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  • shoe box
  1. 我想她甚至保存着所有这些本子,放在一个鞋盒里的,哥哥罗恩(Ron)说。

    I think she even kept all those books too , in a shoe box , said her brother , Ron .

  2. 但最后却都进了纽泽西的鞋盒。

    Somehow they all ended up in a shoe box in new jersey .

  3. 我起身在用力装CD的鞋盒里翻找着,直到我找到一张肖邦的小夜曲合辑。

    I got up and rifled through my shoebox of CDsuntil I found a collection of Chopin 's nocturnes .

  4. 每一个画面,就像鞋盒造景那样,被赋予了生命,我们可以依靠转动摄像头更清楚地看到3D效果是如何使人物变得栩栩如生的。

    Each tableau , like a shoebox diorama , was animated , and we could move the camera around to better see how the3D effect made the characters pop .

  5. Bell和他的同事研制了“我的生活片段”软件系统,把它作为代理大脑,用来解决他们称作“庞大的鞋盒似的问题”。

    Bell and his colleagues developed MyLifeBits as a surrogate brain to solve what they call the " giant shoebox problem " .

  6. “在庞大的装满相片的鞋盒中,很难发现你想找的东西,”微软的JimGemmell说。

    " In a giant shoebox full of photos , it 's hard to find what you are looking for ," says Microsoft 's Jim Gemmell .

  7. 另一个鞋盒状的RAD7型测氡仪用于检测氡气;

    A shoe-box-size RAD7 tested for radon .

  8. 这是我的帽子。我用鞋盒。

    It 's my cap . I used shoe boxes .

  9. 在众多的礼物中,为你衣柜里的鞋盒命名;

    Name the shoe boxes in your closet with your gifts of abundance ;

  10. 那个装满钱的鞋盒是怎么回事?

    What about that shoebox full of cash ?

  11. 就像是倒在鞋盒旁边的文件夹卡片。

    Like file cards knocking around a shoebox .

  12. 为你的伴侣书写一张爱的便条,存在鞋盒中。

    Write a love note for your spouse and store it in a shoebox .

  13. 正是美鞋对对港币30,双双连鞋盒乱放地上!

    There are beautiful shoes in HKD30 each throwing on the floor with shoe boxes .

  14. 鞋盒里面有三万两千块钱。

    Thirty-two thousand dollars in that shoebox .

  15. 它那畅销的“鞋盒”短笺的生产时间缩短到三个月。

    Its best-selling " Shoebox " line reduced its production time to only three months .

  16. 都是随手往鞋盒里扔的,我也不清楚。

    Nate : Threw it all in the shoe box . I don 't know .

  17. 再把产品的商标以重复的形式排列在鞋盒周围。

    Then repeat products in the form of a trademark in the shoebox arranged around .

  18. 她同意打开鞋盒,是到他知道鞋盒里是什么东西的时候了。

    She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box .

  19. 大概跟鞋盒一样大,是在一个木盒中装了齿轮的装置。

    roughly the size of a shoebox , made of gears fitted inside a wooden case .

  20. 布赖恩不忍扔掉那些娃娃,就找了个鞋盒来装它们。

    Unable to throw them away , Brian found a shoe box to put them in .

  21. 如果你不在乎花多少钱,一个10千克的鞋盒就能装下许多互联网上的内容。

    If you don 't care about cost , this10-kilogram shoebox can hold a lot of Internet .

  22. 但你却站在那一动不动,试图哄劝它到鞋盒里头

    but instead , you stood there for hours trying to coax that little guy into a shoebox ,

  23. 一种外观上类似于鞋盒的建筑(如一座长方形的建筑或是一间狭促的屋子或隔间)。

    A structure resembling a shoebox ( as a rectangular building or a cramped room or compartment ) .

  24. 诺基亚成立于1865年,是一家制造橡胶鞋盒及其它产品的橡胶公司。

    Then : Founded in Finland in1865 , Nokia was a rubber company that made galoshes and other products .

  25. 那天晚上晚些时候,我把折纸动物园装进一个大鞋盒里,然后把鞋盒放在了床底下。

    Later that evening , I packed the paper menagerie in a large shoebox and put it under the bed .

  26. 我们会准备现场音乐,还有鞋盒还有蜡烛。

    We 're gonna have music , we 're gonna get a shoe box we 're gonna have candles . Yes .

  27. 家中余钱无多,在圣诞前夜来临时,父亲变得更加心烦意乱,他看到了圣诞树下的一个鞋盒,女儿原来把金纸贴在了这个鞋盒上做装饰。

    Money was tight and he became when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree .

  28. 可一次性打印六组字体,是目前国内市场上打印面积最大的鞋盒打码机。

    Printing six groups of character codes at one time , having the largest printing area in the domestic market at present .

  29. 直至尾声更下起雨来,我们两手拿着许多的鞋盒,用经典街市专用的红色塑料袋,使力回家去。

    And until late it suddenly rained , we both carryied heavy shoe boxes by the typical red plastic bag to home .

  30. 它大约有鞋盒那麽大,一根短短的天线垂著,像没绑上的鞋带。

    It was about the size of a shoe box , with a short antenna hanging from it like a loose shoestring .