
xiū sī dūn huǒ jiàn duì
  • Houston Rockets
  1. 我要感谢NBA和休斯敦火箭队的管理层,今天非常感谢他们的到来。

    I also want to thank the NBA and the Houston Rockets manager . Thanks for their presence , and thank you Daryl Morey .

  2. 2002年的夏天,当姚明刚刚加盟休斯敦火箭队时,就有人质疑他在NBA究竟能打多好。

    When Yao Ming came to the Houston Rockets in the summer of2002 there were questions about just how good he might be in the NBA .

  3. 根据联盟的消息,休斯敦火箭队主力姚明已决定结束他在NBA九年的职业生涯。

    According to league 's sources , Houston Rockets'center Yao Ming has decided to retire after nine seasons in the NBA .

  4. 前休斯敦火箭队中锋姚明:在照片上,我是说X光片,一切看起来都非常完美。一直到今天,我走起路来也都没有问题,已经把全身重量都压在脚上了。

    YAO MING , HOUSTON ROCKETS CENTER : Everything looks perfect on pictures , I mean those X-ray pictures , and today , I 'm walking on it well , full pressure on my foot already .

  5. 但这一次,东道主挤满蓝球馆&为了一睹姚明。这位中国本土出产的明星,在美国NBA休斯敦火箭队(HoustonRockets)专业打球。

    But this time , the hosts will also cram into the basketball arena to see Yao Ming , their homegrown star who plays professionally for the NBA 's Houston Rockets .

  6. 一年前,在NBA总裁亚当·西尔弗支持休斯敦火箭队总经理就中国香港问题发表的不当言论后,央视体育频道暂停了对NBA赛事的转播安排。

    The channel suspended broadcast arrangements for NBA games a year ago after the league 's commissioner Adam Silver supported improper remarks made by the Houston Rockets General Manager over Hong Kong .

  7. CNN主播泰瑞·巴杜:下个赛季,休斯敦火箭队的中国中锋姚明伤愈复出之后,在每一场NBA球赛的上场时间都不会超过24分钟。

    TERRY BADDOO , CNN ANCHOR : The Houston Rockets Chinese center Yao Ming will play no more than 24 minutes in each NBA game next season as he returns from injury .

  8. 这名7英尺高的动力前锋成为继2002年王治郅,巴特尔和姚明被选为休斯敦火箭队NBA之后的第四名中国选手。

    The7-foot power forward becomes the fourth Chinese player to make the NBA after Wang Zhizhi , Menk Bateer and Yao Ming , who was selected by the Houston Rockets with the first pick in2002 .

  9. 随着波特兰开拓者队的后卫CJ·麦克勒姆和休斯敦火箭队的后卫艾瑞克·戈登退出比赛,在世界杯前退出美国篮球训练营的球星名单继续增长。

    The list of stars to withdraw from USA Basketball practices ahead of the FIBA World Cup continues to grow with Portland Trail Blazers guard CJ McCollum and Houston Rockets guard Eric Gordon taking their names out of the running .

  10. 妮可尼科尔斯:休斯敦火箭队的军队继续增长。

    NICOLE NICHOLS : Houston 's army continued to grow .

  11. 这并不是一个好兆头他们对休息良好的休斯敦火箭队下一个比赛。

    That doesn 't bode well for their next contest against the well-rested Houston Rockets .

  12. 前休斯敦火箭队中锋姚明:当然,我很震惊。

    YAO MING , HOUSTON ROCKETS CENTER : Well , that shocked me , of course .

  13. 今晚,波士顿凯尔特人队和休斯敦火箭队继续努力,期待创造美职篮季后赛的历史。

    The Boston Celtics and Houston Rockets continue their quest tonight to make NBA playoff history .

  14. 截至目前,休斯敦火箭队本赛季在7次背靠背的第二场比赛中均取得胜利。今晚哈登独取34分,率队以123-107战胜达拉斯小牛队。

    HoustonRockets improve to 7-0 on the 2nd half of a back-to-back and defeat the DallasMavs 123-107 .

