
  • 网络Men's perfume;pour homme;Bleu;edt;burberry
  1. 越来越多的女士用男士香水。

    More and more women are wearing men 's fragrances .

  2. 这则广告宣传的是一款男士香水。

    The advertisement is for a male fragrance .

  3. 古龙水——香水最古老的称呼,指北美男士香水。

    Cologne ( eau de cologne ) – Oldest term for perfume , used in North America for masculine scents .

  4. 去年,宝洁公司(Proctor&Gamble)在这一点上大获成功。当时,宝洁公司邀请演员以赛亚•穆斯塔法为公司的OldSpice男士香水推出了一个互动社交媒体宣传活动。

    Proctor & Gamble ( PG ) struck gold with this last year , when they created an interactive social media campaign for Old Spice around actor Isaiah Mustafa .

  5. 那么,人们会对Zippo出品的男士香水作何反应呢?

    So how will people react to a Zippo men 's fragrance ?

  6. 去年下半年在欧洲推出的Zippo男士香水是在意太利公司MaviveSpA的授权下制造的。

    Zippo 's men 's fragrance . launched late last year in Europe . is made under license by Mavive SpA of Italy .

  7. 在他为女士设计的Unforgivable香水取得巨大成功后,他的下一款男士香水将于12月在美国Macy's百货上市,接着明年在全球推出。

    Following on from the hugely successful Unforgivable perfume for women , his next for men , is to be launched at Macy 's in the US in December before an international roll-out in 2009 .

  8. 该公司最近在巴西为男士香水Axe(在英国的名字是凌仕(Lynx))推出了“程序化创意”广告,它会自动从10万个画面中选取画面,为观看者制作个性化的广告短片。

    It recently ran a " programmatic creative " campaign in Brazil for Axe , the men 's deodorant known as Lynx in the UK , which automatically drew from 100000 vignettes to create a short commercial individually tailored to the viewers watching .

  9. 每次走近,我就能闻到男士香水的味道。

    Every time I come near them I get a whiff of their cologne .

  10. 每次你走近他们,就会闻到男士香水的味道。

    Every time you come near them you get a whiff of their cologne .

  11. 男士香水是一种新时尚,这些香水叫古龙水。

    It 's the new fashion for men to wear perfumes , which is called cologne .

  12. 哦,男士香水?

    Oops , perfumes for guys ?

  13. 尽管遭遇全球金融危机,男士香水市场仍然继续增长,虽然与之前相比增长缓慢。

    The men 's fragrance market has continued to grow despite the global financial crisis , albeit at a slower pace .

  14. 这种白兰地酒芳香扑鼻.这种男士香水,&打开瓶盖,芳香扑鼻。

    This brandy has a fine bouquet . Open this Bottle of this men 's cologne , and a distinctive aroma will fill your nostrils .

  15. 浓香水——用来表示男士和女士香水,历史上无性别区分。

    Perfume ( eau de parfum , EDP ) – Historically genderless , used to describe both men ’ s and women ’ s fragrances .

  16. 男士用的科隆香水在哪?

    Where is the men 's cologne ?

  17. 同时,简要总结了男士皮肤护理和男士香水市场,就男士化妆品营销方法提出了一些建议。

    Meanwhile , the paper summarized the male skin care and male perfume market , and advanced some suggestions in male cosmetic marketing .