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bù wèi qiáng bào
  • defy brute force;defy brutal suppression;not fear brutal force
不畏强暴[bù wèi qiáng bào]
  1. 有人赞赏女青年不畏强暴,维护尊严的反抗行为,也有人认为这个女青年以生命换取所谓贞洁不值。

    Some netizens said they appreciated the young woman 's valiant effort and spirit as she tried to protect herself against the brutality .

  2. 沦陷区人民的社会心理主要表现为不畏强暴的斗争性,被迫统治的奴性,麻木不仁的惰性。

    The peoples social psychology in the enemy-occupied area showed that their struggle of defying brute forces , their slavishness of having been obliged to be ruled and their inertia of indifference .

  3. 西班牙人喜欢红、黄色,分别代表着“碧血”和“黄沙”,而“碧血黄沙”就象征着“斗牛士”的英勇顽强、不畏强暴的精神风貌。

    Spanish like color of red , yellow which are represented the " Blood " and " Sand ", but " Blood and Sand " is the symbol of " Bullfighter " spirits of courageousness and indomitableness .