
  • 网络san francisco bay;Bay Area;san francisco bay area;Frisco Bay
  1. 最新租约涵盖的三个飞机库和跑道,包括旧金山湾(SanFranciscoBay)沿岸的1000英亩土地。其中部分土地上目前坐落着一个私人高尔夫球场。

    The three hangars and the airstrip covered by the latest lease include 1,000 acres of land alongside San Francisco Bay , part of which is used as a private golf course .

  2. 当玛德琳跳入旧金山湾(SanFranciscoBay)时,斯考蒂把她救上来,并把不省人事的她带回自己的公寓,她是真的失去意识,还是只是朱迪装成这样?

    When ' Madeleine ' jumps into San Francisco Bay and Scottie pulls her out and brings her unconscious to his apartment , is she really unconscious , or is Judy just pretending to be ?

  3. 据BusinessInsider调查,脸书的实习生们还能在公司吃到免费的三餐,观看戏剧演出,到旧金山湾的恶魔岛上游览观光,还能几个人一起玩寻宝游戏。

    The interns also get free food for breakfast , lunch , and dinner on Facebook 's campus , theater performances , Alcatraz tours and scavenger hunts , according to Business Insider .

  4. 在旧金山湾对岸,加州大学伯克利分校(UCBerkeley)哈斯商学院(HaasSchoolofBusiness)与哥伦比亚商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)同意结束自2002年起合办的EMBA项目之后,前者将从2013年开始开设EMBA课程。

    Across the bay , UC Berkeley will launch its MBA for executives in 2013 , after Berkeley 's Haas School of Business and Columbia Business School agreed to wind up the joint EMBA they have run since 2002 .

  5. 水手们在旧金山湾下锚。

    The sailors cast anchor in the bay of San Francisco .

  6. 旧金山湾地区的运输工人进行了一夜的罢工。

    San Francisco Bay area transit workers went on strike overnight .

  7. 他们穿过这条通道进入旧金山湾。

    They came into the bay through that opening .

  8. 大桥是在旧金山湾上面吗?

    Is the bridge over San Francisco Bay ?

  9. 昨天,一位名叫埃德温的男子在旧金山湾救了两名12岁的男孩子。

    Yesterday , a man named Edwin saved two 12-years-old boys in San Francisco Bay .

  10. 2000~2030年旧金山湾地区地震发生概率研究总结

    Earthquake probabilities in the San Francisco bay region : 2000 to 2030-a summary of findings

  11. 旧金山湾地区长达3天的公交系统大罢工将要结束。

    The end may be near for a three-day-old transit strike in the San Francisco bay area .

  12. 星期四在旧金山湾下午鉴于旧金山奥克兰海湾大桥。

    A view of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge on Thursday afternoon in the San Francisco Bay .

  13. 从山顶上看到旧金山湾和城市的壮丽风光。

    From top of the hill got a spectacular view of San Francisco Bay and the city .

  14. 仅仅在加州,旧金山湾地区的强风吹倒树木,刮倒电线。

    In California alone , strong winds downed trees and power lines in the San Francisco Bay area .

  15. 在任意模式中,击出一记本垒打,越过右外场的围墙,落入旧金山湾的水中。

    In any mode , hit a home run over the RF wall into the water of the San Fransico Bay .

  16. 金门大桥本应是跨过我们美丽的旧金山湾,而非跨过一片墓地。

    The GGB , Golden Gate Bridge , is supposed to be a passage across our beautiful bay , not a graveyard .

  17. 水从大海通过这条通道流入旧金山湾。我们得叫管工来通一通下水道

    Water from the sea comes through this opening into San Francisco Bay . We have to call a plumber to unblock the drain

  18. 一些乘客和目击者说,好像是该飞机在着陆时离旧金山湾太近。

    Some passengers and witnesses said it looked as if the aircraft was too close to San Francisco Bay as it approached the runway .

  19. 像一座山峰的构架,金门大桥的桥塔,在旧金山湾的夏季白雾隐约可见。

    Like the outline of a mountain peak , a tower of the Golden Gate Bridge is visible above the summer fog in San Francisco Bay .

  20. 金门大桥得名于金门海峡,这一狭窄水道连接了旧金山湾和太平洋。

    The Golden Gate Bridge is named after the Golden Gate Strait . That narrow passage of water connects the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean .

  21. 但这项计划很可能会遭到当地居民的反对。严重的交通堵塞已经让他们苦恼不堪,他们还担心附近的旧金山湾湿地受到破坏。

    But the plans are apt to generate opposition from locals who are already grappling with traffic gridlock and fear environmental damage to nearby San Francisco Bay wetlands .

  22. 第二个星期二示范表明,海豚和海狮一起采取行动的能力来检测和消除围绕旧金山湾水域的港口,在敌人的潜水员。

    A second demonstration Tuesday showed the ability of dolphins and sea lions to act together to detect and neutralize an enemy diver in waters around the ports of the San Francisco Bay .

  23. 从夏威夷到秘鲁,北至太平洋的旧金山湾都可以发现它们的踪迹,但是这些鱼很少在赤道附近活动。

    They can be found from Hawaii to Peru and up as far North as San Francisco Bay in the Pacific , but tend to shy away from ranging any farther from the equator .

  24. 有趣的是,美国海军从不愿建这座桥,因为他们担心,如果桥被炸毁,将使他们的船卡在旧金山湾的码头。

    Interestingly , the US Navy never wanted the bridge to be built because they feared that if the bridge was bombed and destroyed , it would trap their ships docked in the San Francisco Bay .

  25. 金门大桥因金门海峡而得名,这条窄窄的水域连接旧金山湾到太平洋。

    The Golden Gate Bridge is named after the Golden Gate Strait . That narrow passage of water connects the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean . Joseph Strauss was the chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge project .

  26. 这被称为体育历史上最伟大的逆转——美国甲骨文队和船长吉米·斯毕希后来居上赢得了美洲杯帆船赛冠军,斯比希掌舵甲骨文队72英尺长的双体帆船,在旧金山湾最后赢者通吃的比赛中连赢8场。

    What is being called one of the greatest comebacks in sports history -- Oracle Team USA and skipper Jimmy Spithill had come from behind to win the American 's Cup , Spithill steering Oracle 's 72-foot-long catamaran to its eighth straight victory in the final winner-take-all race in the San Francisco Bay .

  27. 我们住在旧金山圣弗朗西斯科湾地区的郊外。

    We live in a rural area of the San Francisco Bay Area .

  28. 官员称,旧金山奥克兰湾大桥的紧急整修已经完成,现在已经全线开通。

    Officials say emergency repairs on the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge are complete , that the bridge is open fully right now .

  29. 1989年,洛马普列塔地震席卷了旧金山和蒙特利湾。

    In 1989 , the Loma Prieta Earthquake shook the San Francisco and Monterey Bay regions .

  30. 美国加利福尼亚州西部的一座城市,在旧金山对面金山湾附近。

    A city in western California on San Francisco Bay opposite San Francisco . What is the time difference between San Francisco and Shanghai ?