
  • 网络Exp
  1. 自然指数模型能够较好地拟合温度与树干呼吸的季节变化规律。

    An exponential model can clearly show this regression of the temperature-respiration relationship .

  2. 自然指数函数展开式的多重分割法(二)&广义三角函数

    The Method of Multi-seperable Expansions for the Expansion of Exponential Function (ⅱ)─ The Extended Triangle Function

  3. 进一步的分析表明,条件降水强度与云顶温度之间存在自然指数函数关系。

    The results also show that conditional rain rate is the natural exponential function versus cloud top temperatures .

  4. 自然指数创始人戴维·斯文班克斯表示,人才、资金、研究机构和其它资源的集中,是全球五大科研城市保持领先地位的重要因素。

    David Swinbanks , founder of the Nature Index , said a concentration of talent , funding , research institutions and other resources is crucial for the top five global science cities to maintain their leading positions .

  5. 全球科研城市榜单出炉近日发布的“自然指数-科研城市2020”将北京列为全球科研城市首位,纽约、波士顿、旧金山-圣何塞地区和上海紧随其后。

    Global science cities 2020 Beijing ranked as the top science city globally , followed by New York , Boston , San Francisco / San Jose and Shanghai , in the Nature Index global science city 2020 rankings .

  6. 结果表明:通过自然对流指数确定的临界高度可为寒区工程的路堤设计提供参考。

    The result shows that the critical heights based on the natural convection index can refer to design of embankment in cold regions .

  7. 通过对1973-2003年间我国森林资源清查数据的实证研究,表明我国森林自然资本指数总体上呈上升趋势。

    Empirical study on the data of forest resource successive inventory in 1973-2003 indicates that forest natural capital index in China shows upward trend .

  8. 三亚以其空气质量致胜,大连的城市安全与自然环境指数较高,而威海以其自然与文化环境跻身前五。

    Sanya wins for its air quality and Dalian performs well in city safety and natural environment . Weihai , meanwhile , cracks the top five due to its natural and cultural environment .

  9. 分析表明:自然对流指数最小值对应于路堤块石层的最小高度,而其最大值对应于路堤块石层的最大高度。

    The research shows that the minimum of natural convection index corresponds to the minimum of height of ballast layer in embankment , and the maximum of index corresponds to the maximum of ballast layer height .

  10. 海拔因子对农用地自然质量等指数影响研究

    Research for the Influence of Altitude Factor on Natural Quality of Agricultural Land

  11. 将质量指数分解为压力指数和状态指数,并用状态指数作为森林自然资本质量指数。

    Quality index is decomposed into pressure index and status index , and the latter is selected as forest natural capital quality index .

  12. 研究结果表明《规程》中产量比系数的算法使得研究区冬季作物的自然质量等指数偏大,与实际不符;

    The results show that the natural quality index is higher than the real one if using the calculation method of β coefficient in the Regulation .

  13. 最大自然质量等指数综合反映区域间气候因子差异性,是农用地分等指数横向可比的关键。

    Max. Physical Quality Grade Index ( MPQGI ), Which reflects the differentia of inter-regions ' climatic factors comprehensively , plays a key role in the comparability of Grade Index in Farmland Classification .

  14. 本文对大脑中信息痕迹量自然衰减建立指数回归方程,实测了多次重复学习后记忆衰减曲线,并建立了相应地学习与记忆模型。

    In this paper , the exponential regression equation of the information trace amount ( ITA ) in brain was made . The memory attenuating curve after studying or recalling more times was measured , and the memory maths model was built .

  15. 自然质量等指数和自然质量分既可用于划定耕地与基本农田保护区,也可应用于耕地占补平衡规划,用于后备土地资源开发和现有低产耕地的改造或整理。

    The natural grading index and quality index could be used to delineate the cultivated land and primary farmland zone , and to study the cultivated land occupation and supplement , land exploitation and the reclamation of low quality cropland as well .

  16. 基于干旱自然过程的干旱指数研究和应用

    An Aridity Index Based on the Natural Process of Aridity and Its Application

  17. 森林自然资本的质量指数可以分解为压力指数和状态指数,二者一般呈反比关系,选用状态指数作为森林自然资本的质量指数。

    Forest natural capital quality index is also disintegrated as pressure index and state index , and the latter is appointed to represent forest natural capital quality index .

  18. 自然景观的形状指数,形状破碎化指数均大于人工景观,而景观斑块数破碎化指数取决于斑块数目的多少。

    The results showed that the shape index and shape fragment index of natural landscape were higher than those of artificial landscapes and landscape patch fragment index depended on the number of patches .

  19. 森林是重要的自然资本,森林自然资本指数是一个从质和量两个方面评价森林资源状况的综合指标。

    Forest is one of the important natural capital and its natural capital index can be applied to estimate the status of forest resources from quality and quantity .

  20. 根据上周四发布的英国科学期刊《自然》增刊《2018自然指数-科研城市》显示,北京在2017年取得高质量科研的城市榜单中排名第一,另有其他9座中国城市跻身前50名。

    Beijing ranks in first place in a list of cities that produced the most high-quality research in 2017 , and nine other Chinese cities made the top 50 , according to the Nature Index 2018 Science Cities , a supplement of the British scientific journal Nature , published last Thursday .

  21. 森林自然资本的评价是指在区域及区域以上尺度下通过森林自然资本指数对森林自然资本的数量状况和质量状况进行综合评价。森林自然资本指数是森林自然资本的数量指数和质量指数的乘积。

    Estimation of forest natural capital is defined as an approach to estimate status of forest natural capita from quantity and quality under the region scale or more applying forest natural capital index which defined as product of forest natural capital quantity and quality .