
  • 网络Fundamental Subjects;Basic Sciences;basic discipline;basic courses
  1. 重力场是反应地球特性的地球物理基本物理场,重力场信息对固体地球物理学、空间物理、地球动力学和地震学等基础学科的研究具有重要意义。

    Gravitational field is one of Geophysical fields which reflected the properties of the Earth , the information which contain are meaningful to the research of fundamental subjects such as solid Geophysics , space Geophysics , Geodynamics and seismology .

  2. 运动生物化学是运动营养学的基础。生物化学是生命科学的基础学科之一。

    Exercise biochemistry is the base of sports nutriology . Biochemistry is one of the fundamental subjects of life science .

  3. 在回顾14项关于体育活动与学业表现的研究时,研究者们发现,孩子们活动得越多,在校考试分数就越高,特别是在数学、英语、阅读这些基础学科上。

    In a review of 14 studies that looked at physical activity and academic performance , investigators found that the more children moved , the better their grades were in school , particularly in the basic subjects of math , English and reading .

  4. 关于水利科学基础学科中若干问题的Delphi调查

    Delphi Investigation on Some Questions in Water Science

  5. 随着数论、信息论等基础学科的发展,研究人员对RSA加密算法的理解也逐渐深入。

    With the development of number theory , information theory and other basic disciplines , the researchers can understand the RSA encryption algorithm gradually in-depth .

  6. 生物医药基础学科探究性实验教学体系的构建

    Construction of the Exploring Experimental Teaching Systems for Basic Biomedical Courses

  7. 论大学教育中人文基础学科的突出地位

    On the Prominent Position of the Basic Humanities in University Education

  8. 医学生物学是一门重要的基础学科,具有较独特的学科特点。

    Medical biology is a distinctive fundamental course with unique characteristics .

  9. 关于发展我国基础学科的若干政策建议

    Several Policy Suggestions on the Development of Basic Discipline in China

  10. 发展我国基础学科应该重视的几个问题

    Pay Attention to Several Problems in the Development of Basic Disciplines

  11. 通过多种基金资助的论文占总量的4.4%,其中基础学科的论文占基础理论论文总量的10%以上。

    The papers on basic science accounted for over 10 % .

  12. 钢琴教学是音乐教育专业的基础学科,是师范学生提高自身素质和修养的必备技能之一。

    Piano teaching is the basic subject in music educational area .

  13. 运动规律是动画的一门基础学科。

    Law of motion is a basic subjects of animation .

  14. 对中医临床基础学科现状的思考

    Speculation on Status Quo of Specialty of TCM Clinical Basics

  15. 既是基础学科,又具临床性质。

    It is both a basic science and is of clinical nature .

  16. 材料科学是科学技术的基础学科之一。

    Materials science is one of the foundations of science and technology .

  17. 中医基础学科知识点的研究报告

    Study on the key knowledge of basic subjects of TCM

  18. 我国基础学科发展的投入产出分析

    On Input and Output Analysis of Basic Disciplines in China

  19. 中医临床基础学科建设之我见

    My Opinions on the Construction of Clinical Basic Science of Chinese Medicine

  20. 物理学是整个自然科学的基础学科。

    Physics is a basic course of natural sciences .

  21. 中医临床基础学科人才培养模式刍议

    Tentative suggestions for cultivation pattern of traditional Chinese medicine clinical basic courses personnel

  22. 基础学科引文峰值区域比较研究

    Compare and Research on the Peak of Citation Area Value in Basic Subjects

  23. 形式逻辑是一门专业性强、理论性强的基础学科,又是一门难理解较枯燥的课程。

    The formal logic is an basic subject with highly speciality and theory .

  24. 运动解剖学不仅属于体育专业的基础学科,而且也是一门体育专业的综合应用学科。

    Kinesic anatomy is a basic and generally applied course in physical educator .

  25. 中医临床基础学科高层次应用型人才培养模式和途径的研究

    Model and Way for Training Hing Level and Practical Type Personnel of CM

  26. 地层学是地质学的一门重要的基础学科。

    Stratigraphy is one of the basic subjects of most significance in geology .

  27. 基础学科的发展具有战略意义。

    The development of basic disciplines has strategic Significance .

  28. 英语课是我国中学阶段的一门基础学科。

    English is considered one of the basic subjects in Chinese high schools .

  29. 物理作为科学教育中的基础学科,其教育也存在着诸多问题。

    As the basic disciplines of science education , physical education exists many problems .

  30. 人类学的本土化及其基础学科地位的认同

    Localization and Identity of Basic Subject of Anthropology