
  1. 基于能力的薪酬方案及其设计

    The Design of Compensation System Based on Competence

  2. 提出了能力薪酬方案的设计流程,即从企业使命和价值观中提炼核心能力,通过对核心能力分析和评估,最终形成基于能力的薪酬方案。

    The paper presents a design procedure of competence-based pay in which the core competence is first summarized through the corporate mission and values and the competence-based pay finally formed by analyzing , and evaluating the core competence .

  3. 第三部分通过对勘察设计行业传统薪酬体系的研究发现其不足之处,分析勘察设计行业建立基于能力的薪酬的可行性和必要性,以及设计步骤等。

    The third part of the traditional pay system of survey and design industry found its shortcomings , the analysis of survey and design industry to establish the feasibility and necessity of the ability to pay . as well as design steps .

  4. 本文主要介绍了全面薪酬制度和基于个人能力的薪酬制度,以及适应条件和运用方法。

    This paper mainly introduces the all - round pay system and pay system based on personal ability and its adaptive conditions and application methods .

  5. 本文在总结归纳国内外研究现状的基础上,从企业薪酬思想演变过程的角度论述了基于技能与能力的薪酬体系产生的必然性。

    This paper summarizes previous study in this field and demonstrates the necessity of skill and competency-based pay system .

  6. 本文从基于能力和技能的薪酬方案与传统的职位薪酬方案的比较分析出发,重点论述了能力薪酬的优点与局限性。

    This paper emphasizes the advantage and limitation of competence-based pay through comparing the competence-based and skill-based pay with traditional job-based pay .

  7. 对是基于职位还是基于能力的薪酬体系的特征进行论述,指出基于能力的薪酬体系将是今后国有企业发展的方向。

    In discussing the feature of salary management on the position , or on the ability , the article point out that salary management system on the ability is the new direction in the development of business enterprise .