
  • 网络catalonia;Catalan;catalunya;Catalonian;CAT
  1. 巴塞罗那将有望首次把奖杯捧回西班牙——抱歉,是捧回加泰罗尼亚。

    Barcelona will be hoping to bring the trophy back to Spain — sorry , Catalonia — for the first time .

  2. 在加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia)的普里奥拉托(Priorat)产区,有些地势较高的葡萄园含有闪闪发光的黑色板岩和石英岩(quartz)(这种土壤在当地叫做llicorella),来自这里的很多红葡萄酒也都有着一种共同的风味。

    And in Priorat , Catalonia , there is a flavour common to many of the red wines from vineyards high in the sparkling mix of black slate and quartz known locally as llicorella .

  3. 里卡多·博菲利是一名加泰罗尼亚的建筑师,这座整修过的机场就是他设计的。

    Ricardo Bofill , the Catalan architect , has designed the revamped airport .

  4. 加泰罗尼亚人宣布支持查理,于是一场内战在巴伦西亚和阿拉贡两地爆发。

    The Catalans declared for Charles and a civil war erupted in Valencia and Aragon

  5. 加泰罗尼亚标枪兵为精锐雇佣部队,最初来自阿拉贡,装备标枪和轻甲

    Elite mercenaries , originally from Aragon , armed with javelins and light armour .

  6. 加泰罗尼亚水事厅(catalanwateragency)表示,已包租10艘油轮为巴塞罗纳运水,这种情况将至少持续6个月,或直到降水恢复正常水平。

    The Catalan water agency says it has chartered 10 tankers to transport water to Barcelona for at least six months , or until rainfall returns to normal .

  7. 近日在著名的加泰罗尼亚葡萄酒生产商桃乐丝(Torres)在巴塞罗那举办的美食美酒大会上,他是最为激进的代表。

    His was the most stimulating presentation at a recent conference in Barcelona on wine and food organised by canny Catalan wine producer Torres .

  8. 这位38岁的首次执教西甲的带领加泰罗尼亚人完美挺进冠军杯决赛的主教练告诉CNN,巴塞罗那将战斗并最终赢得胜利。

    The38-year-old , who has guided the Catalan side to the showpiece finale in his debut season in charge , told CNN his side would play to win .

  9. 位于加泰罗尼亚自治区(catalonia)的《先锋报》(lavanguardia)销量排名第五,为20万份,差不多是《国家报》的一半。

    Catalonia-based La Vanguardia , the fifth largest-selling title , sells 2 00000 copies , almost half as many as El Pais .

  10. 现在,我正迷恋一个加泰罗尼亚叫Vostok的工作室,他们有着你难以想象的印刷技术。

    Presently , I am smitten with Vostok , a Catalonian studio that employs unimaginable printing techniques .

  11. 加泰罗尼亚人(catalans)和其他心怀不满的欧洲民族将视苏格兰独立为他们自己建立独立国家的先声。

    The Catalans , among other disaffected European groups , see Scottish independence as a harbinger of their own bid for nationhood .

  12. 1401年,一家名为tauladelaciutat的银行成立于巴塞罗那,实际上是充当加泰罗尼亚政府国库的作用。

    In 1401 , a bank the taula de la Ciutat was founded in Barcelona , in effect to act as the Treasury of the government of Catalonia .

  13. 至少,苏格兰民族党正在带领苏格兰走向除外交事务外的全面自治&这种自治权可与加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia)享有的自治权相媲美。

    At the very least , the SNP is leading Scotland to self-rule in all but foreign affairs – an autonomy comparable to that enjoyed by Catalonia .

  14. 作为加泰罗尼亚人,格罗在鲁西永感到尤为自在他的第一份工作是在莫利(maury)的合作社,莫利是鲁西永葡萄酒革命事实上的中心。

    As a Catalan Gros is particularly comfortable in Roussillon his first job was at the co-operative in Maury , virtual epicentre of the Roussillon Wine Revolution .

