
  • 网络Oseltamivir;Tamiflu
  1. 目前实验室检测证实这些猪流感病毒A(H1N1)对奥司他韦和扎那米韦敏感。

    Laboratory testing on these swine influenza A ( H1N1 ) viruses so far indicate that they are susceptible ( sensitive ) to oseltamivir and zanamivir .

  2. 在治疗H1N1大流行性流感病毒感染方面,越来越多的国际经验显示了使用奥司他韦和扎那米韦抗病毒药物进行早期治疗的重要性。

    Growing international experience in the treatment of pandemic H1N1 virus infections underscores the importance of early treatment with the antiviral drugs , oseltamivir or zanamivir .

  3. 奥司他韦治疗疑似甲型H1N1流感的疗效分析

    Efficacy analysis of oseltamivir treatment of suspected influenza A H1N1 influenza

  4. 此外,应该加强对奥司他韦具有耐药性的H1N1大流行性流感病毒株的社区监督。

    In addition , community surveillance for oseltamivir-resistant pandemic H1N1 virus strains should be enhanced .

  5. 除了免疫功能低下的患者外,受到对奥司他韦具有耐药性的H1N1大流行性流感病毒感染者显示典型的简单流感症状。

    Except for immunocompromised patients , those infected with an oseltamivir-resistant pandemic H1N1 virus have experienced typical uncomplicated influenza symptoms .

  6. 抗甲型H1N1流感病毒前沿新药&磷酸奥司他韦ICU菌血症流行病学及抗菌药物敏感性分析

    Oseltamivir Phosphate : A Front New Drug of Anti-A / H1N1 Flu Virus Epidemiology and Analysis of Sensitivity for Antibiotics of Bacteremia in Intensive Care Unit

  7. 对奥司他韦具有耐药性的病毒仍是零星和罕见的,而且并无证据表明对奥司他韦具有耐药性的H1N1大流行性流感病毒正在社区或全球范围内传播。

    Cases of oseltamivir-resistant viruses continue to be sporadic and infrequent , with no evidence that oseltamivir-resistant pandemic H1N1 viruses are circulating within communities or worldwide .

  8. 许多发达国家储备了药物奥司他韦(oseltamivir)和扎那米韦(Zanamivir)。它们是阻止H5N1病毒繁殖药物的两个品种。

    Many advanced countries stock up on oseltamivir and zanamivir , two varieties of the same class of drugs that stops the H5N1 virus from multiplying .

  9. 对照组均予口服磷酸奥司他韦胶囊,75mg/次,一天两次,观察其临床疗效。

    The control groups were treated with oral Oseltamivir Capsules , 75mg / time , twice a day .

  10. 重症监护病房监护治疗下给予奥司他韦抗病毒治疗、糖皮质激素治疗及对症支持治疗,2例患者最终抢救无效死亡。结论:甲型H1N1流感需早期诊断、早期治疗。

    In intensive care unit ( ICU ), oseltamivir , corticosteroid treatment and supportive treatment were given , finally 2 patients died . Conclusion : Influenza A H1N1 should early diagnosis and early treatment .

  11. 世卫组织已提出发送奥司他韦(oseltamivir),一种抗病毒药物,既可用于预防以减少人类感染和疾病的危险,也可用于治疗。

    WHO has offered to send oseltamivir , an antiviral drug that can be used prophylactically , to reduce the risk of human infection and disease , as well as therapeutically .

  12. 在为了禽流感瘟疫大爆发进行的准备中,各国还没有发现有效的疫苗。现在它们在互相比赛着来囤积奥司他韦(oseltamivir),这是瑞士罗氏公司的专利药,商品名达菲(Tamiflu)。

    In preparation for a bird flu pandemic and in the absence of a vaccine , countries are racing to stockpile the flu drug oseltamivir , which Roche produces under the trade name Tamiflu .

  13. 这两个病例均被Zagazig发热医院收治并使用奥司他韦进行治疗,目前病情稳定。

    Both cases were admitted to Zagazig Fever Hospital where they received oseltamivir and are in a stable condition .

  14. 所有这些病毒都呈现出同样的H275Y变异,对奥司他韦抗病毒药物产生了耐药性,但却并不对扎那米韦抗病毒药物具有耐药性。

    All of these viruses show the same H275Y mutation that confers resistance to the antiviral oseltamivir , but not to the antiviral zanamivir .

  15. 溶葡萄球菌复合酶1:5稀释后与病毒作用30min和磷酸奥司他韦治疗组的抗病毒效果最显著,且两者间差别无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    In test groups , both 1:5 complex lysostaphin interacted with virus for 30 minutes and oseltamivir treatment group were most effective , and there was no difference between these two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  16. 方法:60例流感疑似病例随机分为2组,治疗组30例口服奥司他韦2mg/(kg.次),2次/d,对照组30例静脉滴注利巴韦林10mg/(kg.d),疗程均为5d。

    Methods : 60 patients were divided into 2 groups randomly . Treatment group of 30 cases were given oseltamivir 2 mg / kg , twice daily by mouth ; control group of 30 cases were given ribavirin 10 mg / ( kg · d ) by vein .

  17. 4个耐药性病毒来自接受奥司他韦治疗的患者样本。

    Four were isolated from samples from patients receiving oseltamivir treatment .

  18. 抗病毒新药磷酸奥司他韦治疗流行性感冒的研究进展

    Advances in the research on new antiviral drug oseltamivir in treating influenza

  19. 奥司他韦治疗流感疑似病例疗效观察

    The curative effect of oseltamivir on borderline case of influenza

  20. 他被给予抗病毒药奥司他韦进行治疗。

    He was treated with the antiviral drug , oseltamivir .

  21. 奥司他韦的临床价值受到了质疑。

    The clinical value of oseltamivir has been questioned .

  22. 所有其它病毒显示对奥司他韦和扎那米韦都是敏感的。

    All other viruses have been shown sensitive to both oseltamivir and zanamivir .

  23. 大流行既然已经结束,世卫组织是否仍建议使用奥司他韦?

    Does WHO still recommend oseltamivir use now that the pandemic is over ?

  24. 这些病毒对奥司他韦具有耐药性,但对扎那米韦仍是敏感的。

    The viruses , while resistant to oseltamivir , remain sensitive to zanamivir .

  25. 世卫组织在今年7月首次收到关于大流行性流感病毒对奥司他韦具有耐药性的报告。

    WHO received the first report of an oseltamivir-resistant pandemic virus in July .

  26. 对奥司他韦的耐药性没有普遍发生。

    Resistance to oseltamivir did not become widespread .

  27. 6个耐药性病毒与使用奥司他韦治疗免疫功能严重低下患者有关。

    Six were associated with the use of oseltamivir treatment in patients with severe immunosuppression .

  28. 目的:观察磷酸奥司他韦治疗早期流感的疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of oseltamivir in the treatment of early influenza .

  29. 抗流感药物奥司他韦的结构确证

    Structure Confirmation of Anti-influenza Drug Oseltamivir Phosphate

  30. 我认为,早期向发展中国家分发储存的奥司他韦具有益处。

    I believe the early distribution of stockpiles of oseltamivir to developing countries was useful .