nán nǚ shòu shòu bù qīn
- It is improper for men and women to touch each other's hand in passing objects;It is improper for man and woman to hold each others hands,pass objects from hand to hand

[It is improper for man and woman to hold each others hands,pass objects from hand to hand] 古时礼教规定男女之间不能直接接触、言谈或授受物件,有所谓食不连器、坐不连席之语
男女授受不亲[nán nǚ shòu shòu bù qīn]
In giving and receiving , man and woman must not touch ( according to Confucian rules of etiquette ) .
To date , the knowledge of the relationship between men and women in traditional society tends to stay in a very general level , lacking of detailed and in-depth understanding .