
  • 网络CCX;the Chicago Climate Exchange;Chicago Climate Exchange CCX
  1. 自愿碳市场可分为两个截然不同的组成部分:芝加哥气候交易所(CCX)和更分散的场外交易(OTC)市场。

    The voluntary carbon market can be divided into two distinct components : the Chicago Climate Exchange ( CCX ) and more dispersed through the OTC ( OTC ) market .

  2. 芝加哥气候交易所在成功地进行少量气体贸易,但参与方都是自愿的。

    The Chicago Climate Exchange is successfully trading a basket of gases , but participation is voluntary .

  3. TCX董事长助理、芝加哥气候交易所(ChicagoClimateExchange)全球副总裁黄杰夫(JeffHuang)表示,该交易所已开始为一项限量及交易计划招集成员,该计划预期将在6至12个月内启动。

    The exchange had started recruiting members for a cap-and-trade scheme which it expects to begin in six to 12 months , said Jeff Huang , assistant chairman of Tianjin Climate Exchange and vice-president of Chicago Climate Exchange .

  4. 天津已开始与中石油合作筹建排放权交易市场,美国芝加哥气候交易所也将加盟,共同在中国拓展市场,使得国际化的排放权交易平台趋于形成。

    Tianjin has begun to build cooperation with China National Petroleum in the emissions trading market , the Chicago Climate Exchange will also join together in expanding the market , making the international emissions trading platform tend to form .