
  • 网络basketball;Men's Basketball
  1. 太原理工大学男子篮球队参加CBA━CUBA青年赛技战术分析

    Technological Analysis on the Man 's Basketball Team in CBA-CUBA

  2. 补充蒺藜皂苷对CBA男子篮球运动员生理机能和某些生化指标的影响

    Effect of Tribulus Terrestris on Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of CBA Male Basketball Players

  3. CUBA男子篮球运动员身体素质测试方法与测试指标研究

    Measuring methods and index for CUBA male players ' physique

  4. 湖北省高校CUBA男子篮球队比赛现状及对策研究

    Research on Competition and Solutions among CUBA Man-team 's in Universities in Hubei Province

  5. 为了中国男子篮球的长远发展,加大对CBA联赛队伍的研究势在必行。

    For long-term development of Chinese basketball , CBA league teams to increase the research imperative .

  6. 中国男子篮球职业联赛(CBA)于近日公布了全明星赛的首发阵容。

    The Chinese Basketball Association ( CBA ) has announced the starting lineups for the All-Star game .

  7. 阿肯色州赢得了NCAA男子篮球冠军。

    And Arkansas won the NCAA men 's basketball championship .

  8. 此外,腾讯还将获得ESPN的独家许可,在中国内地拥有全美大学体育协会男子篮球锦标赛和极限赛事XGames的实况数字版权。

    Tencent will also license from ESPN the exclusive , live digital rights in the Chinese mainland to the NCAA Men 's Basketball Championship Tournament and the X Games .

  9. 后备人才的培养是影响我国男子篮球职业联赛(简称CBA)可持续发展的重要因素。

    The reserve talents ' cultivation is an important factor in the development of men 's professional basketball tournament in China ( brief CBA ) .

  10. 全国男子篮球运动员16PF常模标定及人格特点分析

    The Determination and Analysis on 16 PF Norm for National Basketball Players in China

  11. 比较了CUBA全国大学生篮球联赛与中国大学生男子篮球超级联赛的异同及其各自的优劣。

    After comparing differences between CUBA League and Chinese University Basketball Super League , we get a conclusion that these two Leagues should be united , especially on the player-qualification .

  12. 美国篮球悠久的历史、先进的篮球理论和完善的NBA联赛体制,使美国篮球始终处在世界男子篮球运动的领先地位。

    Because of the long history , advanced basketball theories and the perfect NBA league system , American basketball has been in the first place in the world male basketball sport .

  13. 牟先生43岁时担任了中国男子篮球职业联赛(CBA)的副主席,并在60岁时升任主席。

    At age 43 , Mou ascended to become Vice President of the Chinese Basketball Association ( CBA ) , eventually becoming President when he was 60 years old .

  14. 去年,姚明被选为新组建的CBA公司的副总裁。该公司主要负责中国男子篮球职业联赛的管理与商务开发工作。

    And last year , Yao was elected as the vice president of the newly-established CBA company which was in charge of the league 's management and business development .

  15. 对CBA主客场赛制主场优势的心理状态研究中国男子篮球甲级联赛(主客场赛制)周期安排与竞技状态的调控

    Periodic Arrangement or Chinese Basketball Major Leagues of Men ( Home and Visiting Match System ) and Control of Competitive Readiness of Players Study on the home court advantage in CBA

  16. 中国篮球防守技战术中存在的问题及对策全国男子篮球运动员16PF常模标定及人格特点分析

    Defence Problems on National Basketball Game The Determination and Analysis on 16 PF Norm for National Basketball Players in China

  17. 对CBA-CUBA青年男子篮球对抗赛及运动员的分析研究

    On the CBA-CUBA Young Man Basketball Dual Meet and Athlete

  18. 为了探索运动员大负荷运动后血清肌红蛋白(Mb)与肌酸激酶(CK)及其同工酶的变化规律,本文研究了体育学院男子篮球运动员大负荷运动后血清Mb与CK水平的变化。

    In order to explore changes of serum Mb , CK , and CK isoenzymes of athletes after heavy load exercise , changes of serum Mb and CK of college male basketball players after heavy load exercise were investigated .

  19. 外籍球员是我国男子篮球实行职业化改革后出现在CBA联赛的新生事物,在联赛的发展过程中扮演了重要的角色,本文以此为出发点对CBA联赛进行研究。

    After male basketball team take professional reform , foreign basketball players appear in CBA . They play more important role in the development of league matches , so the thesis focuses on this phenomenon in the following analysis .

  20. 中国男子篮球自1995年开始举办跨年度的主客场联赛(CBA联赛)以来,已经经历了6个赛季。

    It has been 6 competitive seasons since 1995 , when the home and road league system of men 's China Basketball Association ( CBA League ), which can be carried over to the next year has been adopted in China .

  21. 中国大学生男子篮球超级联赛(简称为大超联赛)和CUBA同属于中国大学生体育协会,但它们是不同水平层次的两大大学生篮球联赛,两者的最大区别在于办赛目的和运动员的参赛资格不同。

    China University Basketball Super League ( shart for : University Super League ) and CUBA are two tipical games on different level of China University Physical Education and Sports association . The big difference between them lies to their purposes of holding games .

  22. 对比美国男子篮球职业联赛(简称NBA)后备人才的培养模式,提出适合CBA联赛可持续发展的后备人才培养模式,为CBA联赛的发展提供理论依据。

    Contrasting the mode of reserve talents ' cultivation in the men 's professional basketball tournament of American ( brief NBA ), putting forward the mode which in keeping with the development of reserve talents ' cultivation and providing the theories for the development of CBA .

  23. 他的努力最终得到了北京这座城市的认可。在北京三夺中国男子篮球职业联赛(CBA)总冠军之后,他将会于本月底在万事达获得中国“绿卡”,即永久居留许可。

    His efforts are being rewarded by the city of Beijing who is expected to grant the three-time Chinese Basketball Association ( CBA ) champion with a Chinese " green card , " or permanent residence permit , at the MasterCard Center later this month .

  24. 依据企业(组织)形象识别或交流识别系统(CIS)设计原则,从品牌名称设计、品牌标志设计、品牌包装设计等几方面,探讨了中国男子篮球甲A联赛的品牌表现设计方法。

    According to the design principles of image identification or communication identification systems ( CIS ) for enterprises ( organizations ), the brand design method for CBA is being discussed in this essay in the aspects of brand appellation design , brand mark design and brand package design .

  25. 通过对电子科技大学男子篮球队参加CUBA有关身体条件与技术统计数据与CUBA优秀球队技术统计数据的对比,重点讨论身体条件、人员安排、进攻与防守数据和比赛胜负的关系。

    Through the comparison between body condition and technique statistics of the men 's basketball team of university of electronic science and technology of China and the excellent teams of CUBA , the paper discusses the relationship between body condition , personnel arrangement , attack , defence and the result .

  26. 少年男子篮球运动员心脏形态及机能变化探讨

    A survey of the young boy basketball players'ventricular shape and function

  27. 从1995年开始,中国首次在全国男子篮球甲级联赛中使用了主客场制竞赛制度。

    The home-and-away system was initiated first to ChineseNational Basketball League in1995 .

  28. 中国男子篮球运动技术水平在实施新赛制后的变化分析

    Changes of China Men 's Basketball Technique Level Under New Competitive System

  29. 中国男子篮球甲A联赛品牌策略探讨

    Research on Brand Strategy of Basketball Class 1-A League Match of China

  30. 男子篮球主要技术掌握与运用敏感期探微

    Research on Sensitivity Period of The Main Skill for Male Basketball Athlete