
nán xié
  • men's shoes
  1. 我们的产品是男鞋、女鞋、运动鞋、童鞋。

    Our products are men 's shoes , women 's shoes , sports shoes and kids'shoes .

  2. 买者:你好,我买一双男鞋给我先生。

    Buyer : Hi , I 'm looking for a pair of men 's shoes for my husband .

  3. 公司最近在上海开设了第一家店铺,它的正装男鞋【想想电视剧《广告狂人》(MadeMen)】售价在175美元至695美元之间。

    The company , whose dress shoes ( think mad men ) sell for $ 175 to $ 695 , opened its first store recently in Shanghai .

  4. 我劝你不要去那家商店买男鞋。

    I advise you not to buy men 's shoes in that shop .

  5. 时尚男鞋能俘获男性消费者的“芳心”吗?

    Will they catch on with male consumers ?

  6. 害羞男:呃……男鞋专柜在哪里?

    Mr. Shy : Um ... well , where 's the men 's shoe department ?

  7. 手袋是被仿冒第二多的单品,然后是男鞋和女鞋。

    Handbags were the second most copied items , followed by shoes for both men and women .

  8. 公文包休闲男鞋缘分是本书,翻得不经意会错过,读的太认真会泪流。

    Love is the book , too casually miss turn , will be tears read too seriously .

  9. 我们公司是一家专业经营男鞋、女鞋、童鞋的公司。

    Our company is a professional operation of men 's shoes , women 's , children 's shoes company .

  10. 本文以男鞋公式化作图的示例来探讨这种新的鞋样设计画法。

    This paper makes an exploration on the new shoe design map with the example of formulized map of men 's shoes .