
  1. 中国国家男子足球队队长郑智被亚洲足球联合会(AsianFootballConfederation)评为年度最佳球员。

    Zheng Zhi , the captain of China 's national soccer team , has been named player of the year by the Asian Football Confederation .

  2. 在本周二晚以0比2的比分输给乌兹别克斯坦队之后,中国国家男子足球队四战过后仅积1分,位列B小组六支球队中的最后一名,进军2018年世界杯决赛圈的希望越发渺茫。

    China 's hope to advance to 2018 FIFA World Cup finals dimmed as they lost 0-2 to Uzbekistan on Tuesday night , collecting only one point from four matches played and standing last but one in the six-team Group B.

  3. 我国U-17男子足球运动员运动倦怠的现状与分析

    A Survey of Burnout of Male U-17 Soccer Athletes in China

  4. 我国U-15男子足球队单元训练课实施过程的案例分析

    An Analysis of the Process on Training Units of the China 's Men 's Soccer Team U-15

  5. 中国U-15男子足球运动员运动损伤调查及防治对策的研究

    Research on the Current Situation and Strategies of Sports Injuries among Male U-15 Soccer Athletes of China

  6. 我国u-17男子足球运员训练绩效水平较低,不同训练年限的运动员在训练绩效的反应层次有着高度显著性差异。

    Chinese u-17 Soccer Win a lower level of worker training performance , with different training period of the response during training performance level has significant difference .

  7. 采用开放式问卷,对我国U-17男子足球运动员的运动倦怠及其与人口学变量的关系进行研究。

    By using the method of investigation , the research analyzed the burnout of male U-17 soccer athletes in China and the relationship between burnout and demography variable .

  8. 我国U-15男子足球运动员焦虑水平和主要影响因素分析另外中国运动员的运动水平也在逐步提高,他们在国际奥委会主持的体育赛事中表现得很出色。

    Athletic anxiety and relevant element of Chinese U-15 soccer players ; Our athletes have been doing quite well in the sports events organized by the IOC .

  9. 我国男子足球裁判员的现状及发展对策

    The current situation and developmental countermove of China man football referee

  10. 九运会男子足球比赛运动员体能情况的调查分析

    Analysis of strength of soccer players in 9th national sports meet

  11. 我国优秀青少年男子足球队教练员领导行为的研究

    A Research on the Coaches'Leadership Behaviors of Chinese First-rate Teen-aged Soccer Teams

  12. 少年男子足球运动员体能特征分析

    Signature Analysis on Physical Ability of the Boys Soccer Players

  13. 对世界优秀男子足球运动员年龄特征的分析

    An Analysis of Age Characteristic of Men 's World Top Soccer Player

  14. 对中国男子足球现状的分析与研究

    A Study on the Factual Competence of Chinese Men 's Football Team

  15. 对我国青少年男子足球运动员运动动机的调查研究

    The Research on Sport Motivation of Young Male Soccer Players in China

  16. 逻辑全能问题;中国国家男子足球队的症结

    Logic almightiness ; The Problems of the Chinese Men 's Football Team

  17. 青少年男子足球运动员专项心理能力评价标准的研究

    Research on Special Psychological Ability Evaluation Standard of Young Men Football Players

  18. 中国优秀男子足球运动员客场比赛的技术统计与分析

    Analysis on the Skills of Chinese Excellent Soccer Players in Away - Match

  19. 中国男子足球队又没能进入世界杯决赛圈了。

    China men 's football team fails again to enter the World Cup .

  20. 青年男子足球运动员膝关节肌力特征与损伤的关系

    Relationship between Young Footballers ' Muscle Strength Characteristics and Injury of Knee Joint

  21. 优秀男子足球后卫下肢力量训练的理论探讨与评价

    Theoretical Discussion and Evaluation on Lower Limber Strength Training of the Top Male Defender

  22. 2004年雅典奥运会男子足球决赛总体特征及技战术特点分析

    Tactical Analysis of the Athens 2004 Men 's Soccer Finals and Its General Characteristic

  23. 中国国家队男子足球运动员比赛中体能特征研究

    The Physical Stamina in Competition of the Players on China National Men Football Team

  24. 男子足球队在最近的东南亚杯赛中获得冠军。

    The men soccer team is the current champions for the Southeast Asia games .

  25. 中韩男子足球对比研究的现状与分析

    The Current Research on Football between Chinese Team and South Korean Team in China

  26. 人们一说足球,就好像只有男子足球了。

    Whenever people talk about football , it seems there is only man 's football .

  27. 河北省少年男子足球运动员强化训练的机能评定

    Assessment of Physical Functions after Intensive Training of the Male Juvenile Football Players in Hebei Province

  28. 对中国成年男子足球体能训练问题的分析和研究

    Analysis and Research on the Problem of the Physical Ability Training of Chinese Adult Male Soccer

  29. 我国17~18岁年龄段优秀男子足球运动员体能状况分析与评价

    An analysis and evaluation of stamina of the elite Chinese football players aged 17 and 18

  30. 足球比赛中运动员活动的随机性、非周期性决定了运动员体能训练的复杂性,而女子足球运动员的体能训练与男子足球运动员相比又有其自身特殊性。

    Fitness training for soccer player is complexity because of the randomicity and non-periodicity activity character .