
jī chǔ kē xué
  • basic science
  1. 首先理解基础科学是关键。

    Understanding the basic science first is key .

  2. 论SCI在基础科学研究评价中的作用

    SCI Standard and Its Functions in Evaluation of Basic Science Research

  3. PPS紧密结合其它临床前的基础科学课程。

    PPS is closely integrated with other preclinical " basic science " courses .

  4. STS与基础科学教育

    STS and Elementary Science Education

  5. 本次会议将提供一个在基础科学和临床科学相关领域的RA的研究的前沿研究课题进行讨论的场所。

    This meeting will provide a venue for discussion of cutting-edge research topics in basic science and clinical science areas relevant to RA research .

  6. 但是外交人士说俄罗斯在基础科学领域的强烈兴趣有潜力造福UNESCO的科学项目。

    But diplomats said Russia 's strong interest in basic sciences had the potential to benefit UNESCO 's science programmes .

  7. 为了进一步了解MMF,委员会强烈建议在临床、流行病学、免疫学和基础科学等领域展开针对MMF的研究。

    To further understand MMF , the Committee strongly recommends that research studies be undertaken to evaluate the clinical , epidemiological , immunological and basic science aspects of MMF .

  8. 基于SCI-E的新疆基础科学研究现状及发展态势分析

    Current Situation and Development Trend of Basic Science Research in Xinjiang Based on the analysis of the Articles Indexed in SCI-E

  9. 瑞士诺华公司(Novartis)将成为首批在华开展基础科学研究的全球制药企业之一,其将投资1亿美元在上海成立一家新药研发机构。

    Novartis is to become one of the first global pharmaceuticals companies to conduct basic scientific research in China , by investing $ 100m in a new drug discovery facility in Shanghai .

  10. 利用研究堆冷中子源装置提供的冷中子进行中子散射实验,已在众多基础科学和应用科学领域得到了广泛的应用,中子散射尤其是冷中子散射是CARR最重要的应用。

    Cold Neutrons , provided by Cold Neutron Source ( CNS ) on research reactor , have been used for conducting neutron scattering experiments , which has been getting wider and wider applications in many fundamental and applied science fields .

  11. 本论文的研究内容系航空基础科学基金资助项目(No.99F53065)和南昌航空工业学院测试技术与控制工程研究中心开放基金(No.2001-15)的一部分。

    This thesis is the project supported by Aeronautical Foundation Science ( No.99F53065 ) and Research Center of Measuring and Testing Technologies , and Control Engineering in Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology ( No.2001-15 ) .

  12. 论基础科学研究成果的社会承认过程

    On the Social Acknowledgement Process of Research Achievements in Basic Science

  13. 二十世纪八十年代后国际基础科学教育改革

    The Reform of International Basic Science Education since the 1980 's

  14. 基础科学、应用科学与生产技术间的关系

    Relationship between fundamental sciences , applied sciences , and productive technology

  15. 中美基础科学教育的差异

    The Differences in School Science Education between China and the USA

  16. 加强基础科学研究建设国家创新体系

    Strengthening Basic Science Research , Constructing the System of National Innovation

  17. 化学物质性质总服从于基础科学原理。

    Chemical properties of substances would obey the scientifically basic principles .

  18. 煤炭能源优化利用中的重要基础科学问题

    Major scientific problems with optimal utilization of coal as an energy source

  19. 关于自动化领域中若干基础科学问题的思考

    Thinking about several problems of basic science in automation domain

  20. 原子分子物理-研究宇宙物质的基础科学

    Atomic and molecular physics-the fundamental science for studying cosmic matter

  21. 基础科学研究对建设创新型国家具有重要意义

    Basic Research is Essential for Constructing an Innovation Oriented Country

  22. 国际科研合作项目在新疆基础科学研究中的比重在下降。

    In addition , international scientific collaborative projects in Xinjiang are decreasing .

  23. 加强基础科学研究投资国家未来

    Supporting basic research & an investment to the future of the nation

  24. 我国基础科学素质教育生存境域的拓展

    On Enlarging Existence Condition in Quality Education In China 's Basic Science

  25. 运用基础科学解读矩阵式管理模式

    Use of Basic Sciences to Interpreting Array Managing Pattern

  26. 建构主义理论与我国基础科学教育改革的若干问题

    Some Issues in China 's School Science Education Reform : A Constructivist Perspective

  27. 综合大学优势与基础科学研究

    The Advantage of Comprehensive Universities and Basic Scientific Research

  28. 朗讯科技贝尔实验室基础科学研究院(中国)在北京成立

    Lucent Technology Bell Labs Fundamental Techology Institute ( China ) Established in Beijing

  29. 国家基础科学人才培养基金实施工作回顾与展望

    Review and expectation of National Science Fund for fostering talents in basic science

  30. 科学不是划分为基础科学和应用科学吗?

    Isn 't science divided into basic and applied ?