
  • 网络Co-infection;coinfection
  1. 中国制定详细计划,防止同时感染结核与艾滋病毒。

    China details plan to fight co-infection of HIV and TB .

  2. TTV与HBV、HCV同时感染者2例(2%).TTV阳性患者中,有输血史者占57%。

    57 % of the TTV DNA positive patients had the transfusion history .

  3. 结果:发现HBV、HCV可同时感染同一宿主细胞这一独特的生物学现象。

    Results : It was found that HBV and HCV could infect the same host cell , the specular biological phenomenon .

  4. 探索乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)和丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)是否可同时感染同一宿主细胞。

    Objective : To detect whether hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) and hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) could infect the same host cell .

  5. 专家还进一步认为,有必要减少人类同时感染H5N1和其它流感病毒的机会。

    The experts further recognized the need to reduce opportunities for the simultaneous infection of humans with H5N1 and human strains of influenza virus .

  6. 结论2004~2005年冬春季RSV仍是儿童急性下呼吸道感染的主要病原,以B亚型为主;并有两种亚型同时感染的情况。

    Conclusions RSV subtype B was the primary pathogen in children with lower respiratory tract infection in Wenzhou from winter 2004 to spring 2005 and combined infection of RSV A and B were also identified .

  7. 部分丙肝患者可检出自身抗体,感染Ⅱ型HCV和同时感染Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型HCV的患者的自身抗体检出率高于感染Ⅲ型HCV的患者。

    Autoantibodies can be found in a part of hepatitis C patients , and the prevalence is higher in the patients infected by HCV type ⅱ, type ⅱ and ⅲ simultaneously than those infected by type ⅲ alone .

  8. Weitz教授解释道,在他们所建立的模型中,当多个病毒同时感染同一细胞时,调控蛋白的总产量会提高。

    In our model , when multiple viruses infect a given cell , the overall production of regulatory proteins increases .

  9. 但同时感染淋球菌、衣原体和支原体者。

    No cases were all infected with gonorrhea , chlamydia and mycoplasma .

  10. 某种神秘的东西同时感染了我们所有的人。

    Something mysterious had touched all of us at the same moment .

  11. 问:在中国是否有许多人同时感染了艾滋病毒和其他性传播感染?

    Q : Do many people in China have both HIV and other STIs ?

  12. 甲、乙型肝炎病毒同时感染

    Simultaneous Infection of Viral Hepatitis A and B

  13. 因为艾滋病会同时感染发达国家和贫穷国家的人,所以它并不特别。

    HIV / AIDS is unusual in that it affects rich and poor alike .

  14. 结论慢性病和意外伤害是危害监测人群健康的主要原因,应有针对性地开展健康教育和健康促进工作,减少疾病和意外的发生,同时感染性、传染性疾病控制仍然是卫生防病重要工作之一。

    Meanwhile , control of infectious and transmissible diseases is still an important part in public health .

  15. 西莱斯蒂的体重下降,连走路也很艰难,哈根医生怀疑她同时感染结核病。

    Celestine is losing weight and can scarcely walk , and Hakan suspects she might have tuberculosis too .

  16. 另一个不断增长的挑战是同时感染结核病和艾滋病的人数的增加。

    Another growing challenge is the increasing number of people infected with TB who are also living with HIV .

  17. 以前的报告中发现,艾滋病毒携带者同时感染耐多药结核病和广泛耐药结核病的病例中死亡率很高。

    Previous reports found high levels of mortality among people living with HIV and infected with MDR-TB and XDR-TB .

  18. 同时感染9种以上寄生虫的动物个体高达13.66%。

    The rate of those animals infected by over 9 species of parasites was as high as 13.66 % .

  19. 多种感染十分普遍,一人同时感染3种以上寄生虫者分别为53.8%和61.4%。

    Multiple infection was very common ; cases infected more than 3 species accounted for 53.3 % in Lisu and 61.4 % in Leme .

  20. 根据5月2日出版的《美国科学院学报》发表的一项研究,一种治疗同时感染艾滋病和结核病的患者的疗法,可能会增加结核杆菌的抗药性。

    A therapy for treating people infected with both HIV and tuberculosis ( TB ) could speed the emergence of drug-resistant forms of TB .

  21. 艾滋病毒携带者同时感染了引起结核病的细菌之后,发生结核病的可能性是正常人的34倍。

    People living with HIV , who are also infected with the bacteria causing TB , are up to34 times more likely to develop TB disease .

  22. 病毒的交叉感染是指两种或两种以上病毒同时感染同一计算机系统并交互作用的现象。

    By cross infection of virus is meant that two or more viruses infect one computer system at the same time and interact on each other .

  23. 不要忘记那些耐药性结核病患者或同时感染有艾滋病毒的结核病患者,他们为了获得可靠的诊断,必须等待长达3个月时间。

    Remember the people infected with a drug-resistant form of tuberculosis or co-infected with HIV who had to wait up to3 months for a reliable diagnosis .

  24. 这就意味着猪既可以感染人流感,也可以感染禽流感,甚至可以同时感染两种流感。

    It means that the swine could be infected either by Human influenza virus or by Avian influenza virus , even infected at the ame time .

  25. 多数肝衰竭患者并发念珠菌或曲霉感染前都存在细菌感染灶,最常见于腹腔,致病菌以革兰氏阴性杆菌为主,并有多部位、多菌种同时感染的特点。

    Previous bacteria infection could be found in most patients , with a feature of multi-infection-site and multi-strain , but mainly in peritoneal cavity and gram-negative bacillus .

  26. 男、女性弓形虫感染率分别为22.73%、53.03%,男女弓形虫感染率有显著性差异。夫妻双方同时感染的阳性率为15.15%;

    The positive rate of infection of Toxoplasma Gondii of couples was 15.15 % , the infection rate of Toxoplasma Gondii of habitual abortion patients was 60 % .

  27. 我们创造了一个活体内空气取样模型来研究同时感染人类免疫缺陷病毒的病人中结核的气溶胶的传播及评价环境控制措施。

    We created an in io air sampling model to study airborne transmission of tuberculosis from patients coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus ( HI ) and to evaluate environmental control measures .

  28. 根据发表在最新一期(12月8日)《科学》杂志上的这项研究,同时感染疟疾和艾滋病的人更容易传播艾滋病病毒。

    People with both malaria and HIV / AIDS are more likely to transmit the HIV virus , according to the study published in the journal Science today ( 8 December ) .

  29. 淋病:由淋球菌(即淋病奈瑟氏球菌)引起的性传染病,伴有生殖泌尿道炎症。但同时感染淋球菌、衣原体和支原体者。

    " Gonorrhea : Sexually transmitted disease . It is characterized by genitourinary inflammation , caused by the Bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae ( gonococcus ) . " No cases were all infected with gonorrhea , chlamydia and mycoplasma .

  30. 多虫感染者达74.2%,1人同时感染3种寄生虫以上者占感染人数37.1%,表明海南1-6岁农村儿童肠道寄生虫感染的普遍性和严重性。

    Of the infected persons , polyparasitism rate and those with more than 3 species accounted for 74.2 % and 37.1 % , respectively . Intestinal parasite infections in rural children from 1 to 6 years old in situ showed a wild distribution and noteworthy situation .