
  • 网络homoptera;hemiptera;homopteran
  1. 碧蝉属HeaDistant研究(同翅目:蝉科)

    A study of the genus hea distant ( homoptera : cicadidae )

  2. 烟蚜Myzuspersicae(Sulzer),属于同翅目,蚜科,又称桃蚜,是烟草上的重要害虫。

    Myzus persicae ( Sulzer ) belongs to Homoptera Aphididae , it is a major pest of tobacco .

  3. 18Srdna序列与同翅目昆虫的分类系统

    18S rDNA Sequences and Classification System of the Order Homoptera

  4. 室内人工气候条件下烟蚜Myzuspersicae(Sulzer)(同翅目:蚜科)的生物学特性研究

    A study on the biology of Myzus persicae ( sulzer ) ( homoptera : aphidae ) under laboratory conditions

  5. 以个体数分析,同翅目Homoptera所占比例最大,为68.58%。

    Through number of individuality analysis , Homoptera accounted for a considerable proportion , it was 68.58 % .

  6. 目前,对同翅目害虫具抗虫活性的基因有三种来源,(1)植物:如植物凝集素基因、番茄抗线虫基因Mi等;

    Genes that have so far been found resistant to homopteran insects come from three origins : ( 1 ) resistance genes from plants such as plant lectins genes and the root-knot nematode resistance gene Mi of tomato ;

  7. 抗同翅目昆虫的相关基因及其转基因抗虫植物研究进展

    Homopteran - resistant Genes and Their Transgenic Insect - resistant Plants

  8. 同翅目13科,25属,35种;

    13 families and 25 genera and 35 species are Homoptera ;

  9. 同翅目害虫抗药性研究进展

    Advances in study on resistance of homopteran pests to chemical insecticides

  10. 厚果鸡血藤提取物对两种同翅目害虫的生物活性

    Biological Activity of Extracts from Millettia pachycarpa against Two Homopteran Insects

  11. 中国同翅目昆虫化石

    The fossil Homoptera of china : a review of present knowledge

  12. 同翅目几种食用昆虫记述及营养分析

    Records of Four Species Edible Insects in Homoptera and Their Nutritious Elements Analysis

  13. 泡桐林内同翅目、半翅目昆虫种类及其动态研究

    A Survey of Species and Its Dynamic of Homoptera and Hemiptera in Paulownia Wood

  14. 植物凝集素对包括同翅目在内的害虫具有有效抗性作用。

    Plant lectins have been shown to be insecticidal to pests including Homopteran pests .

  15. 研究得出,这种新害虫属同翅目介壳虫科,对柳树的危害严重。

    The new pest thatdamages causes to willows belongs to diaspidoidae , Homoptera Coccidae .

  16. 本文通过图表统计了中国已记载的同翅目化石名录、地理分布及地质年代。

    A checklist of Chinese Homoptera fossils with their distribution and geological age is given .

  17. 不同季节均以鞘翅目、同翅目和鳞翅目的优势集中性较高。

    Dominance centrality indexes of Coleoptera , Homptera , and Lepidoptera were high in different seasons .

  18. 柽柳叶蝉名录及中国新记录属种记述(同翅目:叶蝉科)

    A list of leafhoppers on Tamarisk with new records from China ( Homoptera : Cicadellidae )

  19. 属于同翅目害虫的蚜虫是小麦生产中的重要害虫之一。

    Aphids belonging to the order Homoptera is one the most important pests in wheat production .

  20. 同翅目5科8种;

    Species of 5 families Homoptera ;

  21. 福建木虱七新种与一新属记述(同翅目:木虱科)

    Seven new species and one new genus of psyllids from fujian , china ( homoptera : psyllidae )

  22. 结构的微小变化引起的杀虫活性从同翅目转向鳞翅目害虫。

    But small changes in the structures lead to the insecticidal activity transformed from Homoptera to Lepidoptera pests .

  23. 同翅目飞虱、叶蝉等小型昆虫的鸣声是由寄主植物传递为介质的振动。

    The sound of planthoppers and leafhoppers in Homoptera is a medium vibration that delivered by their host plant .

  24. 归纳了直翅目、半翅目、同翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目等昆虫的发声机制共十二种。

    There are twelve kinds of sounding mechanism in Orthoptera , Hemiptera , Coleoptera , Homoptera , Diptera et al .

  25. 激脂激素和高血糖激素已在某些昆虫种类中发现,但是到目前为止还未涉及到同翅目昆虫。

    Adipokinetic and hyperglycemic hormones have been discovered in several insects , but no approach has been made to homopterans .

  26. 就同翅目害虫对吡虫啉的抗性发生概况、交互抗性、抗性机理以及抗性治理的研究进展作了综述。

    This article summarized the incidence of resistance , cross-resistance implications , mechanisms and resistance-management of homopteran pests to imidacloprid .

  27. 蜡蚧轮枝菌是同翅目蚜虫、粉虱和蚧类害虫的重要生防资源,可用于防治高附加值的茶叶上的主要害虫茶蚜。

    It also can be applied to the control of the main pest such as tea aphids in the tea trees .

  28. 主要综述了电子取食监测仪在植物对同翅目昆虫抗虫性研究中的应用情况。

    Application of electronic feeding monitoring system ( EFMS ) in study of plant resistance to homopteran insects is reviewed in the paper .

  29. 各区以同翅目木虱类害虫为最多,稀植区所占比例最高。

    The number of Homopterous Psyllidae pests was the largest in these areas and the ratio was the highest in the low planted area .

  30. 大量的研究表明,植物凝集素具有非常有效的抗虫作用,尤其对同翅目害虫表现出良好的抗性。

    Nowadays a great of the researchs indicates that the lectin has a great effect on the anti-insect , especially to the homoptera insects .