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xié jiàng
  • shoemaker;cobbler;archer
鞋匠 [xié jiàng]
  • (1) [shoemaker;cobbler]∶以做鞋或修理鞋为职业的小手工业者

  • (2) [archer]∶用机器制作皮鞋根和皮鞋内底的弓形或鞋底中间狭窄部分的鞋匠

鞋匠[xié jiàng]
  1. 鞋匠将其顾客的鞋擦得锃亮。

    The shoemaker polished the shoes of his customer until they gleamed .

  2. 从前,鲁国有这么一对夫妇:丈夫是一个鞋匠,鞋子做得很好;

    In the past , there was a married couple in the State of Lu . The husband was a shoemaker who made very good shoes .

  3. 在那个小镇上,鞋匠的店铺就是一个俱乐部。

    In that town a cobbler 's shop is a club .

  4. 经常提到的一种说法是,果冻鞋是在二战后由一位法国的鞋匠设计的,当时欧洲正经历皮革短缺。

    A frequently offered explanation is that they were designed by a shoe maker3 in France after World War II , when there was a leather shortage in Europe .

  5. (cobbler既有水果派也有鞋匠的意思)拉杰:伙计们,猜猜我在洛杉矶机场发现谁了?

    Raj : Hey guys . Guess who I found at LAX ?

  6. 如今,这座石砌建筑内还开设了一间菲拉格慕博物馆(FerragamoMuseo),用来记录这位制鞋匠的一生——他曾为玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)等诸多好莱坞明星创作了引领潮流的新设计。

    Today the stone edifice also houses the Ferragamo Museo , which documents the life of the shoemaker who created trendsetting designs for Hollywood stars like Marilyn Monroe .

  7. 丈夫是一个鞋匠,鞋子做得很好。

    The husband was a shoemaker who made very good shoes .

  8. 鞋匠没怎么理会他的心思。

    The shoemaker did not show much respect for his feelings .

  9. 我们普什图人喜欢皮鞋,但讨厌鞋匠;

    We Pashtuns love shoes but don 't love the cobbler ;

  10. 他的父亲,一个贫困的鞋匠,在1816年去世。

    His father , a poor shoemaker , died in 1816 .

  11. 而鞋匠仍然很富裕,他着手做的事情都很成功。

    The cobbler remained well-off , and everything he undertook prospered .

  12. 鞋匠是地球上最幸福的人之一。

    The shoemaker was one of the happiest persons on earth .

  13. 鞋匠感到十分疑惑,但他并没有绝望。

    The cobbler was puzzled , but he did not despair .

  14. [谚]鞋匠的老婆没鞋穿。

    The shoemaker 's wife often goes in ragged shoes .

  15. 吃到最后这个鞋匠坠入情网。

    By the end of the meal the shoemaker was in love .

  16. 鞋匠们对他的这一提议欣喜若狂。

    The shoemakers were only too glad of the offer .

  17. 鲁国有对夫妻,男的是鞋匠,鞋子做的很好;

    There was a couple in the State of Lu .

  18. 汉斯。埃迪森出生在鞋匠的家庭。

    Hans Andersen was born in a shoemaker 's family .

  19. 谁比鞋匠妻子所穿的鞋子更破?

    Who is worse shod than the shoemaker 's wife ?

  20. 这位手卑微的鞋匠晋升为国王的顾问。

    Exalted the humble shoemaker to the rank of King 's adviser .

  21. 我去鞋匠铺修补鞋子。

    I go the shoe maker to mend the shoes .

  22. 乔伊丝是村里鞋匠的女儿。

    Joyce was the daughter of the village cobbler .

  23. 而我只是个补鞋匠,总不能叫你「我的破鞋啊!」

    I can 't call you'my broken shoe ' .

  24. 在德国的一个小镇里,曾经住着一个穷苦的鞋匠。

    In a small town in Germany there once lived a poor shoemaker .

  25. 他是埃利街的一个鞋匠,我为他打工。

    He 's a shoe-maker in Ely Street and I work for him .

  26. 麦克斯,你上哪找的补鞋匠?

    Max , where 'd you find a cobbler ?

  27. 鞋匠走进小屋后,国王敲了敲门。

    When the cobbler was inside , the king knocked upon the door .

  28. 这名强盗遇到鞋匠时说:两名警察追赶强盗。

    The thief greeted the cobbler and said , Two police run after robber .

  29. 这样,鞋匠手头就有了可以买来够做四双鞋子的皮子的钱。

    The cobbler now had enough money to buy leather for four more pairs .

  30. 然后她跑去找靠近镇上城门口的一位老补鞋匠。

    Then she went to an old cobbler near the gates of the town .