理论依据。

    Then this thesis has get out of carry on the summary of the theory of service profit chain and the service quality gap model ( GAP model );

  6. 第三部分结合餐饮行业的特点和实际,分析餐饮企业中影响其服务利润链构成的因素,建立餐饮企业服务利润链关系模型,并对已建立的服务利润链模型进行了详细解析。

    The third part combines the characteristics of the service industry with the actual practice , analyses the main factors that influences the service profit chain , establishes the service profit chain model , and explains the models that has already existed in detailed information .