
  • 网络Undergraduate School;School of Undergraduate Studies
  1. 威斯康星大学在它的同类大学大众非常出众,它虽然在美国的法学院,商学院和本科生院的排名只有33名,但是它产出了17位CEO。

    Wisconsin stood out among its state school peers , granting 17 degrees to the CEOs , which put the school fourth overall , despite having an average U.S. News rank of 33 for the school 's undergraduate , business , and law programs .

  2. 康奈尔大学由7个本科生院组成,所有的课程都要求相当刻苦的学习。

    Cornell is composed of seven undergraduate colleges , and all of them required tons of hard work .

  3. 在耶鲁校园中最“红”的两个人物大概就是耶鲁本科生院院长理查德布洛德海德和汉学家乔纳森斯彭斯了。

    The two most " popular " figures on the Yale campus are probably Richard brodhead , Dean of Yale college , and sinologist Jonathan spence .

  4. 本已是纽约大学本科生院院长的勃朗特教授经验丰富,她认为,自己在凯洛格商学院所能做的最重要的事情就是倾听。

    As for Prof Blount , already an experienced dean of the undergraduate college at NYU , she believes the most important thing that she can do at Kellogg is to listen .

  5. 今年,浙江大学的问询处挂起条幅:“请家长放手,让我们护航”。而这条标语的发起人正是浙大本科生院副院长陆国栋。

    At Zhejiang University , a banner hanging in the information center says " Parents let go please ; let us escort your children . " Lu Guodong , dean of undergraduate studies at Zhejiang University , coined the slogan .

  6. 他没有选择城中心那些名声显赫、风景优美的学院,而是选择了曼斯菲尔德。这是一所并不热门的学院,1995年由一所学生公寓改建而成,是牛津大学最小的本科生院。

    Rather than applying for one of the famous , beautiful colleges in the centre of town he opted for Mansfield , an unfashionable institution that was upgraded from being a hall of residence in 1995 and is Oxford 's smallest undergraduate college .

  7. 为扩阔本地学生的国际视野,各院校可录取非本地本科生及研究院修课生,人数可达批准收生额的4%。

    To enhance the global outlook of local students , the institutions are encouraged to enrol non-local undergraduates and taught postgraduates , up to4 per cent of their approved targets .