  15. 前休斯敦火箭队中锋姚明:接下来这个赛季是我的关键赛季。

    YAO MING , HOUSTON ROCKETS CENTER : This coming season [ is ] my key season .

  16. 前休斯敦火箭队中锋姚明:就像我刚说的,我必须有耐心。

    YAO MING , HOUSTON ROCKETS CENTER : Like I just said , I need to be patient .

  17. 姚明,这个休斯敦火箭队7英尺6英寸的中锋,是开幕式中国代表团的旗手。

    Yao Ming , the Houston Rockets ' 7-foot-6 center , carried the nation 's flag in the opening ceremony .

  18. 虽然将离开球场,但我会继续关注姚明和中国男篮以及休斯敦火箭队的比赛。

    Even though I retire from basketball , I 'll still care Yao Ming , Chinese national team and Houston Rockets .

  19. 姚明:23岁,休斯敦火箭队的中锋,现居住在德克萨斯洲,休斯敦。

    YAO MING : is twenty-three years old and plays center for the HOuston Rockets . He lives in Houston , Texas .

  20. 之后的情况也好不到哪去被森林狼裁掉并同了休斯敦火箭队签约,但似乎在休斯顿的火箭队的时光好象只是一场游戏。

    He was later cut by the Timberwolves and signed by the Houston Rockets , but appeared in just one game for Houston .

  21. 其规模豪华程度可与美国休斯敦火箭队的主场馆丰田中心相媲美,是一个世界级的体育娱乐平台。

    The international Sports Arena is a world-class sports & entertainment platform , on a par with the Toyota Center of Houston Rockets .

  22. 请允许我来为下部《碟中谍》设计剧情,主角是休斯敦火箭队的姚明。

    PLEASE allow me to set up the conflict for the next Mission : Impossible film , starring Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets .

  23. 知道哪个中国名人?姚明,休斯敦火箭队的核心,还有成龙、李小龙和章子怡。

    Who is Chinese well-know person ? Yow ming , center of the Houston rockets , Jackie chan , Bruce lee , Ziyi zhang .

  24. 前休斯敦火箭队中锋姚明有资格入选为篮球名人堂名人啦!这恐怕比任何人预期的都还早。

    Former Houston Rockets center Yao Ming may be headed to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame , a lot sooner that anyone thought .

  25. 密尔沃基雄鹿队(篮球)肯:休斯敦火箭队将在主场迎战密尔沃基雄鹿队,姚明在首发阵容里。

    K ( Ken ): Houston Rockets is going to face off Milwaukee Bucks at its home court . Yao Ming is in the starting lineup .

  26. 据联盟消息人士透露,纽约尼克斯队和休斯敦火箭队扩大了安东尼交易方案的范围到寻求4队交易。

    The New York Knicks and Houston Rockets have expanded the scope of a possible Carmelo Anthony trade to include four-team scenarios , league sources told ESPN .

  27. 休斯敦火箭队在球场的攻防两端彼此信任,并合力将自强精神发挥到更高层次以弥补他们所失去的两大巨星。

    The Rockets trust each other at both ends of the court and have pushed the work ethic to another level to compensate for the loss of their two stars .

  28. 帕森斯在休斯敦火箭队的队友对于他的外貌有很多话要讲,这位25岁的运动员被大家戏称为漂亮男孩和来自佛罗里达的海滩客。

    Mr. Parsons ' Houston Rockets teammates have plenty to say about his look , which the 25-year-old describes as equal parts ' pretty boy ' and ' beach bum from Florida . '

  29. 卡梅罗安东尼说,尼克斯已经意识到他的意愿,也就是被交易,最好是休斯敦火箭队,他将保持耐心直到达成这项决议。

    Carmelo Anthony says the Knicks are aware of his desires - namely , to be moved , preferably to the Houston Rockets - and that he will remain patient until a resolution is reached .