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bù jì
  • Ignore;disregard;regardless of;except;irrespective of;not take into account;do not count
不计 [bù jì]
  • [do not count] 把排除或不计算在内(如从考虑中)

  • 在决定乳脂生产的平均数时,最好把所有头胎生的小母牛不计在内

  • [regardless of;disregard;irrespective of] 不计较;不考虑

  • 不计成本

  • 不计个人得失

不计[bù jì]
  1. 我承诺:尽已所能,不计报酬,帮助糖尿病患者,服务社会。

    I promise : do my best , disregard profit , help patients with diabetes , and serve the community .

  2. 科恩被人们认为做事太不计后果。

    The rap against Conn was that he was far too reckless

  3. 长发在实际生活中产生的不便可以忽略不计。

    The practical inconveniences of long hair are negligible .

  4. 一旦美国人决定要做一件事,他们就会把它做好,且丝毫不计代价。

    Once the Americans decide to do a thing , they do it well , and hang the cost .

  5. 他英勇对敌,不避艰险,赴汤蹈火在所不计。

    He faced the enemy valiantly , shuned no difficulties and dangers and would not hesitate to lay down his life if need be .

  6. 他心胸阔达,从来不计较个人得失。

    He is open-minded and never cares about individual gains and losses .

  7. 我们应该不计前嫌,彼此和睦相处。

    We should let bygones be bygones and try to get along with each other .

  8. 一只蚂蚁的重量几乎可以忽略不计,但放在一起,它们的重量和全人类差不多。

    Each individual ant hardly weigh anything , but put together they weigh roughly the same as all of mankind .

  9. 结果表明,脱层的扩展取决GⅠ和GⅡ,而CⅢ的影响可以忽略不计。

    It is found that the de-lamination growth depends on G1 . G , and the effect of G , can be neglected .

  10. BuffaloGames的一位发言人说,在这些产品的生产中,涉及国外的部分可以忽略不计。

    A spokeswoman for Buffalo Games said the products have only ' a negligible amount of foreign content . '

  11. fix:修理,修补forgive:原谅Jenny,补好这条裙子,我就不计前嫌了。

    Blair : Jenny , fix my dress , and all is forgiven . -

  12. 根据澳大利亚联邦政府批准的一项计划,对那些不计后果或蓄意将HIV传给他人者进行基因追踪。

    PEOPLE who have recklessly or deliberately infected others with HIV could be genetically traced under a project approved by the Federal Government .

  13. 二是在c轴方向上可能存在强烈的退磁效应,而在ab平面方向上退磁效应可以忽略不计。

    The other reason is that the demagnetization may exist along the c axis , which does almost not exist in the ab plane .

  14. 他指出,从2006年开始,每年,亚洲(不计日本)对全球经济蛋糕的贡献都超过美国和欧盟(eu)之和。

    He points out that each year since 2006 Asia has contributed more to the global economic pie than the US and the EU combined .

  15. 苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)估计,如果不计通胀因素,中国零售销售额同比增长18%的增幅其实只有10%而已。

    Stripping out inflation , Royal Bank of Scotland reckons the 18 per cent year-on-year increase in retail sales is a mere 10 per cent .

  16. 在截至7月份的一年里,富时100指数成份股公司CEO的薪酬总额平均为300万英镑(不计养老金)。

    The total package of a FTSE 100 chief executive in the year to July was on average 3m before taking account pensions .

  17. 而NOx的脱除取决于放电过程,放电前的脱除几乎可以忽略不计。

    Without discharge , the removal of NOx can nearly be ignored and its removal depends on the corona discharge process .

  18. 发现在室温下当溶液的pH小于5时,BF4离子水解十分缓慢,可忽略不计。

    It was found that at pH lower than 5 , hydrolysis of BF_4 is so slow at room temperature , that it can be neglected .

  19. 经量纲分析和圆管紊流理论分析表明流道内部流动的雷诺数Re对流道摩阻系数λ影响很小,可以忽略不计;

    The results of dimension analysis and turbulent pipe flow theory showed that the Reynolds number Re had low effect on the flow path friction coefficient λ, which could be ignored .

  20. 许多父母和老师因此都不计任何代价,想让ADHD儿童停止不停的玩弄。

    Many parents and teachers respond by trying to get ADHD kids , at any cost , to stop fidgeting .

  21. 在Fe(111)和Fe(100)面上,当覆盖度小于1/2ML,覆盖度对CO的影响可以忽略不计。

    On the Fe ( 111 ) and Fe ( 100 ) surfaces , when the coverage is below 1 / 2 ML , the coverage effect on CO adsorption can be neglectable .

  22. 算法简单易实现,误码率(BER)性能显示由水印信息引入的失真可以忽略不计。

    The algorithm is easy to be realized . The performance of BER shows that the distortion induced by digital watermarking information can be ignored .

  23. 而资源管理权限掌握在项目经理手中,RBS对资源分配流程的影响可忽略不计。

    RBS has a small to minimal effect on the resource assignment process when project managers are responsible for resource management .

  24. 据国际货币基金组织(imf)估计,在2006-08年间,全球失衡总规模从上世纪末可以忽略不计的数额,扩大到全球国内生产总值(gdp)的2.5%。

    Total world imbalances grew , according to International Monetary Fund estimates , from negligible amounts at the end of the last century to 2 per cent of world gross domestic product in 2006-08 .

  25. 对Josephson隧道结,如果氧化层的厚度为20(?)左右,电荷能与Joscphscm耦合能相比可略去不计。

    The charging energy is neglected in comparison with the Josephson coupling energy in ease of small area tunneling junctions with the insulator thickness of about 20 A.

  26. h-SIL的横向色散和小,可以忽略不计。

    The transverse dispersion of the h-SIL system is very small and can be neglected .

  27. 校正后,OGy再生剂量释光信号与自然信号的比率都在5%以下,信号的回复可以忽略不计。

    The sensitivity corrected zero dose regenerated signal is within 5 % of the sensitivity corrected natural signal , implies that the recuperation is negligible .

  28. 考核结果表明:HD型全自动显微镜光度计线性度良好,疲劳性可忽略不计,测定精度、重现性等优于国家标准。

    The assessment results show : HD full automatic microscope photometer has good linearity , the fatigue can be neglected , its measuring accuracy and repeatability are better than that given in the national standard .

  29. 不过奥巴马政府官员表示,政府将接近达成一个关键的财政目标:到2015年实现基本平衡(不计债务利息),预算赤字与GDP之比略高于3%。

    Still , Obama administration officials say they will come close to achieving a key fiscal goal : a primary balance , excluding interest on the debt , by 2015 , with a budget deficit just above 3 per cent of GDP .

  30. 计算和实验还表明,即使在垂直敷设的情况下,SF6/N2的混合比随高差的变化也可以忽略不计。

    It is shown that the gas decomposition products in the mixture are quite similar to those in pure SF_6 gas , and the variation of the mixing ratio with elevation can be neglected .