
  • 网络word;Excel;Acrobat;electronic document;Microsoft Word
  1. 随着Internet的发展,电子文档的数量成指数级增长,大量的文档之间存在密切的联系。

    With the development of internet , electronic document is growing at a skyscraping rate .

  2. 通过Internet对学生进行无纸化的电子文档管理既可以减轻手工管理的难度和复杂度,对教务工作也更具有现实意义。

    Through internet to operate no-paper electronic document management can reduce difficult and complexity of handwork . It also has Important realistic meaning for educational work .

  3. B:有,去找丽莎要一个电子文档。

    B : We do . Ask Lisa to get an electronic copy .

  4. 支持Internet浏览电子邮件、电子文档、语音通话、视频会议等多种高速数据业务,实现即时的手机终端多媒体信息传送。

    Support Internet browsing , e-mail , video conferencing , voice and other high-speed data services , multimedia instant messaging mobile terminals .

  5. 随着计算机的普及与Internet的飞速发展,大量信息以电子文档的形式出现在人们面前。

    With the prevalence of computer and the rapid-pace development of Internet , large amount of information appeared in the form of electronic file .

  6. PDF(portabledocumentformat)是一种目前国际通用的电子文档开放标准。

    PDF ( Portable document format ) is the internationally accepted open standards for electronic documents .

  7. 大多数行业和政府组织都对他们的XML模式做了标准化,并要求电子文档必须符合这些模式。

    Most industries and government organizations are standardizing their XML schemas and are insisting on dealing with electronic documents that conform to these schemas .

  8. 电子文档、软件和web应用程序的翻译会因所用文件格式的范围、复杂程度等因素而变得复杂。

    The translation of electronic documents , software , and web applications is complicated by , among other things , the range and complexity of the file formats used .

  9. 在随后的季度中,客户需要生成一个报告,检查报告,然后将它以电子文档格式提交给IBM。

    In subsequent quarters , clients need to generate a report , review it , and then submit it electronically to IBM .

  10. 电子文档管理系统(EECS)是一个基于C/S结构的应用系统。

    Electric document management system is an application based on C / S structure .

  11. XML不是一种普通的文本语言,它用于置标电子文档,是一种使其数据具有结构化的置标语言。

    XML is not only a kind of normal text language , but also a markable electronic document and also a markable language for the structured data .

  12. 用户通过客户端的多文档界面对运行于UNIX服务器上的电子文档数据库进行访问和管理。

    The user can access and manage the electric document database running on UNIX server through the multi-document-interface .

  13. 随着Internet的迅猛发展和电子文档信息的不断丰富,文档自动分类日益成为信息检索和自然语言处理领域的研究热点。

    With the rapid growth of Internet and increase of electronic text , automatic text classification ( ATC ) has been the hottest research issues in information retrieval and natural language processing .

  14. PDF(portabledocumentformat)文件是用于电子文档分发的理想格式,是全球电子文档分发的开放式标准。

    PDF ( portable document format ) is an ideal file format and an open standard particularly well suited for the distribution of electronic documents .

  15. 本文主要分析RDF的数据模型、主要特点以及基于RDF的普通电子文档描述。

    The paper mainly analyses the data mode , main features and common electronic description of RDF .

  16. 随着Internet的快速发展,Web技术的广泛应用,信息载体从传统的纸介质方式逐渐向电子文档和网络化方式过渡,传统的一支笔、一份试卷的考试方式已不能满足社会发展的需要。

    With the fast development of internet and the wide application of web technology . A traditional pen and the method of testing through a paper cannot meet the needs of social development no longer .

  17. 详细论述了基于DRM的电子文档版权管理技术,并分析了该技术的实现机制。

    A detailed discussion of the rights managment technique based on DRM and its realization mechanism .

  18. 可以说Internet这一开放性平台在使人们能够方便、快速、高效地获取各种电子文档资源的同时,也成为了剽窃者窃取信息的温床。

    It can be said that the opened Internet platform make the people conveniently get all kinds of electronic documents resources and , at the same time , is a hotbed of plagiarizers who steal information .

  19. 这种文件格式与操作系统平台无关,这一特点使它成为在Internet上进行电子文档发行和数字化信息传播的理想文档格式。

    The file format has nothing to do with the operating system platform , this feature makes it the ideal document format , which can be issued in the Internet , electronic documents and dissemination of digital information .

  20. 电子文档交换(EDI)将是系统的救世主和森林的保护神。

    Electronic document interchange ( EDI ) was going to be the savior of our systems and protector of our forests .

  21. 最后,论文给出了一个实用的电子文档信息挖掘系统的解决方案。Internet上文档类型繁多,语种复杂,针对这些文档建立一个格式一致的数据库将是一项很复杂的事情。

    Finally the paper proposes a practical electronic documentary information mining system as a solution , it is very complicated to set up a data base of the same pattern on Internet because of various types of documents and languages .

  22. 最后,对于许多公司、教育机构和政府代理,所选的电子文档的格式是AdobePDF。

    Finally , for many corporations , educational institutions , and government agencies , the electronic document format of choice is Adobe PDF .

  23. 目前最流行的电子文档格式&PDF文档,集多媒体信息于一身,交互方式丰富,并且可在Web上发布和传递,具有独特优势。

    At present , the most popular electronic file form & P DF file incorporated the multimedia information has the abundance of mutual way . PDF file was published on the Web , and it has a unique advantage in conveying .

  24. 所开发的PDM系统包含系统登录功能、电子文档管理功能、工程项目管理功能、个人文件夹管理功能、编码管理功能以及企业组织人员管理功能。

    The main functions include login function , documents management function , projects management function , personal files management function , code management function and personnel management function .

  25. 标准电子文档以加密的PDF文件存储在数据库中,优点是安全性高,便于管理和维护。

    The standard electronic documents by the PDF document which encrypts save in the database , it has high security , easy to manage and maintenance .

  26. 随着信息技术的普及和Internet的飞速发展,人们可以越来越容易的从Internet获取各种电子文档资源,但同时也可以方便地采用复制粘贴操作来剽窃电子文档的内容。

    With the popular of Information Technology and the rapid development of Internet , people can easier and easier get all kinds of resource from Internet and can easily plagiarize the content of e-documents with a " cut and paste " approach .

  27. 与此同时,带来了一系列电子文档操作(TXT文档、WORD文档、PDF文档)、WORD文字处理、图片信息处理等大量繁琐复杂的工作。

    Meanwhile , a series of electronic document operation with complex labor and work ( TXT , WORD , PDF ), WORD file processing , and picture information processing are brought about .

  28. 然而由于从纸质材料转换成电子文档的原因,PDF文档中经常出现字迹断裂,不清晰等情况。

    However , due to the reason of converting form paper-based materials to electronic data , there are often phenomena of writing broken and illegibility in the PDF documents .

  29. 采用C面向对象型编程语言,利用ADO技术与SDX+数据引擎,实现对系统空间数据库和属性数据库的关联整合管理,电子文档、图片、音频数据的存储。

    C # object-oriented programming language , using ADO technology and SDX + database engine , to achieve the integrated management of electronic documents , pictures , audio data storage system spatial database and attribute database associated .

  30. 多媒体电子文档系统MeDoc及其安全措施

    The Multimedia Electronic Documents System and the Measures to Improve Its Safety