
nán nǚ tónɡ xiào
  • coeducation
  1. 男女同校为孩子提供了一种丰富多彩的成长环境。在这里做状语,相当于supportedby

    Coeducation gives kids the opportunity of growing in an atmosphere of diversity .

  2. 其他人则担心这些变化是向男女同校走近了一步。

    Still others feared the changes were a step toward coeducation .

  3. 这所大学从1971年起开始实行男女同校。

    The college has been co-educational since 1971 .

  4. 节目嘉宾之一是另一位卫尔斯理大四学生劳拉·布鲁诺(LauraBruno),另一位则是瑞吉斯学院(RegisCollege)的院长,这家女子学院由于入学人数剧减,在2007年改制为男女同校的大学。

    One guest was Laura Bruno , another Wellesley senior . The other guest was the president of Regis College , a women 's school that went coed in 2007 to reverse its tanking enrollment .

  5. Embry-Riddle大学是一所独立的,非教派,非盈利,男女同校的大学,为不同文化背景的学生提供航空学、天学、工程学多领域的教育服务。

    Embry-Riddle is an independent , nonsectarian , not-for-profit coeducational university serving culturally diverse students seeking careers in aviation , aerospace , engineering , and related fields .

  6. 我要上男女同校的学校。

    I want to go to a coed school .

  7. 我今年17岁,我就读的学校不久前才变成男女同校。

    I am 17 years old and my school only recently became coeducational .

  8. 然而在一所男女同校的学校里,一切都有其合理的位置。

    In a coeducational school , everything is thought into its proper place .

  9. 也是第一所授予女学生学士学位的男女同校的学校。

    and the first co-ed school to grant bachelor 's degrees to women .

  10. 问题17:在男女同校的环境下,老师倾向于做什么?

    Question 17 : What do teachers tend to do in coeducational settings ?

  11. 男女同校的进步形象被颠覆,人们再也不能简单地歌颂男女同校。

    Coeducation could not be simply praised today .

  12. 可能是所私立学校,但肯定是男女同校的。

    Could be a private school , definitely co-ed.

  13. 所有公立学校都男女同校吗?

    Are all the state schools co-educational ?

  14. 这是一所男女同校的学校吗?

    Is this a co - school ?

  15. 我母亲反对男女同校,想让我去女子学校读书。

    My mother wants me to go to an all-girls school because she is against coeducation .

  16. 男女同校教育可以使那种认为男孩比女孩聪明的论点或女孩比男孩聪明的论点成为无稽之谈。

    What nonsense co-education makes of the argument that boys are cleverer than girls or vice-versa .

  17. 许多新的大学生生存在宿舍,和许多这些宿舍都是男女同校。

    Many new college students subsist in dorms , and many of these dorms are coed .

  18. 女生在女校的学业表现似乎比男女同校的学校好。

    1 girls seem to perform better academically in all-girls schools as opposed to co-ed ones .

  19. 霍格沃茨魔法黉舍是一所男女同校的免费寄宿制黉舍,在校学生的年岁段为11?17岁。

    Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is aco-educational , non-fee-paying boarding school for pupils aging11to17 .

  20. 摄政的基督徒学院私有,男女同校,学院准备,福音派基督徒学校。

    Regent Christian Academy is a private , co-educational , college preparatory , evangelical Christian school .

  21. 也许男女同校教育的最大贡献在于其提倡健康的人生观。

    But perhaps the greatest contribution of co-education is the healthy attitude to life it encourages .

  22. 在男女同校的学校里,女学生往往只能在人文或艺术方面取得成功。

    In coeducational schools , girls are often expected to succeed only in humanities or the art .

  23. 芝加哥大学是一所私立大学,是非教派立的男女同校的高等教学和研究院校。

    The university of Chicago is a private , nondenminational , coeducational institution of higher learning and research .

  24. 班伯里大教堂文法学校位于西澳大利亚,在珀斯城南部,是一所男女同校的圣公会寄宿学校。

    Bunbury Cathedral Grammar is an Anglican coeducational day and boarding school south of Perth , Western Australia .

  25. 多数女性开始选择男女同校的学校,女子学院的入学率一落千丈。

    As a vast majority of women opted for coed schools , enrollment at women 's colleges tumbled .

  26. 在中国首倡双语教学,开中国近代男女同校先河;

    He was the first man who advocated bilingual education in china , preceded with coeducation in contemporary Chinese history ;

  27. 她认为在男女同校的学校里,歧视女生的现象太典型了,唯一的解决办法是实行男女生分班上课。

    She argues that discrimination against girls is so typical of co-educational schools that single-sex classes are the only answer .

  28. 我就读的男子高中多年前也开始男女同校。

    My high school , which was an all boys school , has been co-educational for quite a few years .

  29. 一般的初中是男女同校、接受综合性或复合性教育的学校,这类学校所设置的科目较多。

    The typical secondary school is the co-educational comprehensive or multipurpose high school , offering a wide range of subjects .

  30. 该校自1915年建立以来一直是实行男女同校教育;供应素食。校园内充满了友爱的氛围。

    The School has been co-educational and vegetarian since 1915 . Our campus has the informal atmosphere of a friendly village .