  15. 去年,拉o罗卡购物中心吸引了330万顾客,其中大部分是外国人,使它成了巴塞罗那访问量最大的旅游景点——甚至超过了加泰罗尼亚著名建筑师安东尼奥o高迪的史诗之作——蜚声全球的圣家族大教堂(SagradaFamiliacathedral)。

    Last year , La Roca Village attracted 3.3 million shoppers , mostly foreigners , which makes it the most visited tourist attraction in Barcelona - superseding even Catalan architect Antoni Gaud í " s epic and internationally famous Sagrada Familia cathedral .

  16. 加泰罗尼亚自治区主席阿图尔•马斯(ArturMas)将于明日签署一项法令,要求在西班牙的这个地区举行独立公投,此举可能令位于巴塞罗那的自治区政府与马德里走向冲突。

    Artur Mas , the Catalan president , will tomorrow sign a decree calling an independence referendum in the Spanish region , in a move that sets the government in Barcelona on a collision course with Madrid .

  17. 在这个米其林(michelin)三星餐厅去年7月最后一晚接待客人之前,这位加泰罗尼亚厨师表示,他计划用一个非营利性美食智库或基金会取代elbulli。

    Before the three Michelin starred restaurant served its final meal last July , the Catalan chef said he intended to replace elbulli with a non-profit food think-tank , or foundation .

  18. 苏格兰公投结束后,西班牙首相马里亚诺•拉霍伊(MarianoRajoy)发表了明显对加泰罗尼亚意有所指的言论,对苏格兰人选择留在英国表示祝贺,并评述道,这场公投之前的宣传活动“严格遵守了国家法律”。

    After the Scottish vote , in an unmistakable allusion to Catalonia , Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy congratulated the Scots on voting to stay in the UK and observed that the referendum campaign had been conducted " with scrupulous respect for the law of the country . "

  19. 这就是加泰罗尼亚政府想要的。

    That is what the Catalan government now says it wants .

  20. 西班牙加泰罗尼亚林分风景优美度预测(英文)

    Predicting scenic beauty of forest stands in Catalonia ( North-east Spain )

  21. 表示或关于加泰罗尼亚、加泰罗尼亚居民的,或有其特点的。

    Relating to or denoting or characteristic of Catalonia or its inhabitants .

  22. 加泰罗尼亚菜肴根植于腓尼基、希腊和罗马菜系。

    Catalonian dishes are deeply rooted in Phoenician , Greek and Roman cuisine .

  23. 然而萨帕特罗上任后,他迅速与加泰罗尼亚地区协商了一份新的协议。

    Yet Mr Zapatero quickly began to discuss a new deal with Catalonia .

  24. 在加泰罗尼亚汽车上,不难发现这样的标志。

    On Catalonian cars you will easily discover signs of the Catalonian Donkey .

  25. 加泰罗尼亚地区的非黑色素瘤性皮肤癌:社区现患调查

    Non - melanoma skin cancer in Catalonia . A community - based prevalence study

  26. 我爱巴萨罗纳,加泰罗尼亚。

    I love Barcelona , I love Catalonia .

  27. 用不了多久,来自各国的信奉凯恩斯主义的经济学家们就会启程前往加泰罗尼亚。

    It cannot be long before an international brigade of Keynesian economists sets off for Catalonia .

  28. 我现在还与巴塞罗那有合同在身,我还是巴萨球员,我在加泰罗尼亚感觉很好。

    I subline that my contract with Barcelona and I am fine at the catalan club .

  29. 不知不觉中,我在人群中跳起了加泰罗尼亚的民族舞。

    Before I knew it , I was in the middle doing the Catalan national dance .

  30. 一个潜在的障碍就是加泰罗尼亚,该地掌握西班牙经济程度排名第五。

    A potential trouble-spot is Catalonia , which accounts for a fifth of Spain 's economy .