
  1. 闲着不干事他可受不了。

    He can 't bear idleness .

  2. 你想成为永远不干事的那种男人或者女人吗?

    Do you want to be the man or the woman who never does anything ?

  3. 我极其讨厌不干事光挑剔的人。

    I 'm sick to the back teeth of people who do nothing but criticize .

  4. 那个老是把办公室门紧关着的人很值得怀疑,因为他可能在里面根本不干事。

    The man who always keeps his office door shut is suspect , because he might be doing no work .

  5. 当记者问及为什么会有此举动,拉里答道:一个人就是不能坐在那里不干事。

    When asked by a reporter why he had done it , Larry responded , a man just can 't sit around .

  6. 我们村里有个干部,派他来为我们服务,可是他不干事,还占我们的便宜。

    In our village , we had a cadre who was instructed to serve us , but he did nothing , and only got advantages from us .

  7. 当记者问及为什么会有此举动,拉里答道:“一个人就是不能坐在那里不干事。”拉里实现了梦想,而且创造了一项以充气气球飞行的记录。

    When asked by a reporter why he had done it , Larry responded , " a man just can 't sit around . " Larry fulfilled his dream , and set a record for a gas-filled balloon flight .

  8. 要是不用心干事,有可能会发生小事故。

    Minor accidents may occur if you don 't concentrate on what you 're doing .

  9. 嘉莉进去时,发现几个人闲坐在那里,都是男人,不说话,也不干事。

    As Carrie entered she noticed several persons lounging about & men , who said nothing and did nothing .

  10. 走极端的人不猜疑或欺负下级他们通常很冷漠,而且完全不干事。再过几年,他将垮掉,身败名裂而你这个幸存者将收获战利品。

    Bipolar people aren 't paranoid and bullying in their down phases - they 're usually apathetic and totally non-functional . In a couple more years , he 'll crash and burn in a blaze of septum-ruptured glory - leaving you , the survivor , to the spoils .