
jiù shí qì shí dài
  • Paleolithic;the Old Stone Age
旧石器时代 [jiù shí qì shí dài]
  • [the Paleolithic Period] 石器时代的早期,也是人类历史的远古阶段;这时人类使用的工具是比较粗糙的打制石器,生产上只有渔猎和采集

  1. 这三种猿人都生活在旧石器时代。

    All of these three men lived in the old Stone Age .

  2. 东北旧石器时代的古人类、古文化与古环境

    Ancient human , ancient culture and ancient environment of the Old Stone Age in the Northeast of China

  3. 新疆的地理环境GeographicalEnvironmentinXinjiang从出土文物中可以知道,在遥远的旧石器时代,就有了人类的活动。

    From the unearthed relics , it can be known that there have been human activities since the Old Stone Age .

  4. 她辞去了医院的工作,把自己重塑为旧石器时代的玛莎·斯图尔特(MarthaStewart)。

    She quit her hospital job and transformed herself into something of a Martha Stewart of Paleo .

  5. 本文用加速器质谱(AMS)~(14)C测定了河北兴隆发现的一件珍贵的旧石器时代晚期工艺品&纹饰鹿角,以及山西朔县峙峪。

    A carved antler of Late Palaeolithic collected from Xinglong County , Hebei Province , was measured by accelerator mass spectrometry ( AMS ) radiocarbon dating .

  6. 旧石器时代的饮食已在柏林生根发芽,这在很大程度上都要归功于Sauvage餐厅。

    The paleo diet has taken hold in Berlin thanks largely to Sauvage .

  7. 结果,各种各样的膳食方案层出不穷:素食主义、无麸质饮食、旧石器时代饮食(Paleolithic,又译,古式饮食)、果食主义等等,每一种都拥有大批忠贞不二的拥趸。

    A consequence is an abundance of regimens - vegan , gluten-free , Paleolithic , fruitarian and many more - each promoted by its adherents as the one true path .

  8. 新研究领导者兼营养学家GaryFrost称几十万年以前,我们的旧石器时代祖先每天吃掉近100克的发酵纤维,而今天人们的饮食较之从前大有改变。

    Hundreds of thousands of years ago , our paleolithic ancestors ate nearly 100 grams of fermentable fiber each day , says Gary Frost . He 's a dietician who led the new study . Today , people 's diets are very different .

  9. 旧石器时代海拔50 ̄500m的遗址数占当时遗址总数的78%,而新石器时代至战国时代71% ̄95%的遗址分布于0 ̄200m的海拔区。

    The number of Paleolithic sites with altitudes of 50-500 m account for 78 % of the total , while 71 % - 95 % of the sites from the Neolithic age to the Warring States time are distributed at the areas of 0-200 m.

  10. SAVIDGE:一小部分人居住在现代化的美国城市中的旧石器时代,期待着熬过冰冷刺骨的夜晚。

    SAVIDGE ( voice-over ) : A small group of people living in the Stone Age just the modern American city . Surviving a night so cold it could kill .

  11. 中国与日本旧石器时代晚期人类的关系

    The relationship between Upper Palaeolithic human fossils of China and Japan

  12. 到旧石器时代晚期,同时存在细石器技术传统的产品。

    The microlithic tool tradition appeared in the late paleolithic period .

  13. 石球是旧石器时代原始人用来狩猎的工具。

    The stone balls were tools of hunting in Paleolithic times .

  14. 旧石器时代的人类只能制造最简单的石器。

    Paleolithic man could only make the most basic stone tools .

  15. 华南若干旧石器时代地点的铀系年代

    Uranium series chronological sequence of some Palaeolithic sites in South China

  16. 中国旧石器时代晚期文化的划分

    On the division of the Upper Palaeolithic industries of China

  17. 福建东山岛旧石器时代文化

    Old Stone Age Culture in Dongshan Island of Fujian Province

  18. 他们都是中华民族旧石器时代的祖先。

    They are all our Chinese ancestors dwelling in the Paleolithic age .

  19. 这些考古点是30000年前人类旧石器时代祖先们的家。

    Our Paleolithic ancestors called these digs home some 30,000 years ago .

  20. 已经灭绝的身体强壮的人,生活在旧石器时代中期的欧洲和西亚。

    Extinct robust human of Middle Paleolithic in Europe and western Asia .

  21. 浙江旧石器时代的考古学观察

    Research on the Archaeology of the Paleolithic Period in Zhejiang

  22. 有一些碎片看起来像似晚期的旧石器时代。

    Some fragments seemed to have come from the lower paleolithic time .

  23. 中亚石器文化研究综述&兼论中亚旧石器时代早期文化

    The Culture of the Early Paleolithic Period in Central Asia

  24. 旧石器时代可纳入历史地理学研究范围

    On the Paleolithic Age Belonging to the Research Span of Historical Geography

  25. 华南旧石器时代的相对年代

    On the relative age of the Paleolithic in South China dark horse time

  26. 东南亚旧石器时代文化文化属性意识与东南亚华文文学研究

    Consciousness of Cultural Attribute and Study of Southeast Asian Literature in Chinese Language

  27. 旧石器时代旧石器时代大约从公元前3000000年开始。

    Paleolithic Age Paleolithic Age began around 3000000 BC .

  28. 为了更像旧石器时代的人,塔姆改变了睡眠方式。

    Ms. Tam also found herself altering her sleep to become more Paleo .

  29. 旧石器时代东亚、西亚之间的关系

    Relationship between East and West Asia in Paleolithic Age

  30. 山东一旧石器时代洞穴遗址

    A PALEOLITHS found in one cave in Shantung