
  • 网络Booth;the university of chicago;chicago;chicago university
  1. 芝加哥大学iPad项目的一项研究发现,病人如果被配有iPad的住院医生照料,会更快得到检查和治疗。

    A study of the University of Chicago iPad project found that patients got tests and treatments faster if they were cared for by iPad-equipped residents .

  2. 随着文案工作的增加,“我们不得不放弃一些东西,通常是和病人见面的时间”,芝加哥大学内科项目前总住院医师巴克蒂·帕特尔医生说。

    As clerical loads increased , " something had to give , and that was always face time with patients , " says Dr. hakti Patel , a former chief resident in the University of Chicago 's internal-medicine program .

  3. 这一试验非常成功,目前在2011年芝加哥大学内科项目所有医生在开展项目时都使用iPad。

    The experiment was so successful that all internal-medicine program adopted the same policy in 2011 .

  4. 毕业之后,他在芝加哥大学教授法律。

    After graduating , he taught law at the University of Chicago .

  5. 阿尼尔•卡什亚普是芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)经济学及金融学教授。

    Anil Kashyap is professor of economics and finance at the University of Chicago .

  6. 申请参加“新冒险挑战”(newventurechallenge)芝加哥大学布斯商学院商业计划竞赛的人数大幅飙升。

    Applications for the new venture challenge , the University of Chicago Booth School of business business plan competition , have rocketed .

  7. 芝加哥大学的血压专科医生Dr。

    University of Chicago blood pressure specialist Dr.

  8. 该教学方法的部分依据来自于芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)教育心理学家本杰明•布鲁姆在大约30年前进行的研究。

    It is partly based on research conducted around 30 years ago by University of Chicago educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom .

  9. ——芝加哥大学布斯商学院(UniversityofChicagoBoothSchoolofBusiness)行为科学与营销学教授阿耶莱特?费什巴赫(AyeletFishbach)

    Professor Ayelet Fishbach , professor of behavioural science and marketing , University of Chicago Booth School of Business

  10. 邹谠是芝加哥大学霍默·J·利文斯顿政治学荣誉退休教授。

    Tang Tsou was Homer J.Livingston Professor Emeritus in Political Science at the University of Chicago .

  11. 只有快速扩招的高等院校,比如哥伦比亚大学和芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago),才避免了这一规律。

    Only colleges that have rapidly expanded their student bodies , like Columbia and the University of Chicago , have avoided the pattern .

  12. 一位是获得资格认证的注册会计师。另一位刚完成芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)医学预科学位的要求。

    One was working as an accredited C.P.A. Another had just completed the requirements for a pre-med degree at the University of Chicago .

  13. 以布坎南自己为例,他在母校田纳西州立大学(MiddleTennesseeStateUniversity)设立了多项奖学金(他后来又取得了芝加哥大学博士学位)。

    Take Buchanan himself , who endowed scholarships at his alma mater , Middle Tennessee State University ( he later gained a Chicago doctorate ) .

  14. 本文作者是芝加哥大学布斯商学院mba一年级学生

    Rahul Bajaj is a first-year MBA student at the University of Chicago Booth School of business

  15. 早在1983年,迪威格就与芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)经济学家道格•戴蒙德合著了一篇论文,探讨为什么会发生银行挤兑。

    Back in 1983 , Dybvig co-authored , along with University of Chicago economist Doug diamond , a paper on why bank runs happen .

  16. 芝加哥大学(TheUniversityofChicago)拥有全面的职前教育项目以及一个在去年接触到了大约80%大一新生的就业中心。

    The University of Chicago has extensive pre-professional programming and a career center that engaged with roughly 80 percent of its freshmen last year .

  17. 目前,包括芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)的尤金•法玛和卡内基•梅隆大学的阿兰•梅尔泽在内,许多优秀的经济学家的观点就与之截然相反。

    Many eminent economists , from Eugene Fama of the University of Chicago to Allan Meltzer of Carnegie Mellon , take a totally different view .

  18. 芝加哥大学(universityofchicago)政治学教授杨大力表示,中国公众终于忍无可忍,发出了要求改善质量的呼声。

    Dali Yang , political science professor at the University of Chicago , says the Chinese public has finally been spurred to demand better quality .

  19. 拥有芝加哥大学(universityofchicago)政治哲学博士学位的克劳福德指责美国人贬低了技术手工劳动的价值。

    Crawford , who has a PhD in political thought from the University of Chicago , takes America to task for devaluing skilled manual labour .

  20. 他是芝加哥大学商学院的荣誉毕业生,获MBA学位;

    Shen graduated with honors and holds an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business .

  21. 1987年,他成为芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)的一名教员,但将自己描述成一个三心二意的学者,因为他同时还兼职做咨询工作。

    In 1987 , he joined the faculty at the University of Chicago but describes himself as a distracted academic who did consulting on the side .

  22. 虽然获得过芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)博士学位,但他却是一位地道的中国人:专业、爱国,最重要的是务实。

    Though armed with a doctorate from the University of Chicago , he is distinctively Chinese : professional , patriotic and , above all , pragmatic .

  23. 在德国出生并接受教育的芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)经济学家哈拉尔德o乌利希针对当前的欧元区风险给出了较为平衡的观点。

    Harald Uhlig , a German-born and educated economist at the University of Chicago , provides a balanced view of the current risks to the eurozone .

  24. 他先是在普林斯顿神学院(PrincetonTheologicalSeminary)攻读,而后在芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)获得临床心理学博士学位。

    He studied at Princeton Theological Seminary before doing a PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Chicago .

  25. 2008年,他从对冲基金经理,同时也是芝加哥大学校友的大卫布斯(DavidBooth)那里要到了3亿捐款。

    In 2008 , he reeled in a $ 300 million donation from David Booth , a hedge-fund manager and alumnus .

  26. 范欧弗托弗尔德将这位主角的学术和个人传记,融入到芝加哥大学(universityofchicago)经济系和商学院的历史中加以描写。

    Van overtveldt presents potted intellectual and personal biographies of the main protagonists , fitted into a history of the University of Chicago economics department and School of business .

  27. 第二种偏见是,作为出身芝加哥大学(chicagouniversity)的经济学家,卡斯滕斯多少过于正统,未免与日益盛行凯恩斯主义的时代脱节。

    The second prejudice is that as a Chicago university-educated economist , Mr Carstens is somehow too orthodox , and therefore out of touch with these increasingly Keynesian times .

  28. 据芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)获奖无数的心理学家约翰·T·卡奇奥波(JohnT.Cacioppo)说,孤独感会影响人们的自我调节能力。

    Loneliness , says John T. Cacioppo , an award-winning psychologist at the University of Chicago , undermines people 's ability to self-regulate .

  29. 尽管马浩华毕业于秉持市场最清楚观点的芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago),但他认为,证券价格并不总是合理的,而只是市场共识的反映。

    Although Mr Marks is a product of the University of Chicago , with its markets-know-best approach , he believes securities prices are not always right but merely reflect consensus .

  30. 芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)心理学教授米哈里o齐克森米哈里最先提出心流这一概念,并对其进行了一番研究。他相信心流是幸福的终极状态。

    The concept of flow was first noted and studied by University of Chicago psychology professor MihalyCsikszentmihalyi , who came to believe that flow is the ultimate state of happiness .