
  1. 多才多艺的她,除了是电影和电视演员外,也是一个模特儿,拍过不少广告。

    Apart from being a TV and movie actress , she is also a successful model who has appeared in some commercials .

  2. 资深舞台、电影和电视剧演员希拉·麦克雷去世。

    Veteran stage , film and TV actress Sheila MacRae has died .

  3. 1980年代,以舞台剧演员的身分展开演员生涯,后来成为电影及电视剧演员。

    He began his career as a stage actor during the 1980s , before being cast in supporting roles in film and television .

  4. 长期以来Leo被认为是最佳女配角人选中“独孤求败者”,她已经获得了几乎所有的重要奖项,包括美国电影电视金球奖、演员工会奖、广播影评人协会电影奖和纽约影评人协会奖。

    Long heralded the " one to beat " in this category , Leo has won practically every precursor including the Golden Globes , SAGs , Broadcast Film Awards and New York Film Critics to name a few .

  5. 我们作为读者和观众与小说的作者、电影电视的导演、演员具有不同的文化背景,因此,理解外国小说、电影电视是一个复杂的跨文化交际的过程。

    As readers and audience , we have different cultural backgrounds with the writers , directors and actors ; therefore , understanding foreign novels and movies is a complicated process of cross-cultural communication .