
jí xiáng
  • auspicious;lucky;propitious
吉祥 [jí xiáng]
  • [lucky;propitious;auspicious] 吉利;幸运

  • 吉祥菜

吉祥[jí xiáng]
  1. 金腰燕(Hirundodaurica)是著名的益鸟和吉祥鸟。

    Red - rumped Swallow ( Hirundo daurica ) is a famous kind of good and lucky bird .

  2. 广西瑶族艺术设计中的吉祥设计文化研究

    The Study of the Lucky Design Culture of Guangxi Yao Nation

  3. 孔雀作为吉祥之鸟深受人们喜爱,是举世驰名的珍禽

    Peafowl are precious birds that people love as a symbol of auspiciousness .

  4. 天地人和齐贺喜气洋洋,天长地久共享快乐吉祥

    The world with all celebrate happiness , The world share propitiousness forever !

  5. 猴年吉祥

    Good luck for this Monkey year

  6. 中国人民银行定于5月20日发行2020吉祥文化金银纪念币一套。

    China 's central bank will issue a set of commemorative coins themed after auspicious a hundred years " .

  7. 您可以根据需要办理吉祥VIP贵宾卡。

    However , you can open a VIP card .

  8. 百合(LiLiumspp.)是世界著名的球根花卉,花型优雅,寓意吉祥,深受人们的喜爱。

    Lily ( Lilium spp ) is the famous flowers with grace flower , implying propitious meaning , appreciated by many people .

  9. 武汉21t千年吉祥钟的造型实践&涂敷浆砂陶瓷型新工艺

    Molding Practice for the Thousandth Auspicious Bell with 21t weight in Wuhan-Introduction for a New Craft of Coating and Laying Sand Pulp Ceramic Mold

  10. 采用小鼠氨水引咳法及气管酚红排泌法观察吉祥草总皂苷(TSRC)的镇咳及祛痰作用;

    Method of ammonia media cough and phenol red on mice were used to value the effects of relieving cough and reducing sputum of TSRC ;

  11. 此外,它被认为非常吉祥的宗教仪式。

    Moreover , it is regarded very auspicious in religious rituals .

  12. 论中国传统吉祥图案在当代审美下的传承与创新

    The Transmission and Innovation of Traditional Propitious Pattern under Contemporary Aesthetic

  13. 论中国传统吉祥图案的现代设计价值中国传统吉祥图案初探

    On the Value of Traditional Chinese Auspicious Pattern for Modern Design

  14. 问他怎样才能带给朋友吉祥。

    Asked him to bring my friends all kind of crap .

  15. 我们全家向你们全家致以吉祥,友爱的问候!

    Greetings of peace and love from my home to yours .

  16. 莲花:佛教永恒的美好吉祥象徵图案。

    Lotus flower : it symbolizes buddhism 's eternal and happiness .

  17. 他有一种迷信的想法认为黑猫不吉祥。

    He has a superstitious thought that black cat are unlucky .

  18. 认为黑猫不吉祥是一种很普遍的迷信。

    It 's a common superstition that black cats are unlucky .

  19. 给红包不就是个求平安吉祥的意义吗?

    Isn 't giving ared envelope all about bringing good luck ?

  20. 包着馅的饺子含有各种各样的吉祥讯息。

    Jiaozi are filled with stuffing to contain various auspicious messages .

  21. 我会想念大家的,大家也要继续关注旺·吉祥哦!

    I will miss everybody and hope everybody love me continually .

  22. 传达于现代室内设计中的中国传统吉祥纹样

    Modern Interior Design to Convey to the Chinese Traditional Auspicious Patterns

  23. 仙鹤象征着吉祥、长寿、高雅、忠贞。

    Cranes symbolize good luck , longevity , elegance and faithfulness .

  24. 认为黑猫不吉祥是一种迷信。

    It is a common superstition that black cats are unlucky .

  25. 在中国神话中,独角兽是一种吉祥之物。

    In Chinese mythology , the Licorne is an auspicious objects .

  26. 紫荆叶:祥和美满,幸福吉祥的见证;

    The leaf of Redbud : It represent fortune and happiness .

  27. 在某种文化中,乌鸦是不吉祥的象徵。

    In some culture , a crow is associated with badness .

  28. 今晚是这样做的一个吉祥的时刻。

    It is an auspicious occasion to do so for tonight .

  29. 有着极为丰富的吉祥寓意,,蕴涵着高度的装饰性和概括性。

    There are abundant auspicious implies ,, containing highly ornamental and generality .

  30. 传统吉祥装饰的形态特征及其创作主题

    The formation and the creative theme of traditional lucky decoration